March Secretariat Meeting Minutes

March 6, 2015

In Attendance:
Bill Baley, Rob and Lynne Warmouth, Sheila Checkley, Donna Clark, Bill Brush, Ginny Mouawad, Mike Shellman, and Nancy Romero.
Communion and Opening Prayer:
Opening Prayer by Pastor Rob Warmouth, Head Spiritual Leader. Pastor Rob also read Luke 22:24 “…the disciples disputed among themselves as to which one of them was regarded to be greatest” and Romans 12:3 “…not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think…”
Communion was then shared by all.
President’s Report:
February Secretariat Meeting Minutes were motioned for approval by Rob Warmouth and seconded by Donna Clark.
March Secretariat Meeting started 30 minutes earlier than normal time of 7:00 PM, due to Bill Baley having a prior engagement at the same time as the Secretariat Meeting.
Bill Baley said the 7 unit shower stall trailer, to be used for the Men’s and Women’s Weekends, OCTD 31 and 32, will be delivered to The Salvation Army on Thurs. March 12th and stay on site until Sun. March 22nd.
Because Eddie Mouawad could not attend the Secretariat meeting, Eddie proposed via an email dated March 4th“the Community be asked for “love offerings” to help cover the shower rental expenses and not have our generous Godly President, Bill Baley, pick up the tab on his own”. Eddie motioned this request and it was second by Sheila Checkley.
Bill Baley handed out “Weekend Logistics Changes” for OCTD 31 and 32. Due to time limit, Bill said these items would be discussed at the 4thTeam Meeting on March 7, being held at The Salvation Army.
Bill also handled out the latest list of Men’s and Women’s Candidates and asked Pastor Rob to lead the Secretariat in prayer for each Candidate by name as well as Table Leaders.
Rectora’s Report:
Rectora Donna Clark said all the practice Rollo’s have been completed and the 4thTeam Meeting would primarily be for training. Donna said she would remind the Women’s Team if they had not already done so, Team Fees are due. Anyone who could not pay Team Fees would be asked to let Donna know. To date 65% of the Women’s Team have paid their Team Fees and 17 Women on the Team have not paid. The Women’s Team would also be reminded to bring money for flower’s Mananitas (Flower Shower).
Donna confirmed on the Women’s Weekend there are 49 on the Team, 2 Clergy, and 25 Angels. Donna emailed Angels the Angel SOP Guidelines when Women expressed an interest to serve as an Angel.
Donna said she also requested from George Cripps a count of usable air mattresses.
Rector’s Report:
Rector Bill Brush said there are 13 Candidates and there are 38 on the Men’s Team, 3 Clergy and 8 Angels. There are 6 pending Team Fees and one scholarship will be used.
There are two more Rollo’s needed to be done at the 4thTeam Meeting on March 7th. Also at this meeting Men’s Team will be reminded of pending Team Fees. Bill said Serenade sign ups was going well and Candidate Prayer Partner’s will need to be assigned.
Bill said he has been trying to reach out to Candidates to welcome them to OCTD 31.
Donna Clark said she was not aware of this practice, but would also start calling the 14 Women’s Candidates.
Also at the 4thTeam Meeting a tour of The Salvation Army facility would be done by the Men’s Team.

Bill Baley had to leave for his previous engagement.
Financial Report:
Treasurer Sheila Checkley said the Men’s Cook would receive an additional $160 due to the number of Team/Candidates total increased to the 51-60 range.
Sheila said a check was written for the rental of the Shower Trailer Unit to be used at The Salvation Army.
Other Business:
It was acknowledged by the Secretariat that the February OCTD News was a great newsletter. It was noted the newsletter had the Fiesta date of April 4that Red Hill Lutheran Church, which is incorrect. Rector Bill and Rectora Donna would announce at the 4thTeam Meetingthe correct Fiesta date of March 28that The Salvation Army.
The rest of the meeting was spent in prayer for the Candidates and the Table Leaders, as the Secretariat each took turns praying for the Candidates, their families and the Table Leaders.
Closing Prayer- By Pastor Rob Warmouth.

Coming Event Reminders:

Men's Weekend -March 12th - 15th
Women's Weekend - March 19th - 22nd
Thurs. March 12th - 7:30 PM to 8:15 PM.Candidates arrival time.This is a revised time.
Thurs. March 12th 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Sponsors Hours
Fri. March 13th by 2 PM. Pilgrim Palanca needed by this time.
Sat. March 14th 6:00 PM. Community arrives for Serenade.
Sat. March 14th 7:00 PM. Serenade begins.
Sat. March 14th 8:00 PM. Community arrives for pre-Candlelight events.
Sat. March 14th 9:00 PM Candlelight begins.
Sun. March 15th 5:30 AM Mananitas arrival time
Sun. March 15th 6:00 AM Mananitas begins.
Sun. March 15th 3:30 PM Closura
Sat. March 28th Fiesta 6 PM
The location for all the listed events is:
The Salvation Army
10200 Pioneer Road
Tustin Ranch 92782

Hope you can support the Men's Weekend by attend all or most of the events listed above.