HyTASP Program Committee Meeting Minutes
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
Gaylord Opryland – Cheekwood GH
Time 1830 - 2130
Monday, January 9, 2012
Nashville, TN
· Attendees: Serhat Hosder (Missouri S&T), Luca Maddalena (UT-Arlington), Kristen Roberts (Lockheed Martin), Mark Lewis (UMD), Gillian Bussey (UMD), David Van Wie (JHU/APL), Steve Schneider (Purdue), Tim Wadhams (CUBRC), Robert Bakos (ATK GASL), Isaiah Blankson (NASA/Glenn), Frederick Ferguson (ARO & NCAT), Charles Suchomel (AFRL/RBAH), Kevin Kremeyer (PM & AM Research), Nathan Tichenor (PM & AM Research), Hassan Hassan (N.C. State Univ.), Claudio Bruno (UTRC), Dave Stallings (Retired), Jeff Donbar (AFRL/RZA), Doug Garrard (AEDC/ATA), Dan Marren (AEDC), Bob Pap (Accurate Automation), Marc Kniskern (Sandia), Peter Montgomery (AEDC/ATA), Tim O’Brien (Aerojet)
· Peter Montgomery called the meeting to order at 1915
· Peter Montgomery made several announcements regarding recent member recognitions and achievements. Adam Rasheed’s family is expecting another baby imminently. Mark Kniskern and Russell Boyce are both being promoted to Associate Fellow. Chris Goyne has recently been granted US citizenship. The HiFIRE team has been awarded the Von Karman Award – Kevin Bowcutt and Allan Paull will accept the reward. Adam Siebenhaar recently welcomed a new grandchild to his family.
· Bob Bakos presented a memoriam for Rob Engers who recently passed away due to ALS.
· Tim O’Brien submitted the minutes from the JPC meeting at the Hypersonic Space Planes Conference in August 2011 to the committee for approval. Dave Stallings recommended approval of the minutes. Dan Marren seconded. The minutes were then approved with unanimous consent of the committee.
· Peter Montgomery discussed the proposed agenda for the meeting and asked for any recommendations, receiving none.
· Open action items
o Public Policy Subcommittee to draft a white paper in support of continuing X-51 testing to bring to the full committee for review – Kevin Bowcutt to submit status at the JPC meeting – OPEN
o Peter Montgomery approved bringing the winning HyTASP logo to a professional artist to touch up – Working with AIAA to provide funding for touching up the logo by a professional artist (OPEN)
o All HyTASP members to think of further ideas to increase HyTASP conference attendance when held in the US – John Schmisseur is working to co-locate future AFOSR reviews with US conference. Peter Montgomery is coordinating with the Commercial Space TC to see if we can increase interest in attendance from the Commercial Space community. – CLOSED
o Peter Montgomery will follow up with Basil Hassan about any formal response to TAC regarding co-location of future HyTASP conferences – Peter Montgomery provided a status (see below) – CLOSED
o Dan Marren will try to boil down targets of opportunity for countries that are currently not represented on HyTASP – OPEN
o All HyTASP members: Consider whether the PC wants to get a newsletter going or coordinate with HSABP TC – OPEN
o All HyTASP member: Provide feedback to Peter Montgomery regarding a HyTASP Facebook page – No interest (CLOSED)
· John Schmisseur gave a brief presentation promoting an upcoming AFOSR workshop. He also discussed co-locating future AFOSR reviews with the HyTASP conference the next time it is in the US.
· Mark Smith gave a presentation on AEDC Arc Jet Test Support to Mars Science Laboratory TPS Development
· Peter Montgomery discussed the AIAA New Event Model Discussions currently on-going with the TAC. Peter was a member of a Tiger Team that put together a series of recommendations on a new model moving forward. Four models: current, consolidated (6 to 8 based on current large models), integrated (4 meeting approach), and unified (two big ones and defense). The current model is considered too fragmented and does not allow for a systems-view. The consolidated model is considered to be less fragmented, but still does not allow systems-view. The integrated model consisted of R&D, Aviation, Space, and Defense. This was considered a “clean sheet of paper” approach, resulting in significant change. The unified model was an extreme version with just two big conferences, which posed challenges with parallel sessions and conflict with topics. Surveys were given and tabulated with almost 1000 responses. The integrated model was selected to be the best model for growth, while allowing for a major topic. The new model is to use a “village” approach to handle the huge conference option, keep individual events in a localized area. The length of the conference is also an issue. A “wave” approach might be used to have relevant material grouped together along various periods in the conference. A general consensus from the TAC meeting is that something needs to change, but no consensus on the selected model. Basil Hassan is still looking for ideas, forward ideas to Peter to feed to TAC. Conference changes will not be happening immediately, earliest is likely 2014. This move is more in a view of relevance to the industry, not necessarily the cost. Kevin Kremeyer asked, “What trends are changing?” Peter Montgomery responded that the primary trend was that the average age of an AIAA member is 51 and rising. There are more people age 70+ than age 30-. Kevin Kremeyer asked, “Does this reflect the aerospace industry?” Peter Montgomery responded that it is part of the answer, but not the total answer. Middle managers do not see relevance, so they tend to drop out of AIAA. Technical content remains critical for conferences. The packaging will change, but the current content will not be eliminated. Kevin Kremeyer asked if RAC is involved in this decision process. Peter Montgomery responded that it was not initially, but it was brought up during the TAC meeting. Kevin Kremeyer responded that the fall off in the middle can also be due to families. Peter Montgomery reiterated that TAC has been putting a substantial amount of effort into this and is not taking it lightly.
· Subcommittee activities
o Steering (Peter Montgomery) – The subcommittee met at lunch. The deadline for the hypersonics award is Feb. 1st. We must have 3 nominations for consideration to give the award. If we miss the deadline, then the award will not be given this year. Concern: 1) hate to start off with no nominees, 2) the institute was not terribly interested in this to begin with. We believe a nominating committee would be helpful for the future. Please reach out to get this done. We cannot nominate someone on HyTASP and HSABP or a member within the last two years. If you have an interest in the nomination committee, let us know. Dave Van Wie asked who is currently on the membership list? Dan Marren responded it is not particularly clear right now. Peter Montgomery responded that the membership strategy is also being looked at. Dan Marren responded that we do not have a rotation strategy like TCs. Peter Montgomery responded that PCs are meant to be as broad as possible. Dan Marren will revisit the membership charter by next meeting. At the subcommittee meeting, the topic of a newsletter was discussed. The group is considering joining with the HSABP TC in a common newsletter. Tim O’Brien mentioned discussions in the HSABP TC meeting and that the TC is looking for material from the PC. All HyTASP Members: Please forward links to publicly available information so we can use in the newsletter. Peter Montgomery discussed the Lessons Learned Panel Sessions: these sessions invite experienced engineers and engineering students and bring them together to discuss past programs as an informal panel session. There is some discussion that we may try to do this at the upcoming JPC one evening.
o 2012 HyTASP Conference Update (Dave Van Wie) – AAAF/AIAA Space Planes and Hypersonics Conference is officially on. Abstracts due April 13th. The conference will be held 24-27 September 2012, in Tours, France (an hour south of Paris). Dave needs people to help out with the conference, to help get the call out for papers, and to provide ideas for speakers for the conference. The AIAA representatives organizing the conference are Megan Scheidt (sp?) and Carmela Brittingham (sp?).
o Liaisons report (Rob Vermeland) – Rob Vermeland, Leon McKinney, and Tim O’Brien attended. Rehashed HyTASP Steering Committee meeting held earlier in the day.
o Honors and awards (Balu Sekar) – Covered by Steering Committee
o Public Policy – Nothing to report
o Membership (Dan Marren) – Will send Tim O’Brien a report with the new members to be added to the minutes. Luca Maddalena from UTA, Arthur Mabbett from DARPA, and Mark Kniskern from Sandia have been added to the committee. Another candidate is also being considered.
· Our next meeting will be at the Joint Propulsion Conference in Atlanta.
· Status reports
All in attendance provided update reports on the activities of their organizations related to hypersonics and high speed airbreathing propulsion. Below is a summary of the information shared with the PC:
· Serhat Hosder (MST) – HiFIRE, uncertainty quantification (emphasis on reentry vehicles)
· Luca Maddalena (UTA) – screening project for reusable TPS, PDE, supersonic mixing and combustion, completed hypersonic shock tunnel, completed some work on transonic tunnel, 25th anniversary of aerodynamics research center
· Kristen Roberts (LM) – interested in learning more on hypersonics and space access
· Gillian Bussey (UMD) – going to graduate this year. Research area: unsteady effects on hypersonic inlets, still working with Tunnel 9. Mark Lewis’s last year on the Air Force advisory board, and as AIAA past president. UMD still has a number of graduate students.
· Steve Schneider (Purdue) – hypersonic transition, Mach 6 quiet tunnel, Sandia consultant, HTV-2 flights
· Tim Wadhams (CUBRC) – Mike Holden won the ground test award and gave the Culpeper lecture at HyTASP. LENS XX facility up and running – run to 40 MJ/kg (hope to get to 60) covers up to interplanetary return velocities. Tim’s interest is in BL transition, measuring instability waves in short duration facility, hoping to take to higher enthalpies.
· Bob Bakos (ATK/GASL) – Building HAPCAT (Mach 8 clean air facility), hoping to have first hot test in summertime. Circular X-51 flowpath testing. Long duration / short duration comparisons using a small research combustor.
· Isaiah Blankson (NASA/Glenn) – Looking at vehicles at high L/D for reentry using DSMC. Also looking to inject plasmas into liquids like hydrocarbon fuels. May have found a way to increase the cooling capacity of hydrocarbon fuels
· Chuck Suchomel (AFRL/RBAH) – Launch and reentry trajectory dynamics
· Kevin Kremeyer (PM & AM Research) – energy deposition ahead of vehicle to reduce drag and maneuvering. Further simulation and laboratory work being done. Working with an integrator to incorporate in a realistic air vehicle shape
· Nathan Tichenor (PM & AM Research) – helping with hypersonic wind tunnel test and helping to grow the company. Worked on cross-flow in scramjets at AFRL
· Dave Stallings (Retired) – still retired, still does some consulting, broke his finger and can’t play the guitar
· Jeff Donbar (AFRL/RZA) – Third flight of X-51 in 2012. Robust Scramjet 10X development, mimic in-flight distortion for direct-connect facility. Add kHz PLIF and PIV imaging capabilities to in-house diagnostic capabilities, two direct-connect facilities coming on-line to handle HC fuels.
· Dan Marren (AEDC/White Oak) – boost glide systems over the next two years (5 to 6 configurations), talked T&E and S&T into a 7 year combined effort to get students involved in testing
· Bob Pap (Accurate Automation) – Mach 2 to 7 wind tunnel still operating, UAV with flight control system fielded by the Navy, using passive combining of coherent lasers
· Tim O’Brien (Aerojet) – Working T3, SWEAP, Robust Scramjet 10X
· Peter Montgomery (AEDC/ATA) – upgrades to APTU are complete and it is back up and running. Arc heaters are extremely busy right now, looking to expanding run times and envelopes for arc heaters. Upgrades in range test facilities completed and back up and running.
The meeting was officially adjourned at 2112.
Respectfully submitted,
Tim O’Brien
Executive Secretary
HyTASP Program Committee
ACTION· Dan Marren – revisit membership charter by next meeting
· Public Policy Subcommittee to draft a white paper in support of continuing X-51 testing to bring to the full committee for review - Kevin Bowcutt to submit status at JPC.
· Peter Montgomery approved bringing the winning HyTASP logo to a professional artist to touch up. Will provide status at JPC.
· Dan Marren will try to boil down targets of opportunity for countries that are currently not represented on HyTASP.
· All HyTASP members: Consider whether the PC wants to get a newsletter going or coordinate with the HSABP TC.
· All HyTASP Members: Please forward links to publicly available information so we can use in the newsletter.
· Dan Marren: Will send Tim O’Brien a report with the new members to be added to the minutes.