Head Bulding (Second Floor)
Timetable / Topic / Speaker
14:00-14:45 / Fungal infections (FI); Phases and laboratory work flow in medical mycology laboratory: preanalytic stage (I), analytic stage (ii) and postanalytic stage (III): / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
14:45-15:30 / Preanalytic stageI
Appropriate sampling methods and laboratory tests; / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
15:30-16:15 / The collaboration between epidemiologists, clinicians and microbiologists-mycologists; The registry of HRP with FI / Prof. Dr. Sandra Šipetić Grujičić
Practical work: analytic stage in laboratory mycology
Institute of Microbiology and Immunology (Lab room II)
16:15-17:00 / Analytic stage II
Biosafety levels (BSLs) in medical mycology laboratory;
Video presentations and discussion / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Ass. Dr. Eleonora Dubljanin
Lab. tech. Goradana Sekesan
17:00-17:45 / Detection of yeasts and molds: macroscopy and Isolation
Student practical works / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Ass. Dr. Eleonora Dubljanin
Lab. tech. Goradana Sekesan
17:45-18:30 / Identification of yeasts and molds: biochemical, immunological and molecular approach
Student practical works / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Ass. Dr. Eleonora Dubljanin
Lab. tech. Goradana Sekesan
18:30-19:15 / Immunology-serology tests in the diagnosis of invasive FI
Student practical works / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Ass. Dr. Eleonora Dubljanin
Lab. tech. Goradana Sekesan
19:15-20:00 / Molecular tests (PCR) in the diagnosis of superfitial FI
Video presentations and discussion / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Ass. Dr. Eleonora Dubljanin
Lab. tech. Goradana Sekesan
Lecture: personalized-multidisciplinary approach in clinical mycology II
Head Bulding (Second Floor)
Timetable / Topic / Speaker
14:00-14:45 / Personalized approach in the prediction, diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections (FI) in haemathology high risk patients (HRP);Candidasis; The registry of HRP; / Prof. Dr Nada Vukovic Suvajdžić
14:45-15:30 / Personalized approach in the prediction, diagnosis and treatment of fubgal infections in HRP with respiratory diseases; Aspergillosis; The registry of HRP; / Prof. Dr. Predrag Minic
Practical work: post-analytic stage III in laboratory mycology
Laboratory for Parasitology and Mycology (Green Bulding-Immunology/Ground Floor)
15:30-16:15 / Postanalytic stage III
Antifngal susceptibility testing (AFST)
Student practical works / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Ass. Dr. Eleonora Dubljanin
Lab. tech. Marija Zivkovic
16:15-17:00 / The application of “diagnostics guided therapies“
Student practical works / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Ass. Dr. Eleonora Dubljanin
Lab. tech. Marija Zivkovic
17:00-17:45 / Properly interpretation of mycology test results;
Student - teacher interactiv works / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Ass. Dr. Eleonora Dubljanin
Lab. tech. Marija Zivkovic
17:45-18:30 / Clinical problem and laboratory based sollution:superficial FI
Problem-based learning:student - teacher interactiv work; / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Ass. Dr. Eleonora Dubljanin
Lab. tech. Marija Zivkovic
18:30-19:15 / Clinical problem and laboratory based sollution:invasive FI
Problem-based learning:student - teacher interactiv work;
Final exam / Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Ass. Dr. Eleonora Dubljanin
Lab. tech. Marija Zivkovic
ELECTIVE COURSE:MedicalMycology ,4th academic year, VII semester
Responsible teacher: Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Speakers:Prof. Dr.Valentina Arsić Arsenijević, Prof. Dr Nada Vukovic Suvajdžić, Prof. Dr. Predrag Minic, Prof. Dr. Sandra Šipetić Grujičić,Ass. Dr. Eleonora Dubljanin
Number of classes: 15 + 15 (total 30)
Number of students: minimum 5; maximum 20;
Condition:Passed Microbiology Exam
Maintenance of Course: Once during the 4thor the 5thacademic year, summer (VIII)semester,
Course structure: Seminars; Discussion of Clinical Cases; Practical work in Mycology laboratories
Objective of the course is:
overcome a personalized approach in the prediction, diagnosis and treatment of superficial and invasive fungal infections (FI) in high-risk hematology and pulmonary patients (HRP)
introduction with modern diagnostic capabilities in medical mycology
interpretation of diagnostic algorithms and mycological tutorial
introduction with national epidemiology and ecology of fungi
Knowledge testing:
Entrance test (clinical problem);
Output test (discussion of diagnosed cases)
Course Structure:
Lectures5 hours
Educational content - Web search scientific papers and presentationsabout superficial and invasive FI; Possibilities of proper prediction, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of superficial and invasive FI;
Individual work student-mentor;
Practical work 10 hours
Case Report: The way of fungal transmission ;
Appropriate sampling methods and laboratory tests;
Personalized approach in the prediction, diagnosis and treatment of superficial and invasive FI in HRP;
Biosafety levels (BSLs)in medical mycology laboratory;
Phases and laboratory workflow in medical mycology laboratory (I, II and III):
I Preanalytic
the personalized approach in HRP;
proper sampling and processing of clinical samples: superficial FI or invasive FI;
II Analytic
Isolation of yeasts and their macroscopic identification.
Isolation of mold (dermatophyte and non-dermatophyte)-macroscopicidentification.
Biochemical, immunological and molecular identification of yeasts and molds
Immunology-serology tests in the diagnosis of invasive FI
Molecular tests (PCR) in the diagnosis of superfitial FI
Antufngal susceptibility testing (AFST)
III Postanalytic
Properly nterpretation of mycology test results ;
Theapplication of“diagnostics guided therapies“
The close collaboration between epidemiologists, clinicians and microbiologists-mycologists
Theregistry of HRP with FI (sepsis and deep organs FI)
Course Evaluation:Questionnaire
References:Kern ME Medical Mycology – A Self Instructional Text