RandomizEd Trial of ENtERal Glutamine to minimIZE Thermal Injury

Nursing Procedures

Investigational Product Administration

1.  Determine the number of grams of the investigational product to be given to the patient and the dosing time according to the pharmacy orders and confirm per the Dosing Weight Chart, attached.

2.  At each dose time, pour the correct dose of the investigational product (IP) needed into a clean specimen cup.

3.  Per each 5 g of IP add 50 mL of sterile water/tap water (per your standard practice for enteral nutrition formulas) to the cup and mix well.

4.  Transfer the mixture into a syringe.

5.  Infuse the prescribed amount (for the dose time) through the feeding tube as boluses every 4 hours. Give via Nasogastric/Levine tube if the feeding tube is not in place. Flush with water.

6.  When the patient is tolerating oral feeds, mix the study intervention in appropriate liquid/food (apple juice, koolade or oatmeal) and give TID or QID with meals/snacks. There is flexibility with the timing of the boluses and they may be given according to the patient’s preference or RN discretion as long as:

a.  the patient receives the daily prescribed number of packets

b.  patient does not receive more than double the prescribed dose at any time

Do NOT mix the study intervention with orange juice, grapefruit juice or lemonade.

7.  Record the number of grams given at each scheduled interval over the 24 hrs period (according to flow sheet) on the Medication Administration Record as “RE-ENERGIZE supplement”.

8.  Do NOT stop the bolus infusion for procedures or surgery. In the event of a missed dose or interruption in the bolus, follow these steps:

9.  The bolus infusion is to be administered as close as possible to the scheduled time. In the event that there is a delay in the administration, the bolus will need to be shaken to re-suspend the powder.

10.  Keep all the unused packages in a bag with the patient’s ID on it and give to Research Coordinator.

11.  Inform the Research Coordinator of any interruptions in the boluses.

12.  Continue with administering boluses of the investigational product until 7 days after the last successful grafting procedure, or until ACU discharge or 3 months from ACU admission, whichever comes first (Research Coordinator to notify when this will be).


IP Investigational Product

ACU Acute Care Unit (burn unit or ICU)