Multiple Strategy Action PlanTraining Model

Action Plan for Hypothetical Middle School (HMS)

Goal(High Priority Systemic Challenge; GQ #6 )
Ensure that there is a system within the school that fully ensures a safe and supportive environment for all students.
Deficiencies(now listed in the CP web app on“View Action Plans”)and Root Causes
(Root Causes are NOT documented in the CP web app but are part of the Guided Planning Structure; note that in this example, planners determined that the three deficiencies had the same root cause)
Deficiency: The principal, all other educators, and the school community DO NOT support an equitable learning environment, including instructional differentiation, appropriate challenges, OR supporting interventions. (Deficiency G)
Root Cause: The majority of educators in the school believe that the “baggage” economically-disadvantaged students bring with them to school prevents these students from achieving or exceeding projected growth targets; consequently, this attitude has resulted in the allocation of intellectual and material resources to economically-disadvantaged students at the minimal level required by regulations.
Deficiency: The principal and all other educators HAVE NOT implemented a positive behavioral support system that includes a response team for the implementation of positive and proactive supports and interventions. (DeficiencyI)
Root Cause: The majority of educators in the school believe that the “baggage” economically-disadvantaged students bring with them to school prevents these students from achieving or exceeding projected growth targets; consequently, this attitude has resulted in the allocation of intellectual and material resources to economically-disadvantaged students at the minimal level required by regulations.
Deficiency: Appropriate diagnostic, intervention and referral services ARE NOT implemented by the principal, district administrators, and all other educators for school age students OR preschool age students with disabilities. (DeficiencyJ)
Root Cause: The majority of educators in the school believe that the “baggage” economically-disadvantaged students bring with them to school prevents these students from achieving or exceeding projected growth targets; consequently, this attitude has resulted in the allocation of intellectual and material resources to economically-disadvantaged students at the minimal level required by regulations.
Indicators of Effectiveness
Formative/Interim / Data Source
Include dates of implementation / Specific numeric targets that will indicate the action plan is having a positive impact on student achievement or performance.
Annual / PVAAS growth data based upon 2015PSSA Math and Reading results / 85% of all PVAAS reported grade levels willhave met or exceeded the standard for PA Academic Growth in math and reading.
Annual / PVAAS growthdata based upon 2016 PSSA Math and Reading results / 90% of all PVAAS reported grade levels will have met or exceeded the standard for PA Academic Growth in math and reading.
Annual / PVAAS growthdata based upon 2017 PSSA Math and Reading results / 95% of all PVAAS reported grade levels will have met or exceeded the standard for PA Academic Growth in math and reading.
Interim / Jan/2015 CDT Results in Reading and Math / 85% of all students willmeet or exceed projected scores in math OR reading.
Interim / May/2015 CDT Results in Reading and Math / 85% of all students will meet or exceed projected scores in math OR reading.
Interim / Jan/2016 CDT Results in Reading and Math / 90% of students involved in at least one intervention program will meet or exceed projected scores in math OR reading.
Interim / May/2016 CDT Results in Reading and Math / 90% of students involved in at least one intervention program will meet or exceed projected scores in math OR reading.
Interim / Jan/2017 CDT Results in Reading and Math / 95% of students involved in at least one intervention program will meet or exceed projected scores in math OR reading.
Interim / May/2017 CDT Results in Reading and Math / 95% of students involved in at least one intervention program will meet or exceed projected scores in math OR reading.
Teacher Expectations and Student Achievement (TESA)
Implement the Teacher Expectations and Student Achievement Program developed by the Los Angeles County Office of Education. TESA is a research-based, professional education program that focuses on maintaining high expectations for all students and involves a behavioral change program that helps educators interact more equitably with all students. The staff development allows teachers to identify their expectations for students and to acknowledge that they may be interacting differently with students who are perceived as low performing. The development focuses on guiding teachersto change their behaviors through the implementation of specific instructional strategies that improve three main areas of teaching behaviors: questioning, feedback, and student self-esteem. Teachers will collect and analyze data to monitor changes in their interactions with students. Research indicates that TESA improves interactions between educators and students by raising awareness of how teachers’ expectations affect student achievement and self-concept, increases student achievement and improves classroom climate, and builds collegial team partnerships by providing peer support for participants. A TESA Leadership Team led by the Principal will be trained in all aspects of the TESA program and will be charged with implementing the program with all HMS teachers, counselors, and paraprofessionals.
Academic Support Program (ASP)
Create an ASP Leadership Teamto oversee the development and implementation of various academic support programs and an Early Identification Program charged with identifying at-risk students and assigning interventions; the ASPLeadershipTeam will require and monitor communication between program staff members and parents of at-risk students and will monitor the academic progress of the identified students, all to ensure a more supportive environment for all of our students. The Team will be led by the Principal and be comprised of an additional building administrator, one guidance counselor, the Special Education Coordinator, and four teachers elected by their peers.A social worker with administrative experience working with disadvantaged youth will be hired as 12-month ASP Coordinator to manage the day-to-day operation of an Early Identification Program (EIP) and a Student Assistance Program (SAP), and fill a role in supporting tutoring and mentoring programs. Teachers and guidance counselor will receive a stipend(TBD) for participation on the ASP LeadershipTeam.
  • Early Identification Program (EIP): Create a program that incorporates a variety of data sources, including diagnostic assessment results, which allow teachers, administrators, and other school staff members to identify students at risk prior to or soon after their arrival at HMS and to prescribe and monitor the effectiveness of interventions for individual students during their three years at HMS.
  • Student Assistance Program (SAP): A comprehensive system of behavioral support will target students with significant behavioral/environmental challenges that are interfering with academic achievement; support will be integrated with academic support strategies and will include mental health and social services interventions when appropriate. The SAP Team will utilize EIP diagnostic processes and other to-be-determined processes to identify students with significant behavioral and/or environmental challenges that significantly diminish a child’s ability to achieve and to prescribe appropriate interventions based upon EIP guidelines; the SAP Team will identify and contact mental health and social service agencies to identify and secure resources and interventions that will be provided to students assigned to the SAP; the SAP will identify policies, procedures, and protocols related to receiving students into the SAP, assigning students to intervention programs and other services, communicating with both parents and teachers of students in the Program, communicating with outside agencies, and obtaining and disseminating achievement and behavioral data as per EIP protocols
  • Peer Tutoring Program (PTP):Using EIP protocols, identified at-risk students will be paired with peer tutors under the supervision of a certified teacher-docent that will facilitate the academic support of at-risk students by the tutor.
  • Student Mentoring Program (SMP): Using EIP protocols, identified at-risk students will be matched with certified teachers who will be responsible for monitoring the academic progress of their mentees on a daily basis; mentors will also be responsible for providing regular and structured feedback to the ASP Leadership Team.

Action (Implementation) Steps
(What follows is the implementation component/program management tool, i.e. the “to-do” list)
(1) Presentation of the DRAFT 2014-2017 Improvement Plan to the Faculty
Description: The details of the Action Plans in the 2014-2017 SIP, including the data-based rationale for the selection of strategies in this Action Plan, will be presented at the March 2014 Faculty Meeting; feedback will be collected for use by the SIP Planning Team
Indicator of Implementation: Completed meeting feedback sheets
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal W. Marsalis
Implementation Start Date: / 3/13/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 3/13/2014
(2) Initial Resource Commitments from District and Other Sources
Description: In collaboration with the Assistant Superintendent and the district’s Federal Program Coordinator, the HMS administrative team will identify and confirm staffing and facility parameters for each of the identified strategies and will obtain tentative funding and HR allocation commitments for each of the strategies, to include commitments for the addition of one non-teaching, professional staff position and for stipends for teachers performing work beyond their contracted responsibilities.
Indicator of Implementation: Email from Asst. Superintendent indicating support for the Action Plan
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal W. Marsalis
Implementation Start Date: / 2/19/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 3/19/2014
(3) Complete and Submit Personnel Requisition to Fill Proposed New Social Worker Position
Description: Complete and submit personnel requisition to fill the proposed new social worker position (ASP Coordinator) by 7/1/2014
Indicator of Implementation: Signed Requisition
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal’s Secretary M. Brode
Implementation Start Date: / 3/19/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 3/28/2014
(4) Prepare for Presentation of SIP atthe May School Board Meeting
Description: Prepare and submit all needed documents requiring Board review and approval to the Board Secretary by 4/16/2014; prepare PowerPoint and other materials for Board presentation
Indicator of Implementation: Folder containing all required documents
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal W. Marsalis
Implementation Start Date: / 3/19/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 4/16/2014
(5) School Board Approval of School Improvement Plan
Description: After review and discussion, the Board will need to approve the SIP in order for implementation to begin
Indicator of Implementation: Board Minutes indicating approval
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Superintendent A. Walker
Implementation Start Date: / 5/6/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 5/6/2014
(6) Hire ASP Coordinator
Description: HR will provide suitable candidates and one will be selected to fill the SAP Coordinator position
Indicator of Implementation: Offer letter to final candidate
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal W. Marsalis
Implementation Start Date: / 5/7/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 6/13/2014
(7) Faculty Selects Representatives on the ASP Leadership Team
Description: An election will be held during the May Faculty Meeting to select four teachers who will each serve for one year on the ASP Leadership Team
Indicator of Implementation: Email sent to school staff members containing the names of teachers selected
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal W. Marsalis
Implementation Start Date: / 5/8/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 5/8/2014
(8) Formation of ASP Leadership Team
Description: The HMS administrative team will contact and confirm the requirements associated with serving on the ASP Leadership Team and will confirm the commitment of the various professional staff members who, if confirmed by the Superintendent, will meet on a bi-weekly basis (beginning September 2014) as ASP Leadership Team members.
Indicator of Implementation: Email to Superintendent containing the names and qualifications of the proposed members of the ASP Leadership Team
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal W. Marsalis
Implementation Start Date: / 5/8/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 5/15/2014
(9) Identify and Confirm EIP Development Committee
Description: Contact and obtain the commitment of the SP ED Supervisor, one AP, and two SP ED teachers to serve on a committee that will develop EIP systems and protocols; the Asst. Super will be an ex officio member of the committee.
Indicator of Implementation: Email to Asst. Super confirming members of the EIP Development Committee
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal W. Marsalis
Implementation Start Date: / 5/8/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 5/9/2014
(10) Register for TESA Training for HMS Administrative Team
Description: Register for TESA Training with a Los Angeles County Office of Education authorized trainer for July (dates TBD) for all four building administrators
Indicator of Implementation: Confirmation Document
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal’s Secretary M. Brode
Implementation Start Date: / 5/8/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 5/9/2014
(11) Reserve Location and Resources for ASP Leadership Team Retreat
Description: Reserve room at the IU for the retreat for two days TBD between 6/16/2014 and July 3; arrange for lunch to be delivered; arrange for provision of materials needed for the retreat (projector and screen, WIFI access, flip charts, etc.)
Indicator of Implementation: confirmation email from IU
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal’s Secretary M. Brode
Implementation Start Date: / 5/8/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 5/9/2014
(12) Arrange Travel and Accommodations to Attend TESA Training for HMS Administrative Team
Description: Obtain airline tickets to and hotel reservations near the LACOE training site for the HMS Administrative Team
Indicator of Implementation: Confirmation Documents
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal’s Secretary M. Brode
Implementation Start Date: / 5/12/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 5/17/2014
(13) Design EIP Systems and Protocols
Description: Meeting as frequently as may be needed, the EIP Development Committee will design the diagnostic process that will be used to identify at risk students, to include identification of the various diagnostic tools that will be required; will design the systems including staff assignments that will generate the diagnostic data needed to identify at risk students; and create the protocols that will be required to use diagnostic data to assign appropriate academic support programs and other interventions and to monitor the effectiveness of assigned interventions in order to adjust support for individual students. An EIP Procedural Manual will be developed.
Indicator of Implementation: EIP Procedural Manual
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Asst. Principal H. Ford
Implementation Start Date: / 5/12/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 7/31/2014
(14) Superintendent’s Approval of ASP Leadership Team Members
Description: Superintendent will review the proposed membership of the ASP Leadership Team and will approve the team if she believes the team meets her expectations.
Indicator of Implementation: Email containing approval
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Superintendent A. Walker
Implementation Start Date: / 5/15/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 5/22/2014
(15) First ASP Leadership Team Meeting
Description: the ASP Team will meet to receive an overview of what is required by this Action Plan, to ask clarifying questions, and to establish the agenda for the ASP Leadership Team Retreat.
Indicator of Implementation: ASP Leadership Team Retreat Agenda
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal W. Marsalis
Implementation Start Date: / 5/28/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 5/28/2014
(16) ASP Leadership Team Retreat
Description: the ASP Team will develop the initial systems and protocols that will be used to develop and manage a system of interventions for at risk students, to include a diagnostic subsystem that identifies such students early in their tenure at HMS. The initial systems and protocols that will serve as the basis for subsequent development of the SAP will also be developed. (Dates of 2-day Retreat TBD)
Indicator of Implementation: Minutes of Retreat
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal W. Marsalis
Implementation Start Date: / 6/16/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 7/3/2014
(17) TESA Training
Description: The HMS Administrative Team will complete a three-day TESA training program in order to become certified TESA trainers (Dates of Training TBD)
Indicator of Implementation: TESA Trainer certification documents for each member of the admin team
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal W. Marsalis
Implementation Start Date: / 7/7/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 8/1/2014
(18) Develop EIP Overview and Training for Faculty
Description: The EIP Development Committee will meet to develop an EIP Training Plan for implementation during the 2nd inservice day as well to develop and produce all needed training materials including electronic copies of the EIP Systems and Protocols Manual for access to all teachers.
Indicator of Implementation: Documented training plan
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Asst. Principal H. Ford
Implementation Start Date: / 8/1/2014 / Target Completion Date: / 8/20/2014
(19) TESA Implementation Planning Meeting
Description: The HMS Administrative Team will meet to develop a detailed plan for the implementation of the TESA program at HMS
Indicator of Implementation: Documented implementation plan
Person Responsible for Managing and Monitoring the Action Step / Principal W. Marsalis