An analytical solution of the hyperbolic heat conduction equation for the case of a finite medium symmetrically heated on both sides
M. Lewandowskaa, L. Malinowskib*
aInstitute of Physics, Szczecin University of Technology, 70-311 Szczecin, Al. Piastów 48, Poland
bFaculty of Maritime Technology, Szczecin University of Technology, 71-065 Szczecin, Al. Piastów 41, Poland
*Corresponding author E-mail address: (L. Malinowski); tel.: +48 91 4494827; fax: +48 91 4494488
This paper presents an analytical solution of the hyperbolic heat conduction equation for the case of a thin slab symmetrically heated on both sides. In the mathematical model adopted, the heating is treated as an internal heat source with capacity dependent on coordinate and time, while walls of the slab are assumed to be insulated. The solution is obtained by Laplace transforms method taking advantage of the method of superposition. The analytical solution is validated by comparison with the results from a numerical model.
athermal diffusivity
cpspecific heat at constant pressure
gcapacity of internal heat source
Ilaser incident intensity
Irarbitrary reference laser intensity
I0modified Bessel function, 0th order
kthermal conductivity
lthickness of the slab
Ldimensionless thickness of the slab
L-1inverse Laplace operator
Rsurface reflectance
sLaplace variable
tiduration of laser pulse
tkrelaxation time of heat flux
Tm, T0arbitrary reference temperatures
unity step function
wspeed of heat propagation
xCartesian coordinate
Xdimensionless Cartesian coordinate
dimensionless absorption coefficient
Dirac delta function
dimensionless rate of energy absorbed in the medium
absorption coefficient
dimensionless temperature
dimensionless time
dimensionless duration of laser pulse
dimensionless capacity of internal heat source
constant coefficients related to the dimensionless capacity of internal heat
frequency of a periodic heat source
transformed variable
Keywords: Hyperbolic equation of heat conduction; Finite medium; Analytical solution; Laplace transforms method; Superposition method
1. Introduction
In highly unsteady situations, the parabolic heat conduction equation based on the Fourier law fails, so the need for more adequate model of heat conduction, which permits the finite speed of heat flux, has arisen. There have been numerous attempts to formulate a new model in the literature [1-4], but it seems that, at present, the most frequently used is the hyperbolic model of heat conduction introduced by Cattaneo [5]. This model owns its popularity to simplicity and effectiveness. Various cases of hyperbolic heat conduction in a finite medium were studied analytically [6-12] and numerically [10, 13-15]. Recently, Torii et al. [16] solved numerically the case of a thin film subjected to a symmetrical heating on both sides. In this paper, we solve the same problem analytically by the method of Laplace transforms.
2. Model
We consider a thin slab of thickness L, initially at temperature , with constant thermophysical properties and insulated walls. At time , laser heat generation starts at both walls of the slab, giving rise to two thermal waves travelling in opposite directions. The temperature field in the slab can be described by the following hyperbolic equation of heat conduction
where tk is the relaxation time which represents a delay of the heat flow after a temperature gradient has been imposed. The relaxation time is related to the speed of propagation of thermal wave in the medium, w,by
The heat source term in Eq. (1) is modelled as
and are the capacities of the internal heat sources acting at the left-hand side wall and at the right-hand side wall of the slab, respectively. Eq. (3b), used by Blackwell [17] and Zubair et al. [18], describes internal absorption of laser radiation. For convenience of subsequent analysis, we introduce the following dimensionless quantities
Eq. (1) is expressed in terms of the dimensionless variables (4a)-(4d) as
The dimensionless forms of Eqs. (3a)-(3c) are
The dimensionless initial conditions for the present problem are
The dimensionless boundary conditions are
Eq. (7b) is derived from the energy conservation equation on the assumption that there is no heat flow in the body at the initial moment.
3. Analytical solution
The boundary value problem of Eqs. (5), (6a) - (6f), (7a), (7b), (8a), and (8b) is solved by the method of Laplace transforms. At first, we solve Eq. (5) for
to obtain the solution . Next, we solve Eq. (5) for
to obtain the solution . Finally, as the problem is linear, we superimpose the two solutions
We substitute Eq. (6b) for in Eqs. (5) and (7b) to obtain, respectively
Taking the Laplace transform of Eq. (11) and using the initial conditions given by Eqs. (7a) and (12), yields
Transforming the boundary conditions given by Eqs. (8a) and (8b) gives
The solution of Eq. (13) satisfying boundary conditions (14a) and (14b) is the function
To invert Eq. (15a) and find the time solution, we expand the terms and in binominal series
Moreover, we use the following pair of transforms
The inverse Laplace transform of solution (15a) is
4. Solutions for special cases of heat source capacity
The RHS of Eq. (18c) can be considerably simplified for some particular forms of [20]. Below, there are presented expressions for for the cases examined in this paper.
4.1. Instantaneous source,
4.2. Source of time independent strength,
4.3. Rectangular pulse source,
4.4. Periodic source,
5. Validation of the solution
The analytical solution given by Eqs. (10), (18a) - (22e) was validated by a numerical solution of the problem given by Eqs. (5), (6a) – (6c), (7a) - (8b). The MacCormack algorithm [19] was used. Agreement between the analytical and numerical solutions was very good. We additionally confirmed the correctness of our results by using the energy balance equation for the whole slab
We also compared our results with those reported by Torii et al. [16] and found some discrepancies between them. Moreover, we found some errors in the paper by Torii et al. [16]. It seems that in the caption to Fig. 2, the equation should read . In the caption to Fig. 3, the equation should read . In the captions to Figs. 4 - 9, it should be , not . In Figs. 4a and 4b, should be equal to 0.01, not 0.1. In the caption to Fig. 6, it should be , , not , .
6. Sample calculations and discussion
Using our analytical solution, we performed sample calculations of temperature profiles in the slab for all considered types of heat source and chosen values of: , and other parameters concerning a particular type of heat source. The results of calculation are presented in Figs. 1(a) - 3(b). The heat waves excited at the vicinity of both side surfaces of the slab travel in the opposite directions, superimpose, and reflect back and forth between the surfaces. It is worth noting that the heat wave travels the distance of x in time of . Taking into account Eqs. (2), (4a), and (4b) we obtain . So, the heat wave covers the distance of L in time equal to L.
Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) displays the time-dependent temperature distribution in the slab for the instantaneous heat sources for which (par. 4.1). It is difficult to model numerically, with good accuracy, such a source, but in the analytical solution, the function takes quite a simple form. Torii et al. did not consider the instantaneous heat sources in their work [16]. It is seen in. Fig. 1(a) that the fronts of both waves meet in the middle of the slab for . They meet for all times calculated from the equation for .
Temperature profiles for the sources of time independent strength, (par. 4.2), are presented in Figs. 2(a) - (2c). For and (Fig. 2(a)), the heat produced by both sources is nearly evenly distributed through the slab which explains the flat temperature profiles for particular times. For large values of and/or L, the strength of heat generation varies a lot across the slab thickness that is manifested by substantial variation of temperature profiles (Figs. 2(b) and 2(c)). There are significant quantitative differences, growing with time, between the majority of results presented in Fig. 2(a) - 2(c) and the results for the same data sets reported by Torii et al [16]. The temperature profiles calculated from our model lie higher. For and , our results overlap with those presented by Torii et al.
Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) shows the temperature profiles in the slab for the rectangular pulse heat sources, , (par. 4.3). In the limiting cases of very small and very large values of , the time characteristic of the considered source becomes close to the time characteristic of the instantaneous source, or of the source of time independent strength, respectively. In Fig. 3(a) there is seen an overshooting of temperature for and , specific for the hyperbolic model of heat conduction.
For the periodic heat sources, , (par. 4.4), our results are the same as those reported by Tori et al [16]. For the case of pulsed heat sources considered by Torii et al. [16], we obtained higher values of temperatures; only for duration of the pulse equal to 5 the results are similar. In general, we observe better agreement between our and the Torii et al. results for large values of L and .
6. Conclusions
The problem of thermal response of a thin slab to a symmetric rapid heating in the vicinity of its both side surfaces is solved analytically. The results are validated by numerical calculations. The agreement is very good. The results are also compared with those obtained from a numerical model by Torii at al. [16]. In great part (especially for smaller values of L and ) our results are higher than those reported by Torii at al., probably because of inaccuracy in the Torii at al. calculations.
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Figure captions
Fig. 1. Temperature profiles in the slab for the instantaneous heat sources, . , . (a) , (b) .
Fig. 2. Temperature profiles in the slab for the heat sources of time independent strength, . . (a) , , (b) , , (c) , .
Fig. 3. Temperature profiles in the slab for the rectangular pulse heat sources, . , . (a) , , (b) , .