1.Creating a Receipt (Quantity)
When a UMass BuyWays purchase or service is completed, it is important to mark it as received. UMass will not pay the vendor until the item or service has been received in UMass BuyWays and the invoice is obtained in Disbursements.
Begin by:
  1. Clicking on the tab.In the Search field,
  2. Select the Purchase Order option from the Search drop-down list box.
  1. Enter the PO number in the Search field.
  2. Locate the purchase order you want to create a receipt for.
  3. Click the button.
A screen listing your purchase orders opens.

  1. Select the check box to the far rightof the purchase order and
/ Copying a Form
ching For a Vendor and Filling Out a Form
Procedures needed for this topic.
Searching For
  1. Select thefrom the Available Actions drop down box . and,
  2. Click on the button.
The receiving screen is displayed. A name for the receipt is automatically defaulted in the Receipt Name field.

If your department’s business process requires packing slip information be captured at the time of receipt,
  1. Enter the information in the Packing slip No. field.
  2. Provide, if desired, information for the remaining optional fields on the receipt header such as: Carrier or Tracking number.

1.Creating a Receipt (Quantity) — Continued
Once your updates are complete,
  1. Select the button to record your progress.
From the Receipt Lines section of the screen,
  1. Indicate the quantity of goods or services received for each of the purchase order line items.
  2. Select the button.
/ NOTE: UMass BuyWays will automatically display the quantity of goods or services available for receiving. For example, if you ordered 10 items and this is the first receipt,10 will be defaulted in the Quantity field. If you ordered 10 and had previously received 3 items, 7 would be defaulted in the Quantity field.
If you did not receive goods/services for a particular purchase order line, you can either indicate the receipt of “0” on the applicable lines or select the button.
2. Partially Receiving a Purchase Order (PO) /
  1. Viewing Past Receipts

This example will show how to receive a partial Purchase Order.
Let us say that 3 boxes of pencils and 2 boxes of pens were purchased.
  • On a particular date, only 1 box of pens and arrived with no pencils.
  • On another date, the boxes of pens arrive and the 3 boxes of pencils arrived.
Based on this example, you would…
  1. Change the quantity to reflect the number of items received and then,
  2. Select the button.
When the other items arrive, you would…
  1. Open the Purchase Order again and create another receipt.
  2. Enter the quantity of items received in this shipment and then
  3. Select the button.
If all items are NOT received, continue steps 3 and 4 until all items have arrived. /
  1. Click on the tab. In the Search field,
  2. Select the Receipts option from the Search drop-down list box.

  1. Select the date range you want to search from the Dates drop-down list box.

  1. Click the button.
Since we selected a date range of Last 7 days, a screen with a list of past receipts from the last 7 days appears.
Note: These are receipts anyone entered for your campus.