Hyman Fine PTO Meeting Notes – Thursday, November 10, 2016
Holiday Shop – Lynn Porto
- Friday 12/9, 5:30 – 8:00pm
- Chair – Donna Lewis
- Volunteers needed for the following prior to the event:
- Shopping for the gifts
- Organizing purchases
- Set up
- There will be the Mrs. Claus cookie sale table – Bakers & volunteers will be needed
- Requested high school Leo club students to help children with shopping and to do the gift wrapping
- Volunteers will be needed the night of the event
- Cash register check out
- Set up / Clean up
- Pam Schwieger will be setting up the Sign Up Genius Event for volunteer needs & sign ups
Principal’s Report– Mrs. Martin
- 33 additional Chromebooks are on order. 3 to each 1st grade classroom and the remainder to grades 2 & 3
- This year’s technology fundraising target is a new overhead projector for the auditorium
- Half Day Hat Day and the Estimation Station guessing game will continue to support the technology fund
- MCAS dates will be announced soon
- Our last After School Enrichment event, Dance Party, was a big success with 90 students in attendance. The next event is scheduled for November 30th and will be Legos.
- The Hawk Hero topic for November is “Responsibility”. Voice volumes also continue to be reinforced.
Spirit Items Update - Nicole Vassar
- Spirit Wear items will be for sale
- There is about a 2 week turnaround time from order placement to delivery
- Some products offered will be the following (subject to change):
- Clothing: T-shirts (short & long sleeve, kids sizes w/ large logo, adult sizes with smaller logo), sweatshirts, sweatpants
- Non-Clothing Items: water bottles, bumper stickers and/or car magnets, pens/pencils, travel coffee cups
- T-shirts to have the blue or orange color options
- Looking at the possibility of tying in the “Hawk Hero” theme to some items
Fundraising Update – Seri Batkin
- Scripps Gift Cards
- Initial order forms will be going home
- An enhancement this year is that you can order on-line. Additionally, cards can be re-loaded at any time and the $ still come back to the school
- Reminder that our school is available on Amazon Smile, just search for Hyman Fine.
- Additional options for Dine-In nights are being looked into
- Starting a monthly newsletter to keep families information of key information and upcoming events
Caring for a Cure – Jacki Emond & Shelley Fisher
- This charity was started by the nurses (which includes Jacki) at the MGH Cancer Center and has been brought to the PTO as a philanthropy project for the school
- Patients are often in the cancer center for prolonged periods of time for treatment and with patients having reduced immune systems, children are restricted to a waiting room area
- Caring for a Cure looks to find ways to improve the environment for both the children, visitors and patients
- Some suggested items for donation are as follows:
- $ to add kid-friendly items to the waiting room
- Kids magazines
- Activity packets
- Donate the original Square One Art designs completed by the students to decorate patient rooms