HW4: Mobile App tesTing (30 points)

This assignment aims to test the Geofenced Mobile App on the USC campus. The test is mainly about accuracy of geofencing, coupon receiving and coupon redemption, and power usage. Please record all your answers and all comments in each of the question below.

This is a two-step process:

1.  Finish your questions 1, 2, and 5, and emailto Doug Rosenberg at , with copies to Abdulkareem Alzahrani at , and Hasan Al Yousuf at

2.  You will receive a link to download the app, then you can finish your questions 3 and4 with the option of question 6.

Q1: General Information

a)  What is your Mobile Operating System?

£  Android

£  iOS

£  Windows

b)  What is your Mobile Device Type?

£  iPhone 6

£  iPhone 6 Plus

£  iPhone 4/4S

£  iPhone 5/5S

£  Google Nexus 5

£  Samsung Galaxy S5

£  Other: ______

c)  What is the Version of the Mobile App that you are testing (e.g. 0.9.1A)?


d)  What is your Desktop Internet Browser (used to access Trip Planner Website)?

£  Google Chrome

£  Internet Explorer

£  Safari

£  Other: ______

Q2: Build your trip plan (5 points)

The Trip Planner Website is where you create a trip plan select the locations/stores from USC MAP that you would like to receive coupons for. You may follow the steps below (Step a to Step f) to create a trip plan for at least the following USC six locations, preferably a minimum of 10 locations total. (These locations are already marked with red concentric circles on the USC MAP):

·  Instructional Media Services, IMS

·  Carson Center, CTV

·  Wallis Annenberg Hall, ANN

·  Vivian Hall, VHE

·  Seaver Science Library, SSL

·  Watt Hall, WAH

a)  Go to the Trip Planner Website (http://www.vresorts.com/FTBeta/tripPlanner/tripPlanner.html?map::USC).

b)  Create your own account on the Trip Planner Website by using login > create new account link and then login to the Website using the created account credential (This account credentials will be used also to login to the Mobile App).

c)  After you have logged in successfully, select USC from the upper left corner drop-down menu. Then, click on the “New Trip Plan” button. You will be prompted to enter the name of the new trip plan. You may enter any name for your testing (e.g. USCTestCourse). The following screenshot should clarify the process of creating a new trip plan.

d)  Once you create the Trip Plan successfully, you will notice that the upper right corner drop-down menu is changed to your newly created trip plan name.

e)  Now, you need to add the locations (make sure you include the red concentric circles on the USC MAP) to your trip plan. This is done simply by clicking on any of these locations on the USC Map. Once you click on a location, you will be prompted by that location information besides a link to add the location to your trip plan. Click on the “Add to Trip” Link and then you will be redirected to a successful message page. Click “OK” and then you will be back to your Trip Plan. Repeat these steps to add these six places to your trip plan. The following snapshots should clarify the process of adding locations to your trip plan.

f)  Make sure to switch the Notification button to “ON” for the locations/places that you would like to redeem coupons for. (It should be the six locations)

Now, you should have added all the places that you would like to receive coupons for. Please record your comments, concerns, issues and your results below.









Q3: Pre-Field-Test: App Basic Information (5 points)

a)  In this step, try to login to the Mobile App using your own account credentials that was created for the Trip Planner Website.

Were you able to login to the App Successfully?

£  Yes

£  No

b)  Were you able to see all the locations added through the Trip Planner Website?

£  Yes

£  No

Check if the above sentence is valid and correct for all locations and record your comments below:





Q4: Field-Test: App Notification, Geofencing, Power Usage and Exception Cases (10 points)

Now, it is time to do a field-test to assess the accuracy of the Geofencing and the Notification features. This is the core of the testing process. Before you start the testing, you first need to make sure that all the Notification switch are all flipped to “ON” for all the added locations (the six locations). In addition, record/log the Date, Time, and power (battery) level when you start the Field-Testing process and also when you stop the testing process.

a)  Before you start the testing, did you make sure that the Notification switch button is ON for the six locations?

£  Yes

£  No

b)  Record the Date and the Time before approaching any geofencing location (i.e. just before starting the field-testing process):

Date: ______Time: ______

c)  Note down the power usage percentage (i.e. just before starting the field-testing process):

·  If you are using iPhone, you may check that under Settings-> General->Usage->Battery Usage

·  If you are using Android, you may check that under Settings > Battery

Power Percentage: ______

d)  Try to walk in within the locations’ Geofences along Watt Way starting from Jefferson to Exposition. Record for each location and specify whether you have received the coupon for that location, and indicate whether the location was in visible range when you got the coupon notification. The coupon redemption password is “1234”

Building / Testing Results
Instructional Media Services, IMS
Carson Center, CTV
Wallis Annenberg Hall, ANN
Vivian Hall, VHE
Seaver Science Library, SSL
Watt Hall, WAH

e)  Did you receive multiple notifications at the same time? Did the app handle the simultaneous notifications properly through the notification manager on your device? Record your results and comments below.


f)  Once you get in a location geofence area, did you receive its coupon in a timely fashion? Record the fastest/worst/average duration of receiving the coupons (i.e. how many “minutes” or “seconds” you had to wait to receive the coupons when you passed by each location?). Record your results below.








g)  Were all the redemption process were successful? In other words, were you be able to see the coupon upon entering the password, which is “1234”.

£  Yes

£  No

h)  Once you redeem all the coupons, log/record the date and time which indicates the completion of field-testing process.

Date: ______Time: ______

i)  Note down the power usage percentage (i.e. just after completing the field-testing process):

Power Percentage: ______

j)  Check the power usage of the APP.

·  If you are using iPhone, you may check that under Settings-> General->Usage->Battery Usage

·  If you are using Android, you may check that under Settings > Battery

What is the percentage of your battery consumption? Do you think it is consuming too much power and is it causing Power Drainage? Record your answers and your comments below


Q5: Additional Testing: (10 points)

Create 5 additional test cases, briefly explain the test description and provide detailed results. These additional test cases could be testing corner cases, exception cases, worst-case scenarios, non-functional cases, or performance testing cases. For example, test the functionalities when turning OFF the WiFi or Turning OFF the Cellular Data.

Test description / Test results

Extra Credit (10 points)

This system will bill stores per-coupon redeemed. There is a “Partner Portal” where stores can publish coupons and pay their bills. We want to make sure our back-end system is hacker-proof. You are invited to try to hack into our billing system for extra credit.

Q6: Security and Ethical Hacking Practice

Try to access the Partner Portal website http://www.vresorts.com/FTBeta/partnerPortal/partner.html by creating a new Account and then login to it.

1- Can you view the offers of other accounts? Try to hack to the system and view other offers information. Write the security breaches that you exploited and show snapshots.

2- Can you view the transactions of other accounts? Try to hack to the system and view all transactions if possible. Write the security breaches that you exploited and show Snapshots.

3- Now, Try to modify some transaction information and shows how you did that (with snapshots).