HURLING RULES (main rules)

-3 steps and then do something (solo, shot, whack it, hit it on the ground or palm pass)

-solo it by bouncing on your stick

-can hit on the ground

-first stick on the ball, they get priority to get the ball

-lacrosse goals, no goalie.

-get it in the goal = 1 point (by whacking it or hitting it on the ground)

-arc that no one can go in

-can hit it in air but you HAVE to call it…the opponent has to back up and give you space

-palm pass…catch the ball off a solo from your stick then toss and hit the ball with your hand

-or you can solo it then whack it like a baseball

-start like hockey but ref throws it in and free for all

-after a goal, the team that was just scored on takes it from the back and just starts playing

-if you pass to a teammate and the ball hits the ground, keep playing (not necessarily a change of direction)

GAELIC RULES (main rules)

-4 steps and then do something (solo, bounce it, punch pass, drop kick, kick it on ground, shoot)

-solo: from your hands, drop it to your foot and back up to your hands…can do this more times in a row…so run 4 steps, solo, run 4 steps, solo etc

-punch pass: like a volleyball underhand serve (pass to teammate)

-bounce it: from your hands, bounce it on the ground then back to your hands…ONLY can do this once in a row…so run 4 steps, bounce, run 4 steps, do something else

-drop kick: drop the ball from your hands and kick it to a teammate

-shoot: drop kick it into the soccer goal or above the soccer goal

-soccer goal = 3 points

-field goal (above soccer goal) = 1 point

-ref throws it in to start play and it is a free for all

-after a goal is scored, the goalie just takes it

-can NOT pick the ball up from the ground with your hands

-from the ground, you can kick the ball like a soccer ball or you can “toe up” the ball to your hands

-opponent cannot take the ball from your hands (they can intercept a pass or shot or take it from your feet)

-shoulder to shoulder contact is ok

-if you pass to a teammate and the ball hits the direction, keep playing (not necessarily a change of possession)

RUGBY RULES (from how the rugby guys taught us)

-only lateral or backward passes…NO FORWARD PASSES

-pass to a girl before scoring

-you must touch it on the ground in the scoring box to have it count

-touching it on the ground is one point

-you cannot run the ball in, you must pass it in

-as a defender, you cannot be in the box

-two hand touch…this equals a change of possession

-if it changes possession, you get a free pass

-to start, the ref throws it in and it is a free for all

-can run as long as you want with the ball (no step restrictions)

-if you pass to a teammate and the ball hits the ground, it equals a change of possession

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