Skills for year 7 - the secondary perspective r the use of IT
Pupils should be enabled to: / Description / Pupils can / Exemplified Skills /
Explore / Access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources
Investigate, make predictions and solve problems through interaction with digital tool / ·  Use search engines as part of an effective research strategy
·  Describe how search results are selected and ranked
·  Acknowledge who resources belong to that have been found on the internet
·  Record in some detail the steps (the algorithm) that are required to achieve an outcome and refer to this when programming
·  Predict the outputs for the steps in an algorithm
·  Increase confidence in the process to plan, program, test and review a program
·  Write a program which follows an algorithm to solve a problem for a floor robot or other model
·  Write a program which follows an algorithm to achieve a planned outcome for appropriate programming software
·  Control on screen mimics and physical devices using one or more input and predict the outputs
·  Understand how sensors can be used to measure input in order to activate a procedure or sequence and talk about applications in society
·  Create variables to provide a score or trigger an action in a game
·  Link errors in a program to problems in the original algorithm / ·  Use the web safely being judgemental in what they find – not just cut and paste
·  Be able to research and rate the results (not just the first item!)
·  Have experience of sequencing and programming (with a variety of resources including Scratch)
·  Be able to start to solve a given problem without instruction
Express / Create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products / ·  Use sound, images, text, transitions, hyperlinks and appropriate programming software effectively to create presentations
·  Select appropriate data tool
·  Identify and present results
·  Interrogate a database, refining searches to provide answers to questions
·  Plan investigations using the outcomes from a data logger to show findings
·  Use the whole data process –generate, process, interpret, store, and present information – realising the need for accuracy and checking plausibility / ·  Produce picture, sound and video assets
·  Manipulate existing assets – resize, position, trim and re-purpose
·  Combine these assets into a presentation for a specific audience
Exchange / Communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digitally / ·  Identify the purpose for selecting an appropriate online tool
·  Agree sensible e-safety rules for the classroom
·  Discuss their own personal use of the Internet and choices they make including excessive use, personal information and password security
·  Discuss how to protect devices from virus threats
·  Discuss the importance of keeping an adult informed about what you’re doing online, and how to report concerns.
·  Explore using the safe and responsible use of online communication tools e.g. blogs, messaging
+ / ·  Use blogs, email and other services to communicate
·  Use cloud services to collaborate and share work
Evaluate / Talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability / ·  Evaluate the effectiveness of their own work and the work of others
·  Discuss audience, atmosphere and structure of a presentation or video / ·  Be able to evaluate and suggest improvements for their own and others work
·  Use spelling checker
·  Be able to proof read
·  Be able to add attribution to resources
·  Be able to assess sources for reliability, validity and bias
Exhibit / Manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly / ·  Identify appropriate forms of on line communication for different audiences
·  Collect information and media from a range of sources (considering copyright issues) into a presentation or program for a specific audience
·  Store outcomes of work online where they can be accessed by themselves and shared with others / ·  Use a password to access network
·  Use a file structure to save and access work
·  Use applications and storage in cloud storage (such as the Scratch online community)
Expound / Have knowledge of the hardware, software, networks and other processes used in Information Technology.
Have knowledge of how data is stored and used / ·  Describe different services provided by the Internet and how information moves around the Internet
·  Describe different parts of a computing device and how it connects to the
·  Internet. Connect a computing device to a keyboard, mouse or printer / ·  Be able to talk about the use of different of different hardware and software and the ways networks (including the Internet) allow us to accomplish different tasks

Work based on:

and the Somerset Primary Computing Progression at: