ASSESSMENT TOOL NAME: DOB: Based on the DVA Assessment and Clinical Pathway
______ALLERGIES: ______
Respiratory & Cardiovascular Assessment category
Nil problems
Chest Pain Palpitations Peripheral Cyanosis Ankle Oedema
Shortness of Breath On exertion At rest Oxygen Therapy
Heart rate: ______ Regular Irregular Blood Pressure______ Respirations______
Comments: ______
Sensory Assessment category
Eyes Nil problem/s
Glaucoma Cataracts Macular degeneration Glasses Contacts Legally blind Other
Ears Nil problem Tinnitus Hearing loss- Left Right Hearing aid- Left Right
Oral & Gastrointestinal Assessment category
Nil problem/s
Are there any conditions or problems of the mouth identified:
Specify: ______
Requires assistance with oral hygiene
Are any of these identified?
Dysphagia Appetite changes Altered taste or smell Weight loss Weight gain
Does someone monitor the client’s food and fluid intake? Yes / No
Is the client requiring Small frequent meals Thickened fluids
Does the client require a dietician review Yes No Referral attended Yes No
Bowel habits Normal consistency & frequency Constipated Diarrhoea Faecal incontinence
Comments: ______
Skin Integrity Assessment category
Nil problem/s
Rash Sensation deficit Dry Moist Other (specify) ______
Pressure ulcer (specify site & stage) ______
Pressure relieving/reduction devices in use: Bed Chair Other (specify) ______
WoundIf there is a wound: Complete a wound assessment
Musculoskeletal & Neurological Assessment category
Nil problem/s
Pain in Muscles Joints Bones ______
Oedema in Ankles Legs Other - ______
Weakness Limitations in movement Stiffness unsteady on feet Paralysis Tremor
Numbness Tingling Other (specify) ______
Medication Management Assessment Category
Medications list including prescription, over the counter, medicines & topical preparations.
Name / Why taken(client description) / How taken
(client description) / When taken
(client description) / Commencement date
Administration details / dose administration aides
Self manages own medication Requires prompting Uses medication aid
Carer manages client’s medications RN administered with appropriate LMO orders
EEN administered. EN must be authorised to administer medications as per State registration requirements and must be administered with appropriate LMO orders
PolypharmacyYes / NoAction: ______
Has a home medication review been undertaken? Yes No Not required
Are there any other medication issues? ______
Name of Pharmacy: ______Tel: ______Fax: ______
Cognition / Behaviour Assessment category
Nil problem/s
Disoriented to Time Place Person
Memory loss Short-term Long-term
Confused Yes No AMTSScore: ______Date / /
Does the client have a formal assessment/diagnosis of dementia No Yes
By LMO/GP or Geriatrician/Specialist
Does the client display behaviours of concern No Yes
Describe ______
Genito-urinary Assessment Category
Nil problem/s
Continence assessment required
Continence assessment attended Date / / Outcomes______
Urinary incontinence Frequency Retention Urgency Nocturia
Incontinence Aids used NoYes, comment ______
Prostate problems Gynaecological issues IDCSPC: ______
Body Image / sensuality / sexuality Assessment category
Identify any specific body image or sensuality/ sexuality concerns (specify)
Endocrine Assessment Category
Nil problem/s
Fatigue Depressed mood Weight gain Weight loss Urinary frequency
Excessive thirst Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism Other (specify) ______
Diagnosis of diabetes (specify type) ______
Comments ______
Pain Assessment Category
Nil problems/sWhere does the client rate their pain on the pain scale
No pain / 1 2 3
mild / 4 5
moderate / 6 7
severe / 8 9
very severe / 10
worst possible
Pain score on initial assessment______Site(s) of pain______
How long has the pain been present ______
Type of pain Acute Chronic Somatic Visceral Incident Neuropathic Mixed
Breakthrough Procedural Surgical Wound Other(specify)______
How does the client describe the pain Aching Stabbing Throbbing Pressure Gnawing
Cramping Sharp Burning Shooting Other(specify)______
What helps to relieve the pain ______
What worsens the pain ______
Associated symptoms
Nausea Vomiting Sleep disturbance Anxiety Fear
Client /carer distress Family support Mental health history Cultural issues Religious issues
Are there any environmental factors contributing to pain (specify)______
Mental Health Assessment Category
Nil problem/s
Sad Withdrawn Anxious Restless Angry Hostile Sleep disturbances
PTSD Inability to enjoy activities Feeling of worthlessness or guilt Suicide ideation
Depression - Specify depression scale tool used ______Score:______
Treated by:
LMO/GP ACAT Mental health services Counsellor Veterans’ Counselling Other (specify)____
Self Care Assessment Category
ADL dependencyoutcome ______ low dependency high dependency
Equipment used in the client’s home:
Well-being Assessment Category
Alcohol Screen (Audit-C)
How often does the veteran have a drink containing alcohol?
Never = 0 Monthly or less = 1 2-4 times a month = 2 2-3 times a week = 3 > 4 times a week = 4
Score ______
Does the client smoke?Yes / No If yes, how many per day?
Environment Assessment Category
Has the veteran had a fall in the last 3 months No Yes Cause identified No Yes
Falls risk assessment completed No Yes Date / / Outcome____________
Does the client have trouble with stairs No Yes
Can the client safely use their bath/shower & toilet No Yes Are grab rails installed No Yes
Is the toilet inside? No Yes
Is the toilet easy to access (consider distance, clutter etc) No Yes
Are there any potential hazards identified within the home (uneven paths, loose floor mats, rips in carpet, clutter, pets etc) No Yes
If Yes, please complete a Workplace Assessment Tool
Manual Handling Assessment Category
Is the client able to understand & follow simple instructions? / Yes / NoWhat assistance is required to move the client from bed to chair? / Walking frame or other / Hoist
Other / Manual Lifter / Transfers Self
What assistance is required to move the client from chair to bed? / Walking frame or other / Hoist
Other / Manual Lifter / Transfers Self
What assistance is required to sit the client up in bed? / Unaided / Overhead bar / Bed Rope / Electric device
Has there been an Occupational Therapy assessment conducted in the home? / Yes / No / Comments / actions as a result of the visit
Manual handling classification / Not able to assist Able to assist Supervise Independent
Referrals not previously recorded and require action category
LMO/GP Asthma educator Chronic illness support group
Physiotherapist Occupational therapist Speech pathologist
ACAT-Date: ______ Social worker Counsellor Mental health service
Diabetes support group Fitness/ falls program Dietician Dentist
Continence consultant Pain clinic/specialist Palliative care service/consultant
Optometrist Ophthalmologist Audiologist
Wound specialist/ consultant Veterans’ Home Care
Carer support services Respite services HACC Non Veteran Home Care
VietnamVeterans’ Counselling Service Homefront Assessment
Other (specify) ______
Education needs not previously recorded category
Diagnosis Self management plan Medication equipment and use For family
BSL monitoring Signs & Symptoms of hypo/hyperglycaemia Nutrition
Falls risks & prevention Mobility & ADL aids Exercise
Hygiene Repositioning and pressure relieving
Pain management Quit Programs Other (specify) ______
Action taken______
Is there “End of Life Directives” in place? (Not for Resuscitation Orders) Yes No
If YES, what are the directives? ………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………
Nursing Care:
DVA Classification:NL-Clinical Care NT-Personal Care Other
Staff mix and approved time frame/s:
Additional Comments:
Assessing RN Name: ______
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