Hunt Valley Board Minutes
February 16, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. at Hunt Valley Elementary School.
Attendance:Kurt Lorenz,Liz Krein (by proxy), Mary Mulligan, Sharon Burke, Shannon Kiser, Mandy Warbel (by proxy), Doug Gelbach.
Absent: Mark Toler, John Chapman
Other Attendees: Donna McCraith, Robin Lermo, Erick Lermo, Kenny Wheeler, Julie Ambrose, Julia Eldridge
Quorum: Yes
Treasurer: Liz Krein
Budget report shows that we are on track with our budget.
Membership: Sharon Burke
Sold 1 membership
9 for sale
6 people joined wait list since January
2 have not completed sale, but are in conversation about it.
Operations: Doug Gelbach
No report
Competitive Activities: John Chapman
No report
Buildings & Grounds: Mary Mulligan
Planning to order tables, chairs and umbrellas in preparation for the upcoming pool season. Will be bringing information to the board next month.
Looking for new board member to oversee security.
Social: Mandy Warbel
No report
Old Business:
Engraved patio bricks—looking for someone to be the lead to push this during the summer. Need to solicit some bids for installation.
Kurt reportedthat we need to be looking for someone to draw up a plan on options for the tennis courts. While we have decided not to repair the tennis courts, no other options can move forward until we are able to submit some plans to the county to find out what is feasible.
Need to identify two clean up days to prepare for the pool season. Plans are to include the processing of membership cards and on site membership payments during those clean up days.
New Business:
Liz Krein and Erick Lermo presented a rule change for the Board’s consideration.
Resolved that the Board of Directors determines as a policy that membership shall not be available to any person (1) who has been convicted of any offense listed in Virginia Code Sections 18.2-370.2, 18.2-370.3, 18.2-370.4, and/or 18.2-370.5, prohibiting those offenders from proximity to children, and/or (2) is or has been a person required pursuant to Va. Code Sec. 9.1-901 to register on the Sexual Offender and Crimes Against Children Registry. It is further resolved that such persons to whom membership is not available pursuant to this policy shall not be allowed to be present on HVSC property at anytime or at any property during the conduct of any activity of HVSC, regardless of where such activities are conducted.
Erick reported that the wording had been developed by a pool club member who is a lawyer, and vetted by another lawyer in our club.
One question arose regarding whether NVSL had any policies or recommendations related to this kind of issue. Erick agreed to follow up with NVSL to verify that there is nothing else we need to be aware of.
Kurt moved adoption of this paragraph to be added to Hunt Valley Swim Club rules moving forward.
Doug seconded.
Motion was unanimously approved.
Board will follow up by communicating our rule change with the NVSL, in case other pools would find it helpful for their purposes.
Sharon will ensure that the rule change is communicated on our website, so the membership can be aware of the change.
With the adoption of this rule, we need to check our membership against this registry.
Sharon will start with a geographic check on all the nearby names on the sex offender registry. She will reach out to Membership Splash to find out how to export a list of our membership that can be used for this membership check. Attending members Kenny, Julie, and Julia committed to researching best practices for checking a large group of names against the registry database, and will work to do the full check on our active membership, temporary membership, and wait list roles.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 by Kurt.
Next meeting March 16, 2017