


Meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday, 6th November 2008, at The Methodist Hall,Huncote.

Present:A Knight J Battell

B Kilby K Davies

ATaylor J Melville

In Attendance: County Councillor E White(to 5241), A. Watson,

Members of the Public: One


Councillor R Taylor and Councillor J Grundy (District Councillor M Murphy)

5237Declaration by Members of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

There were no declarations received.

5238Parishioners’ Time

A parishioner asked the Parish Council to take action against the unauthorised use of the Sports field by off road motor cyclists. There was concern expressed that the riders were without helmets and travelling at some speed which was damaging the surface of the sports field.

The Clerk asked for details of vehicle registration numbers, names, dates and times to be reported to her so that the Anti Social Behaviour Team at BDC can issue warning letters.It was noted that the Police had been called and that the local PCSO had made contact with some of the riders.

5239Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was unanimously resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd October 2008 beconfirmed as a true and accurate record.

Proposed: Councillor Knight. Seconded: Councillor A Taylor. Theminutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

5240Matters arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising which did not appear elsewhere on the agenda.

5241Reports from District and CountyCouncillors.

CountyCouncillor White reported that the transfer of housing stock had taken place on 3rd November and that the proposed Duncan Avenue redevelopment was on target. He supported the provision of the Huncote Community Partnership Library and urged the Parish Council to continue its financial support in this current year. He reported that Leicestershire County Council were content with the financial statements provided by the Library

5242Policing Issues

Mrs Watson reported on the crime figures for October 2008 – three burglaries, two damages to motor vehicles, two fraud, one burglary other and one assault and harassment.Mrs Watson reported attending the Joint Action Group meeting and reported that Huncote was being assisted by officers of the Anti Social Behaviour Team to target those people responsible for anti social behaviour and criminal damage within the village. As a result of finding a receipt left beside broken bottles on the Recreation Area a visit had been made to a store which had sold the alcohol. A warning had been duly served.

Councillor Davies reported a distraction burglary had taken place in Huncote. He asked the Clerk to post a warning notice within the Huncote Village News and or the web site.

Councillor A Taylor reported that there have been complaints that the Police are not responding to calls made reporting offences and disillusionment with the role of the PCSO’s as they do not work after 10pm and that was when the majority of problems occur.

5243Publicity and Public Relations Issues

5243.1 The Journal. There was noting to report.

5243 .2HuncoteVillage News. The Chairman enquired whether Council was content with the draft. It was proposed by Councillor Knight and seconded by Councillor Davies that the draft be prepared for distribution.

5244 Planning Issues

5244.1Applications For Consideration.Councillor Battell reported that he had received revised plans for 15, Forest road which had been refused permission for works due to concerns regarding the highway. He reported that a survey of traffic had been included with this application and it showed slow speeds of traffic outside the property. Discussions followed after which Councillor Davies proposed that council should make the same comment regarding the volumes of traffic on Forest Road has had been submitted previously. This was seconded by Councillor Battell.

5244.2 Planning Changes.Mrs Watson read verbatim an email from Mr Andrew Senior, Development and Conservation Manager at BDC indicating that BDC was in the process of producing a Householder Guide to explain the works which can be carried out within the new Order. Information was available on the Planning portal at

5244.3 Results of Planning Decisions. The Chairman reported that planning permission had been refused for work at Holly Tree Farm which had proposed bunds to be built. This was an issue relating to the company who had been due to undertake the work rather than a problem with the proposal itself.

5244.4 Shooting AcademyCouncillor Battell reported that he had received a copy of a document which had laid down conditions for the use of a near by Shooting facility which he felt would be beneficial to Council when the anticipated planning observation was received by the Parish council.

5245Financial Issues

5245.1 Summary of Income & Expenditure and Budget Analysis (HunPCNov08/4)

Mrs Watson reported thatthe financial plan showed to date, receipts were £54,336.50 and payments had been made of £24,193.64. Mrs Watson confirmed that Council had the correct bank book in place for the Croft Hill Defence Fund.

5245.2Accounts for Payment & confirmation of payments made (HunPCNov08/5)

Permission is requested to pay the following at 6th November 2008:

Payee / For / Cheque Number / £
Absolute Signs / Trophies / 401738 / 8.00
Infotec / Photocopier / 401739 / 91.66
A Watson / Machine Mart – cart & vacuum / 401740 / 242.84
Absolute Signs / Cemetery plaque / 401741 / 27.00
BDC / Street Cleansing / 401742 / 571.90
Target Pest Control / Mole Control / 401743 / 103.40
B A Smith / Salary & receipts for fuel / 401744 / 282.49
A Watson* / Salary / 401745 / 925.19
HM Revenue & Customs / Tax/NI / 401746 / 126.19

*Please note the payment is made at the new hourly rate as advised by NALC ( an increase of 2.45%) and includes six months pay differential as the Interim agreement was effective from April 1st 2008. It also includes the Annual Home Working payment as identified in the Contract of Employment of £180.00 and expenses of £126.79 (Mileage)

Please note the additions approved from last meeting but which did not appear on the enclosure as it was prepared before the request was received.

Payee / For / Cheque Number / £
D Strange / Pinfold maintenance / 401737 / 20.70

It was proposed by Councillor A Knight and seconded by Councillor Melville that the sums above are paid.

5245.3 Business Planning for 2009/10. Councillor Knight asked Councillors to complete the initial planning sheet for their areas as Mrs Watson could incorporate their ideas into a draft proposal for the December meeting.

Councillor Battell stated that he was keen to ensure that Council had a reasonable level of Reserves, staged plans for the replacement of capital equipment and reasoned revenue allowances were included

Councillor Davies added that he wished to see a cap set on non essential repairs and an emphasis onenhancement.

5246Housing Issues

Councillor Knight stated that on 12th November there was to be a public meeting held at St James Church Hall when the initial plans were to be displayed from between 4.30 and 6.30pm. The plan was for the planning observation to be published on the week commencing 17th November. This would show the number of new homes to be 48, a significant decrease from the initial plans for the area. Regarding the proposed upgrade to the properties he could report that the new windows were being installed at this time and that the redecoration was imminent. The plan was for people to be relocated by Christmas.

5247 Highways and footpaths

Councillor Knight reported that the proposal for a raised footpath to be installed by Croft quarry had been put on hold by the Environment Agency. The new steps however would go ahead as planned.

5248 Environmental Issues

CouncillorKnight reported that the Green was a mess due to its use as a storage area by the company undertaking the gas works. He asked the Clerk to write to the company and Leicestershire County Council requesting restoration of the site and other areas within the village.

Councillor Knight reported that graffiti remained on the bus shelter. Mrs Watson agreed to remind BDC of the need for its removal.

Councillor Taylor reported attending the Flood Defence meeting held on 4th November on behalf of Council. She could report that Huncote was not of a high priority for LCC as there were only ten properties identified as at risk of flooding. She had seen plans showing the vast areas of the county which were at risk and understood that whilst all areas of risk needed to have a flood plan in place the areas of higher numbers of housing had to be the Council’s first target. However she could report that there were plans for Huncote’s householders identified as at risk to receive information in March or April 2009. A Flood Fair was to be held in Narborough on January 20th between 2pm and 6pm for members of the public concerned about flooding risks. It had been identified that each area should have a flood plan and access to alert information, sandbags, etc but that this work would be led by BDC.

Councillor Knight stated that he felt that the Council should update its Emergency Plan. Mrs Watson agreed to check the archived records as she had been unaware of its existence. She would report to the next meeting.

It was proposed by Councillor Knight and seconded by Councillor Battell that Councillor A Taylor was nominated as the Parish Council’s Flood Warden.

5249Huncote Enhancement Project

The Chairman asked that Councillors forwarded their thoughts to the Clerk for a proposal to be debated at the next meeting.

5250 Recreation and Amenities Sub-committee and Related Issues

5250.1 Recreation Area’s Pavilion.Mrs Watson reported that HATS wanted to commence work on the Pavilion and that kit stored there had to be removed.

5250.2Sports field. Mrs Watson reported that she had not received the signed documents from Thurlaston Magpies Football Club. The Chairman agreed to follow up on the matter.

5250.3 Play Equipment. Mrs Watson informed Council that she had asked the Handyman to remove the seat as there had been further damage to the base of the unit.

5251 Quarries Issues

5251.1AcresfordQuarry. Councillor Davies reported that the quarry had taken further steps to prevent trespass by increasing the size of the ditch and increasing the number of security patrols. The majority of the work on site was infill and that it was expected that the quarry would close by 2012. It would remain a green field site returned to agricultural use.

5251.2 S.I.T.A. There were no issues raised.

5251.3 Croft Quarry. Councillor Knight reported that he had informed the quarry that should there be a risk to Croft Hill local Parish Councils would work together to resist their plans. It had been announced that the quarry’s plans would be available at the next quarry liaison meeting so that there could be full consultation. The nature walk was to be extended to form a circular route.

Councillor Davies reported that the blasts were very strong and that though these were being monitored he felt there must be an impact on the walls of local houses.

5251.4 Joint CommitteeCouncillor Battell informed Council that he had been elected to the Chair of the Committee. He had reviewed the submissions made by Croft and Huncote Parish Councils and that they were similar. He had attended the Pre Hearing meeting at County Hall which outlined the format that the hearing would take. LCC have until 20th November to put forward their final plan and the Councils would require to respond to these plans by 31st December. He felt it prudent therefore to have a meeting of the joint committee between these dates. The Clerk agreed to liase with the clerk at Croft Parish Council.

5252 Cemetery Issues

Mrs Watson reported that she had received advice regarding the removal of the asbestos sheets from the roof of the cemetery and this could be done by Council staff with access to specialist personal protective equipment which could be bought from ESPO. The cost of the work would be in finding a replacement roof. She had reviewed the state of the shed and asked council whether the best option might be to remove it completely in the new financial year as there were cracks in the uprights. Discussion ensued after which it was proposed by Councillor Knight and seconded by Councillor Battell that a quote should be sought for its removal and thought given to the provision of further storage at the Sports field.

Mrs Watson reported that she had received two requests for Memorials to be erected at the cemetery. Neither application was straightforward and needed further clarification. She would report to the next meeting of Council.

5253Library Matters

Councillor Battelland Councillor Melville left the meeting.

Councillor Davies stated that he was pleased that the financial position of both the Parish council and LCC had been established at the meeting held between council and members of the Library Committee immediately prior to the council meeting, namely that the Parish council made donations and that LCC had supported staff wages and any shortfalls. It was proposed by Councillor Davies and seconded by Councillor Knight that the second half of this year’s donation be paid, that the Library Committee should be asked for audited accounts and asked to present their annual business plans to Council as soon as possible for the forthcoming year. In addition that the Library Committee should either write an annual report to council or report in person at the financial year end at the June meeting of the Parish council as had been requested of all other organisations with which the Council had financial agreements.

Councillors Melville and Battell returned to the meeting.

5254Administrative Matters

There were no matters raised.

5255Staffing Issues

Mrs Watson presented the revised Contracts of Employment for The Handyman and Locum Handyman. Councillor Battell requested a minor change to the former Contract. Councillor Battell proposed that when this had been done the Chairman should sign the contract on behalf of Council and that the Locum Handyman’s contract signed by the chairman. This was seconded by Councillor A Taylor.

5256Organisational/Policy Issues

5256.1 Consideration of Paragraph 12.2 in the Code of Conduct. Mrs Watson reported that she had reviewed the Standing Orders and noted that it appeared as though Council had not adopted the paragraph. The relevance of the paragraph was that if the resolution was adopted members of Council would have the same rights as members of the public to make representations to Council when there were matters of personal interest to them. However when decisions were being made by Council the Councillors declaring a personal and prejudicial interest would withdraw from the meeting.

It was proposed by Councillor Knight and seconded by Councillor Battell that this paragraph is adopted by Council and incorporated explicitly within the Council’s Standing Orders.

5256.2 Freedom of Information Act - Adoption of the Model Publication. Councillor Knight proposed the adoption of the Model Scheme and proposed payment schedule with publication of the same on the council’s website. This was seconded by Councillor A Taylor. It was agreed that the number and types of application were monitored as numerous applications could adversely affect the clerk’s work load.

5257Huncote Parish Council Internet Website

It was noted that a few paragraphs and a photo was still outstanding.

5258 Miscellaneous Matters

5258.1 Correspondence. The correspondence received by the Clerk was noted.

5258.2 Huncote Community Association. The Chairman announced that Council had been invited to attend and display any booklets or other information it wanted. In lieu he had suggested that should members of the public wish they could talk to councillors during the day’s events. The clerk confirmed that she had tendered her apologies to the Huncote Community Association as she had a previous engagement.

5259 Any Other Business

5259.1 Byelaws. Councillor Davies reminded Councillors that oneof the documents being circulated between councillors related to proposals for councils to set additional Byelaws and to have powers to enforce them. The due date for response to the proposals was 20th November.

Mrs Watson stated that she would respond on behalf of Council when she had the document back. She stated that there were potentially great difficulties for council staff when approaching individuals for on the spot fines. Carefulplanning would have to be given to any new Byelaws considered and that cooperation and inclusion within District Byelaws relating to issues such as the management of dogs could be the best way forward.

5260Date of next meeting

The next meeting is on Thursday 4th Decemberat 7.30pm.The venue will be the Methodist Hall, Huncote.

The meeting closed at 9.50 pm.
