
Humanities Mythology and You

Guided Reading Questions

Answer in Complete Sentences!

The Rule of Cronus

  1. How was the rule of Cronus similar to the rule of Uranus?

He feared the power and abilities of his children (fear of being overthrown). He

re-imprisoned the Cyclopes and the giants. He ate his children (similar to Uranus

who banished his children).

  1. What did Cronus do to his children when they were born?

He ate them. (idea of consuming the power and ability-role model idea)

  1. Who were the fifth and sixth children of Cronus? How were their births different from their siblings’ births?

Fifth-Poseidon and Sixth-Zeus. Poseidon was hidden away (Cronus though he ate a

foal-baby horse). Poseidon was raised in secrecy by sea nymphs on the island of

Rhodes (pattern of secret birth/destiny). Zeus was also hidden away in a cave and

raised in secret. Cronus thought he ate him but he really ate a stone.

  1. How did Rhea trick Cronus with regards to their children?

She has him eat a horse and a stone and then raise them in secret.

  1. Explain how Cronus’s family attempted to overthrow him.

Zeus sought the help of the titans (collaboration) and drugged Cronus so that he

vomited up the gods. Together, the banded together against him (allies-first real

use of collaboration) and they worked together to overthrow him.

The Rule of Zeus

  1. What were the dominions of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades?

Zeus-Sky, Poseidon-Sea, Hades-Underworld

2. How did Zeus reward Styx?

For being the first of the uncommitted immortals to band with the Olympians, Styx became the river of unbreakable oath, the boundary between the earth and the underworld.

  1. How will Zeus punish any god who breaks an oath?

Coma for a year, (no food, drink, even breathing), and 9 years of being ostracized without communication.

  1. Describe Hades.

Dark-grim looking. Lived in darkness. Could be invisible with his helmet, so people did not know when “death” was coming.

  1. What effects did Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades have on mankind?

Zeus-wise and just decisions. How be to fair, avoid violence, be a good listener and act lawfully.

Poseidon-how to build ships, tame horses for transportation and filed labor.

Hades-how to treat the dead, established funeral ceremonies and burial rites.

  1. What effects did Hera, Hestia, and Demeter have on mankind?

Hera-protected marriages and helped women in childbirth

Hestia-taught mortals how to build houses ned protect them against attack

Demeter-how to gather wild corn, prepare it for eating, plant it and preserve it.

  1. Why were attempts to overthrow Zeus unsuccessful?

The gods worked together, combining their physical and intellectual capabilities to work together,. Also, because Zeus ruled the universe justly, he gathered many allies to help defend his position.

  1. How was the rule of Zeus different than those of Cronus and Uranus?

Because he did not rule by a fear of losing power and instead sought and used the help of others, all immortals felt useful and a part of the rule. Thus, the cooperative almost democratic rule proved more successful than the tyrannical rule of his predecessors.

*****Let’s think for a minute**** (Don’t hurt yourself)

What purposes do these myths serve?

Do they explain something?

Do they teach a lesson?

Be ready to share your thoughts.