Humanities – Grade 8
Mr. N. Sorensen
Course Outline
Grade Eight is an integral school year in that it is the final stage in the middle school years as students prepare for their high school experience. The Grade 8 Humanities course is an amalgam or an integration of both the Language Arts 8 curriculum and the Social Studies 8 curriculum. It is the objective of the Language Arts program to enable students to use language confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communicating, personal satisfaction and learning. Language competency is developed by achieving proficiency in the six strands of Language Arts: reading, writing, viewing, speaking, listening and representing. Social Studies seek to provide opportunities for students to develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge that will enable them to become engaged, active, informed and responsible citizens. In amalgamating these subjects and their respective outcomes , students will gain a fuller understanding of the outcomes for both and the relationships that often exist between these two subject areas. Projects and assignments done in class will, at times, address outcomes in both subjects while, at other times, the outcomes addressed will be more subject specific.
Course Content
Humanities - Language Arts
Curriculum Outcomes:
General Outcome 1
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
General Outcome 2
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
General Outcome 3
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
General Outcome 4
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
General Outcome 5
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others.
Curriculum Content: 1.Look Unit - (September – November)
2. Novel 1 – - ( November – December)
3. Look Closely Unit - (January – February)
4. Novel 2 – And Then There Were None - (February - April)
5. Functional And Persuasive Writing – Essay Structures and Business Letter
Look Ahead Unit – (March – May)
6. Poetry and Literary Devices – (May – June)
7. Final Exam Preparation – (June)
Humanities - Social Studies
Curriculum Outcomes:
Students will:
Outcome 8.1.1 - appreciate the roles of time and geographic location in shaping a society’s worldview
Outcome 8.1.2 - appreciate how a society’s worldview can foster the choice to remain an isolated society
Outcome 8.1.3 - appreciate how models of governance and decision making reflect a society’s worldview
Outcome 8.1.4 - appreciate how a society’s worldview shapes individual citizenship and identity.
Outcome 8.1.5 - analyze the effects of cultural isoplation during the Edo period by exploring and reflecting upon questions and issues regarding Japan, its isolation and the resulting changes in its politics, physical geography, etc..
Outcome 8.1.6 - analyze the effects that rapid adaptation had on traditionally isolated Japan during the Meiji period by exploring and reflecting upon changes and issues specified by the curriculum.
Outcome 8.2.1 -appreciate how Renaissance Europe formed the basis for the worldview of the Western world .
Outcome 8.2.2 - demonstrate a willingness to consider differing beliefs, values and worldviews.
Outcome 8.2.3 - recognize how beliefs and values are shaped by time, geographic location and societal context.
Outcome 8.2.4 - examine, critically, the factors that shaped the worldview evolving in western Europe during the Renaissance by exploring and reflecting upon the questions and issues specified in the curriculum.
Outcome 8.3.1 -appreciate how a society’s worldview influences the society’s choices, decisions and interactions with other societies
Outcome 8.3.2 - - appreciate how Aztec and Spanish identities and worldviews were affected by intercultural contact
Curriculum Content:
1. General Outcome 8.1 - From Isolation to Adaptation: Japan
This area focuses on “an appreciateion of the ways in which beliefs, values and kowledge shape worldviews and contribute to a society’s isolation or adaptation.”(Grade 8 Social Studies - Alberta Program of Studies)
(September – November)
2. General Outcome 8.2 – Origins of a Western Worldview: Renaissance Europe
This area focuses on” an appreciation of how the exchange of ideas and knowledge contributed to shaping the worldview of the Western world.” (Grade 8 Social Studies – Alberta Program of Studies)
(December – February)
3. General Outcome 8.3 – Worldviews in Conflict: The Spanish and the Aztecs
This area focuses on” an understanding and appreciation of how intercultural contact affects the worldview of societies.” (Grade 8 Social Studies – Alberta Program of Studies)
(March – May)
4. Final Exam Preparation
Course Information
1. Students will have regular assignments to complete in Humanities. They will be given class time to complete work. Any extra time required to complete assignments will then be considered homework.
2. Assignments are to be completed according to standards established in class in keeping with our outcomes regarding processing and organizing information. Notes and assignments will be assessed regularly in class both informally as students work and then formally when finished and submitted for grading. Notes and assignments are very important so please take care with them.
3. Students will be evaluated using the four point Alpha grading system as set out in the B.R.S.D. Admin 360 policy. The following four levels will be used:
BEG – student has begun to demonstrate knowledge of the required outcome but is only at the earliest stages. Little work has been completed.
DEV – more work has been completed but it would be considered just barely passable. The outcome has been partially demonstrated but there is room for a lot of growth yet.
ACH – student has demonstrated adequate to slightly above average mastery of the outcome or outcomes being evaluated. There is still room for some growth.
EXC – student is demonstrateing solid mastery of the outcome or outcomes and is able to work and use the information in a variety of ways.
4. Students are welcome and encouraged to come and ask about their grades often. They will be given regular feedback but it is important for them to take responsibility and find out what their grade is and how to improve it on a regular basis. If they are having difficulty they are welcome to set up an appointment with the teacher for after- school help. Mornings and lunch hours are difficult due to supervision responsibilities. Teacher help is available after school every day and on weekends, if it is the only time available to the student.
5. Student work will be accepted at any time. Deadlines are in place and work should be turned in on time in order to have the most accurate reporting regarding student understanding of outcomes. Students are welcome to rewrite all assignments as often as they wish. Each time they repair their work and turn it in for a better grade they are increasing and demonstrating their learning. They are welcome to come for help before they fix an assignment in order to improve their chances of getting a better grade. There is no penalty for doing this and grades are not averaged together. Students will receive the better grade. In this way, students take a great deal of the responsibility for their learning and their grade. They can earn whatever grade they wish to achieve. As their effort increases and their attention to their learning increases so does their achievement.
6. Please note that if you are absent for an assignment or a test, you are still responsible to present that assignment. Absence does not mean that you no longer have to do the test or assignment. Please let the teacher know when the assignment can be expected or explain any special circumstances that may cause the assignment to be late. Assignments will always be accepted. Student work or demonstrations of learning will never be turned away.
7. Please note that if students are unsure of some information or have forgotten something they need to know they are welcome to contact me at home. My home phone number is 780-352-9735. I live in Wetaskiwin so it is long distance. If you do not have a long distance plan, please feel free to phone collect and I will accept the charges. If I am not at home, please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to call at any time; holidays or weekends included. I am more than happy to assist students or parents with any information or concern they may have.
It is my hope that you will enjoy your Grade 9 year and your Humanities experience. It is a very important year as you prepare for Grade 9 and high school. It is of greatest importance that you learn to take academic responsibility for your learning and understand that it truly is your responsibility! Grade 8 will offer you many challenges as the course work increases significantly in preparation for Grade 9 and high school. I am here to assist you in any way I can. You need only ask! Please DO NOT hesitate to come and see me if you are having trouble or are concerned about your grade. There are always many ways we can work together to increase your learning. The more responsibility you take for your learning experience the better your achievement will be !! You are allowed to rewrite your assignments and get as much extra assistance as you feel you need. Take advantage of those opportunities and work hard on developing your knowledge and your skills so you will be ready to face high school. All the very, very best!! Have a great year!
Mr. Sorensen