Name: Date:
Grade 1
Diagnostic Checklist
During Launch activities, use this form to note observations about children who appear to have difficulty with concepts and language previously encountered in Grade 1 units.
Name / Solves problems involving addition and subtraction using a variety of strategies (e.g., count, count on, count back) / Recognizes that a number can be built from 2 smaller numbers (part-part-whole) / Composes and recomposes numbers using all possible combinations / Uses vocabulary (e.g., more, less, how many) to express mathematical thinkingGrade 1
Diagnostic Conference
for Selected Children
This outline is intended for use with children whose progress is a concern at the midway point of the unit (e.g., Lesson 3). It can be used with an individual child or a small group of children who appear to be having difficulty with basic concepts and procedures.
Give each child 5 to 7 counters. Ask:
• What do you remember about the number stories we’ve been telling? How do number stories work?
• I’m going to tell a number story. Use your counters to show what happens in my story.
- Once, there were 2 little puppies. Can you show me 2 puppies?
- Then, 3 more puppies came along. Can you show me the 3 new puppies?
- How many puppies are there now?
• Let’s look at how you used your counters to show what happened in my story. Tell me again what you did.
Notice the child’s confidence and ability to
• recount classroom mathematics activities
• use one-to-one correspondence to select the counters
• recognize that the story is about joining
• Now I want you to use your counters to tell me a story. What will your story be about? (Prompt and support as needed.)
• How many are there to start with? How could you show that?
• Then how many come along? How could we show that?
• How many are there now?
Notice the child’s confidence and ability to
• attempt to generate an addition story and use concrete objects to solve/demonstrate the story
• vary the numbers in the story (rather than replicate teacher’s story)
Ask the child to respond to your story and create his or her own story.
Notice the child’s confidence and ability to
• count
• combine two parts to solve the stories
• You did a lot of work and thinking about numbers today. Let’s make a list together of everything we did. [Allow child to retell the activities freely; prompt if necessary.]
Notice the child’s confidence and ability to
• use appropriate language (join, add, and, how many, are; number words)
• tell and retell number stories
Grade 1
Ongoing Observations
/ compares and orders numbers; looks for patterns / composesnumbers from smaller parts / demonstrates combinations for a target number / uses efficient counting strategies / models combining groups to find unknown quantity / records addition number sentences
Grade 1
Ongoing Observations
Name / uses counting strategies to find missing part / solves problems using a variety of strategies (e.g., counting) / uses counters to model “hiding” / subtracts using a variety of strategies (e.g., counting) / uses
part-part-whole to find missing part / records subtraction sentence / relates numbers to anchors using a variety of tools (e.g., ten- frame) / predicts, explains changes when using ten-frame / uses mathe-matical language to describe proced-ures and results
Grade 1
Performance Task Rubric
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Thinking
• uses critical/creative processes (e.g., makes and carries out a plan) to solve addition and subtraction problems, using a range of strategies (e.g., using concrete objects, drawing, using numbers) / needs one-to-one guidance to use critical/creative processes to solve addition and subtraction problems, using limited strategies /
with limited prompting, uses critical/creative processes to solve addition and subtraction problems, using some appropriate strategies /
uses critical/creative processes to solve addition and subtraction problems, using appropriate strategies /
uses critical/creative processes to solve addition and subtraction problems, using a range of innovative strategies
Knowledge and Understanding
• demonstrates understanding of quantity and operational sense by:
– telling a number story that shows understanding of addition (joining) and subtraction (taking away) / demonstrates very limited understanding of quantity and operational sense by:
– telling a number story that shows understanding of addition (joining) and subtraction (taking away) / demonstrates partial understanding of quantity and operational sense by:
– telling a number story that shows understanding of addition (joining) and subtraction (taking away) / demonstrates understanding of quantity and operational sense by:
– telling a number story that shows understanding of addition (joining) and subtraction (taking away) / demonstrates a thorough understanding of quantity and operational sense by:
– telling a number story that shows understanding of addition (joining) and subtraction (taking away)
with accuracy:
– creates an appropriate story for10
– makes addition and subtraction changes / with limited effectiveness:
– creates an appropriate story for10
– makes addition and subtraction changes / with some effectiveness:
– creates an appropriate story for10
– makes addition and subtraction changes / with considerable effectiveness:
– creates an appropriate story for10
– makes addition and subtraction changes / with a high degree of effectiveness:
– creates an appropriate story for10
– makes addition and subtraction changes
• uses mathematical language to explain procedures and operations (e.g., join, add, take away, subtract) / is unable to explain the processes and results / with prompting, explains the processes and results, with some clarity / clearly explains the processes and results, using mathematical language / clearly and confidently explains the processes and results, using mathematical language
Grade 1
Addition and Subtraction
to 12 Rubric
This rubric can be used to make decisions about children’s achievement of unit outcomes.
Level 1
/ Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Thinking
• makes and carries out a plan to solve simple number problems (e.g., joining and taking one group away from another) orally or by using concrete materials / needs assistance to make and carry out a plan to solve simple number problems (e.g., joining and taking one group away from another) orally or by using concrete materials /with limited assistance, makes and carries out a plan to solve simple number problems (e.g., joining and taking one group away from another) orally or by using concrete materials
/uses appropriate strategies to make and carry out a plan to solve simple number problems (e.g., joining and taking one group away from another) orally or by using concrete materials
/uses appropriate, often innovative, strategies to make and carry out a plan to solve simple number problems (e.g., joining and taking one group away from another) orally or by using concrete materials
Knowledge and Understanding
• shows understanding of addition and subtraction by demonstrating with concrete objects, describing his or her thinking orally, telling number stories, and/or recording in pictures, numbers, or words / with assistance, shows very limited understanding that:– numbers can be made of smaller numbers (part-part-whole)
– addition involves joining
– subtraction involves taking one group away from another / shows partial understanding that:
– numbers can be made of smaller numbers (part-part-whole)
– addition involves joining
– subtraction involves taking one group away from another / shows understanding that:
– numbers can be made of smaller numbers (part-part-whole)
– addition involves joining
– subtraction involves taking one group away from another / shows in-depth understanding, in a variety of contexts, that:
– numbers can be made of smaller numbers (part-part-whole)
– addition involves joining
– subtraction involves taking one group away from another
with accuracy:• demonstrates addition and subtraction facts
– represents addition and subtraction sentences using concrete objects / with limited effectiveness:
– demonstrates addition and subtraction facts
– represents addition and subtraction sentences using concrete objects / with some effectiveness:
– demonstrates addition and subtraction facts
– represents addition and subtraction sentences using concrete objects / with considerable effectiveness:
– demonstrates addition and subtraction facts
– represents addition and subtraction sentences using concrete objects / with a high degree of effectiveness:
– demonstrates addition and subtraction facts
– represents addition and subtraction sentences using concrete objects
• explains or demonstrates addition and subtraction clearly, in pictures, numbers, or words, using mathematical language (e.g., join, add, take away, subtract) / is unable to describe addition or subtraction activities / with prompting, describes addition and subtraction activities, using some mathematical language, with some clarity / clearly describes addition and subtraction activities, using some mathematical language / clearly and confidently describes addition and subtraction activities, using mathematical language1
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