DRGC Minutes forFebruary2013

Meeting date and location: / Monday 4thFebruary2013 in the Clubhouse
Attendees: / Initials: / Position:
David Shorter / DS / Club Captain
David Bridge / DDB / Club Secretary
David Warrington / DWarr / Immediate Past Captain
Nigel Wright / NW / Treasurer
David Levy / DL / Senior Vice Captain
Lee Mills / LM / Medway Council
Ted Hedger / TH / Senior Captain
Kassy Hancock / KH / Imm Past Lady Captain
Simon Warrington / SW / Committee Member
Steve Ellis / SE / Committee Member
Carol Springer / CS / Lady Captain
Bob Angell / BA / Committee Member
Dave Williams / DW / Committee Member
for absence: / G.Seath, G.Chamberlain
Item no: / Item Discussion: / Action(s): / Completed By When
1 / Introduction
DWarr welcomed everyone to the meeting and in light of the recent EGM asked the Committee that this should be the last formal Committee Meeting. This was agreed. It was also agreed that D.Warrington would sign off these minutes as the last set of Committee Meeting Minutes. DWarr thanked everyone for their support during his term in office and handed the chair of the meeting over to the new Club Captain David Shorter. DWarr then presented the outgoing Lady Captain with her gift.
2 / Matters arising from last meeting
Outstanding actions from last minutes
Committee Members Photos
DSreminded members that their photographs were required.
DWarr request all committee members to provide their photo (suitable size for display) to the Secretary within the next week. T.Crozer, D.Levy, G.Chamberlain and S.Warrington to provide their photos. Carried forward until after the EGM.These were now not applicable following the EGM ballot result.
Inter-Club Matches - Subsidies
Following discussions it was agreed that DS and KH would provide a break-down of current costs/subsidies for their respective inter-club matches (Meals/Green-fees/home/away etc) and pass to the Treasurer in order that consistency can be achieved across all inter-club matches. NW still in process of reviewing all fixtures in order to collate data. This will be completed as soon as time allows. NW has completed his analysis. DS to supply further input to NW. Carried forward until after the EGM.NW confirmed with Medway Council (LM) that the fees should be £10 per player.
DWill brought to the attention of the Committee that an additional Committee Member be trained up to update the Website as after February it will leave just the Secretary who has the capability. SE volunteered.
DDB to schedule training with SE. Carried forward until after the EGM.DWill confirmed that SE will be trained and has passed over some details already.
Item no: / Item Discussion: / Action(s): / Completed By When
2 / Matters arising from last meeting – Cont.
DDB to draft letter to Mr. D Horan re: the above and thank him for his concerns/interest. Completed.
DDB to draft letter to Mr. D.Marlow re: the above and thank him for his concerns/interest. Completed.
Final board lettering ordered/received.
GC to update boards.GC to complete updating boards before handover to Medway Council
Draft Diary for 2013 completed and sent to respective Captains for review. Captains all agreed content. DDB to start updating online Diary for 2013. Online diary updated and complete. Paper diaries ordered.
George Boyd Trophy to be scheduled. DS to arrange.
Scheduled to be played on Sat 29th June.
JW was requested if 2013 course maintenance schedule was available? JW responded that schedule should be similar to last year. DDB to send L.Mills copy of draft diary so that maintenance can be scheduled away from our key club competitions. LM responded that as the STRI experts are still to come onto site the maintenance schedule is currently not known. Therefore will not be in the Club diary.
TH – Should the dissolution go ahead would Medway Council have to pay VAT on fees paid etc. JW to investigate.Confirmed by LM and NW that this would not apply.
SE – G.Wilson wanted to know if there was a trophy for him to collect as the Scratch Matchplay Champion. DDB to check.Trophy now available to collect from office.
Item no: / Item Discussion: / Action(s): / Completed By When
3 / Secretary’s Report
Correspondence for Committee: None
Registrations for the ladies Cecil Leith 5 Club, Daily Mail Foursomes completed.
New accounts Databases set-up for 2013.
Club 2000 software upgrade undertaken on PSI.
All EGM notifications/arrangements completed.
All Competition Board lettering for 2012 received. Awaiting updates to be applied by GC.
Website diary updated for 2013/14
Draft 2013 diary sent off to Blacklion press.
All Matchplay entry sheets for 2013 now on Matchplay noticeboard.
Initial handover meeting held with Medway Council.
Competitions re-arranged due to course closures.
Item no: / Item Discussion: / Action(s): / Completed By When
4 / Treasurer’s Report
The actual Net Worth as at the 31st January 2013 was £15,487.59 compared to our brought forward position of £15,291.64
Income in 2013 is £135.00 and is categorised as:
Stableford Cup R1 Entry Fees...... £102.00
Stableford Cup R2 Entry Fees...... £33.00
Total £135.00
Expenditure in 2013 is £24.05 and is categorised as:
Committee expenses ...... £24.05
Total £24.05
Proposer: N/a
Seconded: N/a
The Treasurerrequested L.Mills (Medway Council) to commence collecting membership fees as soon as possible. DDB has already passed across to LM last year’s membership forms for amends and requested these be available by Thursday 7th Feb.
The Treasurer requested LM(Medway Council) to arrange for payment of KGU affiliation fees asap, else this could cause issues with Club Membership.
The Treasurer requested LM (Medway Council) to commence the collection of competition monies as soon as possible. DDB agreed to handover process to Medway Council on Thursday 7th February. LM to arrange for training.
The Treasurer requested DWarr for the 2012 Club Charity details. DWarr to email Treasurer.
The Treasurer confirmed that DRGC will pay for the paper diaries this year as already ordered. / LM
5 / Medway Council Report.
It is hoped that the course will be re-opened tomorrow – Tue 5th February after prolonged closure due to bad weather.
RA asked LM if the drainage on the new Par 3 course would impact the existing course?. LM – No as it has been specifically designed not to.
DWarr asked LM if there were any additional drainage plans for the existing course? LM – None at the moment. But work has been done in the last year with the drainage on the existing greens.
SWarr asked LM if the entrance Road will be properly repaired? Yes this will be done in the next week or so.
6 / Club Captains Report
My thanks to David Warrington for the great work done during 2012, especially with regards to the recent Club upheaval. I would also like to thank the Treasurer and Secretary for their outstanding contribution to the club.
Finally, as this was not done previously, D. Warr presented Dave Williams with his 2011 Captains leaving gift.
7 / Lady Captains Report
Monies held within the Ladies section will be handed over to Carol Springer for safekeeping.
Lady Captain then presented CS (Lady Captain 2013 with her Captains Pin badge
8 / Senior Captains Report
All fixtures for 2013 now scheduled.
9 / Junior Section Report
Nothing to report.
LMills (Medway Council) suggested that Dave Levy be the new Junior organiser in the new Medway Council Club set-up. Committee agreed and LM to arrange CRB check for DL.
10 / Council Liaison
Nothing to report.
11 / Social
Nothing to report.
Item no: / Item Discussion: / Action(s): / Completed By When
12 / Match Plays Report
All entry sheets for 2013 Match plays are now on the notice boards. SEwill once again oversee the playing of the fixtures.
13 / Website
There have been over 1200 visits to the site in January.
The site will undergo significant change over the next few weeks, in preparation for Medway Council use.
14 / AOB
SWarr – Confirmed that he would assist DS with this year’s Penfold League arrangements.
DDB – Proposed that for 2013 Ted Hedger be made Senior Club Captain as no other candidates had come forward. Committee agreed.
DDB – Requested sign-off of EGM minutes by the Committee? Committee agreed minutes but wanted all committee members present at EGM to have their names in the document. DDB to update and obtain sign-off from DWarr.
DDB – Following handover to Medway Council DDB requested that a set of his procedures be handed over to Club Members before he departs office. Committee agreed that copies should go to : M.Trout, P.Batson and J.Darke. DDB to arrange.
DWill – None
TH – None
DL – None
SE – None
NW – Passed over to LM (Medway Council) a schedule of DRGC’s 2013 Major expenditure plan. LM to arrange for payments to be made as and when due.
KH – Wished CS and Medway Council all the best for 2013 season and thereafter. / DDB
Item no: / Item Discussion: / Action(s): / Completed By When
14 / AOB Continued
CS – Asked LM if Ladies pre-booked tee times will remain? LM confirmed they would remain.
LM (Medway Council) - A new Club Constitution will be put together with a Committee etc. The first meeting will be on Monday 4th March. LM will set-up and chair new meetings. LM thanked the outgoing Committee for all their hard work over the years.
RA – Can website homepage be updated and his part re: rules queries be removed as this would now be the pro-shop. DDB to arrange. / LM

Minutes: Signed off by David Warrington

Meeting Closed at 20:30

Date of Next Committee Meeting: N/a

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