Human Services Council of Indiana County


May 13, 2010


The program following the meeting was Meet the Grant Makers.

  1. Call to Order by Sandy Harber, President
  1. Minutes from the March 2010 meeting. There were no corrections, motion to approve by Carol Scherman, seconded by LouAnn Williams. Minutes from the January 2010 meeting were approved
  1. Treasurer’s Report by Patty Drew, Treasurer

Starting Balance $2735.60.

Expenses for the volunteer breakfast: $1,201.10.

Deposits of membership dues $560.00, deposit from volunteer breakfast: $480.00. Ending balance $2,574.5

Motion to approve was made by Carol Scherman and seconded by LouAnn Williams. Motion passed.

4. Committee Reports

a. By Laws, Nancy Smith, chair, No report.

b. Community Connections, Maureen Pounds, chair:

1. They updated the HSC brochure.

2. They are working on a power point presentation on the Council.

3. The Gazette is printing an article about the Council meeting on the Sunday

after the meeting.

  1. Finance: Patty Drew, chair. They will be responsible for the June meeting and the speakers will be pertaining to health care issues.
  1. Legislative, Amanda McVicker, chair. Pepita reported on a meeting that was held on Tuesday 5-11 concerning the Marcelus Shale and the impact on water and roads. The supervisors and local representative for boroughs were in attendance and they felt that a severance tax was needed to help with these issues. This had not yet been passed in the state legislature.
  1. Nominating Cathy Williams, chair
  1. Community Education and Fellowship Judy Silvester, chair. This committee will be responsible for the August picnic.
  1. Volunteerism, Janeen Love, chair

On April 27 at the Indiana Country Club the volunteer breakfast was held. About 59 people attended and each of the 5 nominees spoke briefly. The theme was pieces of the puzzle. LouAnn Williams read a thank you from The APH nominee. There were 4 scholarships given.

5. Old Business


  1. New Business


  1. Announcements: Gina Lehman told about the display at the Indiana Mall in June. On June 3, the artist,Charlee Brodsky will speak at 12:30 PM. The display has photographs and narratives by individuals conveying their personal experiences with mental illness.
  1. Adjournment

LouAnn Williams made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Maureen Pounds seconded. Meeting adjourned.