Human Resource Planning Group Meeting:

Stage 4: Workforce Strategies and Implementation and Continuous Improvement – Part 2

[Month Day, Year]: [Start] – [End] (~2 hours)


Discussion Goals:

·  Capture input with respect to implementation and continuous improvement plans


·  Stage 4: Discussion Handout – This document should be prepared and shared with planning group members in advance as it will be a guiding document for this meeting.

·  Supplemental Resources – Any additional documentation or resources relevant to the topics of this meeting’s discussion (i.e. existing implementation planning documents, policy documentation related to project management, etc.).

·  Meeting Supplies – This could include a projector to share additional information, chart paper and markers to capture key takeaways for consideration by the group, and any other supplies needed to facilitate the discussion.

Key Roles:

·  Group Lead – This individual is responsible for leading preparation for the meeting, and would be the individual accountability for the HR planning process.

·  Meeting Facilitator – This individual is responsible for facilitating the discussion portion of the meeting and ensuring that all group members have an opportunity to contribute to the planning process. This may be the same person as the Group Lead.

·  Note-Taker – This individual is responsible for taking notes on the discussion portion of the meeting and organizing them for dissemination to group members. This person should not be the same as the Meeting Facilitator.

·  Time-Keeper – This individual is responsible for monitoring the time and alerting the Group Lead and Meeting Facilitator at five minutes before every transition from one agenda item to the next.

Human Resource Planning Group Meeting: Stage 4: Workforce Strategies and Implementation and Continuous Improvement – Part 2

[Start] – [End]
(~5 minutes) / Stage 4 – Part 1 Meeting Recap
Speakers: [Group Lead Name]
·  The Group Lead will present a recap of the notes from the Stage 4 – Part 1 meeting as a reminder to members.
[Start] – [End]
(~50 minutes) / Discuss Plan for Implementation
Meeting Facilitator: [Facilitator Name]
Note-Taker: [Note-Taker Name]
Time-Keeper: [Time-Keeper Name]
·  This discussion would be focused on planning for implementation of the strategies identified in the Stage 4 – Part 1 meeting.
·  There are many options for the structure of this discussion but ideally the chosen structure would be aligned with the chosen approach to engaging in this part of Stage 4 included in the Discussion Handout.
[Start] – [End]
(~ 5 minutes) / Break
[Start] – [End]
(~45 minutes) / Discuss Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Meeting Facilitator: [Facilitator Name]
Note-Taker: [Note-Taker Name]
Time-Keeper: [Time-Keeper Name]
·  This discussion would be focused on planning for the process of monitoring and evaluating the progress of implementation within the context of a cycle of continuous improvement.
·  There are many options for the structure of this discussion but ideally the chosen structure would be aligned with the chosen approach to engaging in this part of Stage 4 included in the Discussion Handout.
[Start] – [End]
(~10 minutes) / Discussion of the Final Report Section
Meeting Facilitator: [Facilitator Name]
Note-Taker: [Note-Taker Name]
Time-Keeper: [Time-Keeper Name]
·  During this session the facilitator would first review the identified key challenge(s) and corresponding strategies and then begin a discussion about how this information should be included in the final report.
o  For example, should a challenge and its corresponding strategy be presented together or in separate sections?
[Start] – [End]
(~5 minutes) / Closing and Next Steps
Speakers: [Group Lead Name]
·  The group lead would close with an overview of the next meeting’s focus and discuss a method for scheduling a date and time (as needed).

Human Resource Planning Group Meeting Stage 4, Part 2 Agenda—3