Eoi Language Research Workshop

Eoi Language Research Workshop

Regional Language Workshops

State Library of Queensland is seeking expressions of interest from Indigenous Language Centres, Public Libraries, Indigenous Knowledge Centres and other community organisations to co-host Regional Language Workshops during the January to June 2013 period.

This will be a unique opportunity for community groups to focus on local and regional languages and undertake workshop activities that build capacity in communities to research, document and manage their own language revival.


The workshops would be 1–2 days duration with an ideal of 20–30 participants. The focus of the regional workshop would be based on community needs and may include language awareness, language research, recording language, technology and language, documenting language, and language resources.

Intended Audience:

These events are aimed at language workers and community members who are currently working / have an interest in traditional languages and supporting language revival programs in communities.


  1. to conduct language workshops in regional communities
  2. to explore language materials held in local and regional collections
  3. to undertake language / locality specific research and/or training
  4. to build capacity in communities that support language revival, maintenance and preservation.

Expression of Interest

To register your interest in co-hosting regional language workshops, please complete the following details and language profile.

Name of Organisation
Contact Person
Contact Details / Phone: / Email:
Your Community / Locality
Language Group(s) in the community
Language activities / projects / [Brief overview/description of what language activities have taken place in your community.]
Speakers of Language / [Brief description of the language profile in your community – are there speakers of language; people with language knowledge?]
Language Resources / [Brief description of what resources, if any exist for your community languages, e.g. dictionaries, wordlists, recordings, etc.?]
Focus of Regional Workshop / [Brief description of the focus and anticipated outcomes for a regional workshop.]
Other information / [Please add any additional information to support your Expression of Interest.]

Applications: To register your interest in co-hosting a regional language workshop, please email or fax this page to Des Crump by Monday 5 November 2012 who will then contact you to discuss your involvement. For further information, please call Des Crump on 3840 7893 or mobile 0429 876 312 or email Fax: 3842 9126

The Indigenous Languages Strategy and associated activities at the State Library of Queensland are supported through funding from the Indigenous Languages Support Program (ILS) from the Australian Government Office for The Arts, Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport.

State Library of Queensland, Regional Language Workshops (2013)