The Project is, essentially, software that allows superintendentto monitor their human mobility cell phone. All incoming and outgoing calls, texts and multimedia messages can be seen and interrupted by the superintendent, who can also monitor where their human are (through GPS), access a history of where they've been and set up stored if their human are going outside of geographical zones, are receiving texts from unapproved numbers or calls from banned persons.

That smart phone-enabled dead reckoning supports accurate but local coordinates of users’ trajectories, while GPS provides global but inconsistent coordinates. Considering them simultaneously, the project device techniques to refine the global positioning results by fitting the global positions to the structure of locally measured ones, so the refined positioning results are more likely to elicit the ground truth. The project develop a prototype system, named GloCal conduct comprehensive experiments in both crowded urban and spacious suburban areas.

Our aim is to develop an efficient and improved geographical asset tracking

Solution and conserve valuable mobile resources by dynamically adapting the tracking scheme by means of context-aware personalized route learning techniques. This system uses Android based mobile phones for the software to be run. The alerts are also stored in the centralized server like the details of incoming call, text and multimedia messages and the timely location update of their human. Superintendent may later login into the centralized server and view the details of their employee mobile usage.


  • The Existing methodology is a switch is attached to the door which detects any intrusion attempted by intruders.
  • Image is can be stored in the server and it can be retrieve after some time
  • The interrupts GSM modem and the modem sends a per-configured warning SMS to the mobile phone in the remote location.
  • Moreover there is no alert system to inform the admin when unknown object is detected.
  • If the user acknowledges the pop-up, immediately a message is send back to the remote modem.


There is no accuracy in the captured image.

The moving object cannot be detected correctly.

SMS alert about the motion detection to the user.

Image cannot be retrieve at the time of motion detection.


In the Proposed system, the moving object is identified using the image Cauchy distribution model method.

The previous frame is compared with the current frame. From that the moving object is identified. Here we can detect the exact image of the moving object.

 Controlling home appliances remotely with mobile applications have started becoming quite popular due to the exponential rise in use of mobile devices.

Another advantage of this system is when the threshold value is reaching the limit that time server detected as a motion.

Then the system will alert the user automatically by sending a GCM alert to user’s mobile application.

User will be using Android Mobile for the Retrieval of Images from the remote place to know whether those images are important and can be ignored.


High accuracy in image capturing

Send an SMS alert to user’s mobile whenever a Moving object is detected

Image can be stored in the server and can be view at the time of motion detection.

User can view the image, via his Android mobile itself.



Operating system: Windows XP

Technology Used: Android 2.2

IDE: Eclipse 3.4 (min)

Emulators : AVD

Plug-in: ADT plug-in

Tools used: Android SDK.


Processor:Pentium P4

Motherboard:Genuine Intel

RAM:Min 1 GB

Hard Disk:80 GB