City of Hull

Proceedings of

October 10th, 2016

Mayor Pro Tem Eric Rankin called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. In attendance were Council persons Mark Kreun, Mike Broek, Joel Leusink and Kim Wielenga. Also present was Melissa Richter, John DeKoster, Phillip DeKoster, Brent Vass, Harlan Ten Haken, Janetsse Sedano, Brigit Grimm, Skyler Clark, Taylor Westphal, Mark Warntjes, and Cindy Warntjes. Mayor Roger Buys was absent.

A motion was made by Broek and supported Kreun to approve the agenda for the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Wielenga and supported by Broek to approve the consent agenda which consisted of the minutes from September 26th, 2016, and September Manual Checks, October Financial Report, October Computer Checks, and Locust Street Certificate of Payment #3. Motion carried 4-0.

Councilman Leusink arrived at 5:03

Mayor Pro Tem Rankin opened the public hearing at 5:05pm for the intent to consider whether to commence a public improvement project to construct a Storm water and sewage utility pipeline located in Sioux County, Iowa and whether to acquire agricultural land for the project. Phillip DeKoster discussed the letter from DGR stating that the use of ag land was needed to fit all the goals HIDC set forth for this project. Mark Warntjes gave a statement to the council with his intent to work with HIDC and the City for this project. Councilman Broek and John DeKoster addressed Mr. Warntjes comments.

Being no further comment the public hearing was closed at 5:22 pm.

A motion was made by Wielenga and seconded by Leusink to approve resolution 10102016 Application of Annexation. Mayor Pro tem called for a roll call vote. Ayes: Broek, Kreun, Rankin, Leusink, Wielenga. Nayes: none. Resolution passed 5-0

A motion was made by Broek and supported by Kreun to approve Resolution #10102016A Approving final site location and authorizing public improvement which may require acquisition of Agricultural land by the use of condemnation.. Mayor called for a roll call vote. Ayes: Broek, Kreun Wielenga, Leusink, Rankin. Nayes: none

Discussion was held on the proposed ARCA amendment to allow Lewis and Clark to use their capital improvement reserve fund prior to completion of construction. It was decided to table it to a later council meeting when all the council members may be present.

Public Correspondence- It was decided to split the Mark Soodsma bill as proposed by Mr. Soodsma.

Finance – No report

Streets & Storm sewer – Update on Street construction progress

Building, Equipment & Grounds- it was requested to have the energy audit results by next council meeting

Parks, Pool, Recreation- No Report

Public Safety –No report

City Utilities- Councilman Leusink talked about the $4500 expense for each blower that went out due to bad wiring and the potential acid wash in the SAGR system.

Economic Development-No Report

Other Business- Minutes from the Board of Adjustment proceedings of October 4th, 2016.

Next Council Meeting - Monday October 24, 2016.

Being no further business a motion was made by Wielenga and supported by Leusink to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 P.M. Motion passed 3-0.


Aaron Kooiker Eric Rankin

City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem