LA302 – Modern World Studies

The Catcher in the Rye – Literature Circle Assignment

While reading The Catcher in the Rye, you and one partner will be responsible for producing a literature circle assignment packet to accompany the novel. This packet with consist of:

·  Two modern songs that relay/connect to themes appearing in the novel and explanations of each choice

·  15 examples of literary terms that appear in the novel (similes, paradoxes, hyperboles, etc.)

·  Two modern connections to the world outside of the novel (an article about J.D. Salinger’s death, etc.)

·  Three key passages from the novel with explanations of their thematic significance

·  A book review of the entire novel

·  Visual aids

To complete the literature circle assignment (LCA) you will be given some class time, as presented on the calendar below. Whatever work you do not complete with your partner in class, you two will be responsible for finishing outside of the classroom. On days not designated for LCA worktime, you are expected to participate in class as usual, earning homework points outside of this project.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Introduction / 13
Project Details / Select Partners / 14/15 (BLOCK)
Class Discussion / Activity / 16
LCA Worktime
Class Discussion / Activity / 20
LCA Worktime / 21
Class Discussion / Activity / 22
LCA Worktime / 23
Class Discussion / Activity
LCA Worktime / 27
Class Discussion / Activity / 28
Catcher in the Rye Exam / 29
LCA due at beginning of class

Your LCA Packet (again, due 4/29) will be grade as follows:

A / B / C / D
TWO SONGS / Each song includes lyrics and comparison and analysis making distinct connections to the novel. Citations are included. / Completed but could be developed with more creativity and/or citations could be more developed / Completed at a satisfactory level only. / Incomplete
15 LITERARY TERMS & EXAMPLES / Literary terms are identified correctly. An example is present for each. Citations are cited correctly. / Literary terms/examples are identified but could be developed more. / Literary terms/examples are completed satisfactory. / Incomplete
TWO CONNECTIONS / Readings are connected to the reader’s life, happenings in the school, or in the community. Connections are explained. / Readings are connected but could be more developed. / Readings are completed at a satisfactory level. / Incomplete
THREE PASSAGES / EXPLANATIONS / Passages are cited correctly and explained as to why they are important. / Passages were cited, but could have been explained more thoroughly. / Passages were completed at a satisfactory level. / Incomplete
BOOK REVIEW / The review is concisely written and features the writer’s opinion and reflection. / Could include more of the writer’s interpretation of the novel. / The review is completed at a satisfactory level. / Incomplete
VISUALS / 2-3 visuals are completed in a create way. / 2 visuals are completed in a creative way / 1-2 visuals are completed at a satisfactory level. / Incomplete
LIFE LONG LEARNING / The group was never redirected to stay on task / The group was asked to work one time or less / The group was frequently asked to get focused. / Disruptive and off-task