Highworth Tennis Club - 2015-2016 season
HTC Membership Subscription Form for the 2015-2016Season (1st March 2015 to 29thFebruary 2016)
If you are a new member to HTC you are entitled to a special 25% discount off the cost of this season’s membership.
Membership Categories (ages apply from 1stMarch 2015):
Category / Fee / ExistingMembersIf pd by 28/2/2015 / New Members
A / Full Senior / £121.00 / £115.00 / £90.75
B / Student (in full time education) / £59.00 / £56.00 / £44.25
C / (i) / Senior Citizen / £75.00 / £71.00 / £56.25
D / Family (2 seniors and at least 2 juniors) / £233.00 / £222.00 / £174.75
E / Junior Group 1 (12 years and over and under 18) / £45.00 / £43.00 / £33.75
F / Junior Group 2 (11 years and under) / £10.00 / N/A / N/A
G / (ii) / Weekday Senior (see below) / £72.00 / £68.50 / N/A
AS / (iii) / Adult Supervisors / £34.00 / £32.00 / £25.50
(i)Retired from work and in receipt of state pension.
(ii)Monday to Friday until 5pm only. Note: This category is NOT available to new members, only to former Weekday Senior members who renew their membership.
(iii)This is not a membership and does not provide constitutional voting rights. It is solely for parents who wish to play with their Junior Group 2children at designated Junior Group 2 playing times.
- Discounts areapplicable to EXISTING members who pay their subscriptions by 28thFeb.
- A 25% discount is applicable to NEW members. This does not apply to Category F (Junior Group 2) which is already reduced to a lower rate.
Please download this form and save to your computer.
Complete the information and email the completed form to
Or post with Cheque to :
Karen Bakos
21 The Green
Highworth SN6 7DB
Cheques must be made payable to HIGHWORTH TENNIS CLUB.
If you would like to pay by bank transfer please email for bank details.
Please note: A signed and completed form must be received by the club.
Please mail to the address above or give to any committee member
This form with cash/cheque can also be given to any committee member.
Signed forms for Parental Permission must be received by the head coach or a committee member.
Application for membership (primary name):
First name: / Last name:House number/name: / Tel (home):
Street: / Tel (work):
Area: / Tel (mob):
Town/City: / Email:
County: / Date of birth:
Postcode: / Membership Category: / A / B / C / D
E / F / G / AS
British Tennis Number: / Please tick one
Additional name (1):
First name: / Last name:Relationship to above: / Date of birth:
British Tennis Number: / Membership Category: / A / B / C / D
E / F / G / AS
Please tick one
Additional name (2):
First name: / Last name:Relationship to above: / Date of birth:
British Tennis Number: / Membership Category: / A / B / C / D
E / F / G / AS
Please tick one
Additional name (3):
First name: / Last name:Relationship to above: / Date of birth:
British Tennis Number: / Membership Category: / A / B / C / D
E / F / G / AS
Please tick one
Clubhouse Key (senior members only):
If you would like a key to the clubhouse please include an additional £5 and tick this box.Senior Contact Information
A list of senior members contact details will be displayed in the clubhouse to assist contact between members. Place an X in the box if you DO NOT WANT your details listed.Subscription payments
Please tick how you prefer to pay:
Cheque - Cheques must be made payable to HIGHWORTH TENNIS CLUB.Direct Bank Deposit (internet banking) Once your membership form is received you will be contacted regarding bank details.
I/We hereby apply for membership at Highworth Tennis Club for 2015-2016
Signed: ______Date:______
Subscription remittance (payment in full):
TOTAL payment for my annual subscription to HIGHWORTH TENNIS CLUB for the 2015-2016 season (1/3/2015 – 29/2/2016)
Subscriptions / +Clubhouse key / +
TOTAL: / £
If you need to find out about a way to spread the cost of your annual membership over the first three months of the membership year please contact our Treasurer for details.
Chairman / Mitch Bakos / /Secretary / Sue Wilson /
Membership Secretary / Karen Bakos /
Treasurer / Phil Robson /
Coach / Simon Hennell / Mob: 07834 088038 /
Parental Permission:
To be completed for EACH JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP and given to the one of the coaches.
I, / , give permission for my childto be photographed playing tennisat
Highworth Tennis Club,and for these photographs to be displayed on club house notice boards.
If HTC wish to use the photographs for any other purpose (EG, HTC website, newsletters) my specific permission will be sought first, and my decision will be recorded on form entitled ‘HTC Third Party Photographic Policy’.
Signed: / By signing, you certify you are the child's legal parent/guardian.
Parental Permission:
To be completed for EACH JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP and given to one of the coaches.
I, / , give permission for my childto be photographed playing tennis at
Highworth Tennis Club, and for these photographs to be displayed on club house notice boards.
If HTC wish to use the photographs for any other purpose (EG, HTC website, newsletters) my specific permission will be sought first, and my decision will be recorded on form entitled ‘HTC Third Party Photographic Policy’.
Signed: / By signing, you certify you are the child's legal parent/guardian.
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