HSP3M Concepts to know for Ch 7 & 8 Quiz: Study Sheet

These terms and concepts are in random order. Can you explain what they mean in the context of our course? Use point form & key words as reminders on this page.

democratic leader:


blended family:


nuclear family:

extended family:

laissez-faire leader:

authoritarian leader:




social group:

common-law family:


free-choice marriage:



poverty line:


conventional role:


peer group:



Conclusions from Asch’s Group Conformity Experiment:

Conclusions from Milgram’s Teacher, Learner, Authority Figure Conformity Experiment:

Conclusions from Zimbardos Stanford Prison Experiment:

Causes of Battered Woman Syndrome:

The affects of divorce on children:

Conventional parenting roles:

Shared parenting roles:

Dual-career parenting roles:

Stresses of the single parent:

Primary groups:

Secondary groups:

HSP3M Concepts to know for Ch 7 & 8 Quiz: Study Sheet SAMPLE ANSWERS

These terms and concepts are in random order. Can you explain what they mean in the context of our course? Use point form & key words as reminders on this page.

democratic leader: reach consensus, allows for group input into decision-making

clique: exclusive group, chosen members

blended family: reconstituted family, parents with children from previous marriages

welfare: social assistance, monthly money from the state to help families in need

nuclear family: one or two parents and unmarried children living together

extended family: relatives in addition to parents and unmarried children living together

laissez-faire leader: little direction or organization from the leader. Group runs itself

authoritarian leader: leader gives direct orders, efficient, no input from group members

patriarchal: male head of family or organization

gang: cliques that encourage antisocial behaviour

norms: rules within a group that indicate how members should behave

social group: people who interact & are aware of having something in common

common-law family: unmarried couple with or without children

network: loose group, regular or occasional contact for specific purpose (business, info)

free-choice marriage: husband wife choose each other based on emotions (lust-love-companionate)

laws: formal rules enforced by designated individuals (police, judges) within a society

sanctions: consequences (positive or negative) within a group that encourage or discourage certain behaviours

poverty line: the income below which people have difficulty paying basic expenses.

matriarchal: female head of family or organization

conventional role: division of roles based on gender. Male vs Female responsibilities and activities

roles: behaviours that individuals within a group are expected to perform. Individuals can have as many roles as the number of groups they are in (son, brother, student, hockey team captain)

peer group: other people of similar age

cyber-relationship: relationships over the Internet mainly through social media sites and e-mail.

crowd: a large group whose members have little or no interpersonal contact

Conclusions from Asch’s Group Conformity Experiment: lots of conformity in new groups, lots of conformity when forced to respond publicly

Conclusions from Milgram’s Teacher, Learner, Authority Figure Conformity Experiment: People will follow instructions from authority figures, peer pressure is strong, people will defer responsibility to authority and not take responsibility

Conclusions from Zimbardos Stanford Prison Experiment: People will follow authority, people get into roles, good people can be cruel in certain situations, there is evil in everyone

Causes of Battered Woman Syndrome: repeated abuse, isolation, helplessness

The affects of divorce on children: + parents can stop fighting. – incomplete family

Conventional parenting roles: separate Dad vs Mum responsibilities, chores, roles

Shared parenting roles: Mum & Dad both work, but Mum still does more house work

Dual-career parenting roles: Both parents have careers, share household tasks, pay for some services (housecleaning, child care)

Stresses of the single parent: less disposable income, constant supervision of children

Primary groups: small group, family, close friends, personal and emotional relationships with each other, caring, love (or dysfunctionality!)

Secondary groups: impersonal, formal groups, exist more for a function or a cause