El Sereno Middle School: Home of the Jaguars
Mrs. Tenorio’s Syllabus for 7th/8th Grade AVID
Contact Information:
Email: Phone #: (323) 224-4700
Course Description
The AVID Elective course centers on preparing students for college readiness. Students will set, review and refineshort- and long-term goals for the purpose of understanding the value in taking charge of their actions. To support their academic growth, they will participate in weekly tutorial sessions and apply WICOR (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading) strategies. Philosophical Chairs, Socratic Seminars and other activities willhelp students to enhance their communication and reasoning skills. They will learn to take focused note-taking and work in peer writing groups. Students will gain college knowledge and study careers of interest via motivational speakers, field trips, research and technology. This elective will also use the IB MYP design cycle which will focus mainly on AVID, community service, systems and product related topics within a global context. Students are encouraged to develop a knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the design process in order to create solutions to problems.
Essential Expectations:
- BeSAFE, by entering the class peacefully, working in class attentively and exiting the class calmly.
- BeRESPONSIBLE, by following directions closely, performing class routines consistently, organizing your materials neatly, completing all your assignments accurately, studying for tests thoroughly, and managing your time wisely.
- Be RESPECTFUL, by treating others kindly, speaking or answering appropriately, listening carefully, and using technology and other tools properly.
- Be POSITIVE, by recognizing your strengths confidently, improving yourself patiently, collaborating enthusiastically, and helping others selflessly.
Meeting the Essential Expectations Results in:
- A sense of accomplishment, good grades, greater knowledge
and better skills
- Praise or class recognition
- Jaguar paws, positive note or call home and happy parents
- Certificate or treat
Not Meeting the Essential Expectations Results in:
- A talk with the student
- Nutrition, lunch, after school detention or campus beautification
- Referral to the counselor or dean’s office
- Parent conference or suspension
Assignments, Achievement Level for GRADING: Tests and Quizzes IB MYP Design Project
A = 100-95% = 8
Percentage Breakdown: 94-90% = 7
AVID Classwork and B = 89-85% = 6
Participation = 40% 84-80% = 5
IB MYP Design/Culminating C = 79-75% = 4
Project = 30% 74-70% = 3
Tests/Quizzes = 20% D = 69-65% = 2
Homework = 10% 64-60% = 1
100% F = 59 – 0% = 0
1. Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday and sometimes on Friday.
2. Classwork and homework assignments for each week is due at the end of the week on Friday, unless you are instructed otherwise.
3. You are responsible for making up any work, when and if you are absent.
4. Late work will not be accepted. (Remember: This is AVID, a course that helps you to manage your time wisely, to be organized and responsible!)
- three-ring binder
- school issued planner
- six labeled dividers
- filler paper
- highlighters
- pack of pencils, sharpener with a shavings cover/mechanical pencils & lead
- erasers
- pack of blue or black pens
- pack of red pens
- blunt tipped scissors
- crayons or colored pencils
- calculator
- a pouch or box to contain your supplies