Early Childhood Community of Practice
December 5, 2012
- Lydia Moore sharing her research
- See Handout
- Worked with Kent State around Performance Feedback
- Lydia’s role encompasses PD and Technical Assistance
- Five Part series
- Performance feedback with each other surrounding
- Single-Subject Design with three subjects
- At baseline the implementation was minimal to none
- Used rubric for evaluating feedback (from Autism Internet Modules)
- Behavior after feedback increased dramatically and remained above baseline for the entire study
- Teacher rated themselves and each other
- DEC Practices and OCALI information align beautifully!
- Highlighting Successful Programs
- See handout
- The goal is to develop capacity
- 75 minutes twice a week within the classroom regardless if there are children are in the classroom with special needs
- The amount of FTE 75 minutes twice a week equates to about .5 FTE (guesstimate)
- Caseloads range from 3-16, kids who are being supported but not in special education range from 3-30
- What will special education look like in kindergarten in five years?
- St. Joe has a level system and there is one classroom for students who need this level of support
- Level four classrooms there are four
- Who operates the GSRP programs? Local
- Who operates the ECSE program? Local for the 54 teachers, except the one level 5 center based teacher
- Braiding Fund
- Not at this point
- Funding in Head Start is around $8000 per slot
- Updates from other committees
- Join DEC as membership is important
- MARSE 10
- Work group is complete
- Expanding Opportunities/Preschool Inclusion
- No update
- Inclusion Policy Paper from ECIC
- In September feedback was submitted
- There has not been any feedback from the company
- Foundation allocation in GSRP
- Increase in funding in number of slots, and increase per child
- Concerns capacity to grow and maintain quality
- Message was clear that children who are in GSRP this year do not need to reenroll and the first in
- Providing GSRP in a full day capacity
- There are multiple implications for ECSE and Head Start
- White Paper to Susan Broman on Great Parents, Great Start
- Recommendations
- Great Start Collaborative and Great Parents, Great Start remain in the block grant and the local level can make decisions surrounding this work
- Evidenced based program with specific outcomes
- Highlights were shared in the MAASE general membership meeting
- Early On Family Survey
- There will be a change in the family survey with the 22 questions which are the family impact questions for this upcoming spring
- Update from OSE correction - Early Childhood Outcomes from birth to three can be entered into MSDS – this SHOULD BE 3-5 years
- Braiding of GSRP and Head Start
- Oxford Foundation
- ECSE Outcomes Data
- Lisa
- Every ISD data was sent out to ISD directors and as the 619 main contact on December 3
- Only for B7 – every ISD has a 1 through 4 level depending on how many targets you met
- Three attachments
- Letter of Acknowledgement
- Summary of Data (3 years worth of data if submitted)
- How many locals submitted
- Exit COSF were submitted and how many were matched
- Actual data report (10-15 pages)
- If you have any questions contact Lisa via phone or email
- OSEP is more results driven and brining this to the forefront
- Data Workshop for Administrators
- Wednesday on Michigan Collaborative Conference will contain the same content 1-4 on January 23rd
- Upper Peninsula has an early childhood conference on April 18 from 1-4 – space for 70
- Webinar in February
- Missing
- Matched data on 10 kids, means you have outcomes reported on two of the three outcome areas
- Locals are using a different system to get information into MSDS
- There are vendors who have not kept up on the business rules to ensure they are on top of MSDS rules
- There are some system glitches that are still being worked out
- The data is a results indicator not a compliance indicator and you will pull together a team to look at a root cause analysis in meaningful ways.
- You have a snapshot
- Are you increasing child match?
- Increasing overall entries?
- Increasing local entry?
- This does not put your job at risk from the state perspective, this is not the intent from the state level
- Discussion at the state training about how and why the targets were selected
- Targets were selected from one years worth of data from about 2000 kids who were mostly speech and language eligibility and that was the determination was selected
- Crosswalks being looked at in terms of assessment:
- The assessments have not changed
- ECSE manual will be updated and a FAQ will be there and the crosswalks have not changed
- ECSE classrooms can encompass 2.5 years and they do not go below 36 months and so how do you assess a 30 month child
- Look at assessment, educational expertise, and parent input and you can still develop a rating for the child
- Results transmittal responsibility will be clarified
- Email:
- Proposed Rules
- Elaine and Tom
- Inconsistency in wording and definitions
- More clarification is needed about the REED and evaluations and a lot was left undone
- Made some suggestions as it concerns infants and toddlers
- 1702 and 1703
- Students with a disability ages 3-26 and reference to IFSP (students over 3 do not have IFSP)
- Michigan mandatory mandates birth to 26 – and all refer to a student with a disability, in school code a student with a disability is defined as under 26 and has not graduated
- The only thing we have legally is Part B 3-21, the only thing we have for under three is in Michigan mandatory
- Bottom line if it goes through like this is means that there is no special education for under three
- If you do not comment there is no way to change
- 1702 – birth to 26 and eliminate 1703, which makes clear that all children under 26 are eligible for special education
- This was the same comment that Early On Staff made
- FAPE – children with a disability are entitled to a maximum potential effort should be offered FAPE
- There is FAPE birth to three
- Important to get this information out to the larger MAASE group
- What does the law say and the rules should support the law, rules cannot change laws
- Important to submit comment as an EC COP as well
- Activity
- Not about coming to consensus but to gather information so we can make comment individually
- Rule 1702 – COP Language
- Change to cover birth to 26 age range
- Align language birth to three and less than three
- Including calendar days versus school days, eligibility determination, etc.
- We support this as a COP
- Rule 1703 – COP Language
- Elimination of 1703 – it is not necessary
- We support this as COP
- Rule 1721 – COP Language
- Benefit of holidays and weekend
- Calendar
- Split thought – Recommend 10 school days (keep) – add 0-3 or 10 calendar days for 0-3
- Please clarify that 2.5 years is allowable for Part B
- Please clarify evaluation timelines birth to three since this is not clarified in Part C for all situations. e.g. Reevaluation, or previous Part C qualified or suspicion of Special Education.
- Recommend change from age 3 to 2 years 6 months to align with age as defined in other rules such as R340.1754 and R340.1755
- Not unity so not making comment as a group
- Rule 1754 – COP Language
- Research based curriculum – there are very few-no definition provided – Recommend: remove research based – then looks good.
- Nice clarity on age parameters, particularly September 1, age five
- Used to be six before count day – proposed five years by 9/1 – we are concerned about the gap. Some children could benefit from an extra year in ECSE – should be six years of age
- Consider going by strictly days – not hours and days
- Agree should be six years of age, it allows for greater individualization
- Rule 1755 – COP Language
- Academic Year? Recommend: School Year
- Age gap is still problematic (i.e., currently children not six by fall count date can be served in ECSE services)
- If 0-3 is to be included in 1862 vs. 1755 funding needs to follow per FTE
- Rule 1862 – COP Language
- Clarification on redetermination at age three eligibility determination
- Recommend returning to child instead of infant/toddler
- Add 1B – child eligible for Michigan Special Education on an IFSP may transition to an IEP no sooner than 2 years 6 months
- Unclear on #5, educational direction
- Why inclusion of MI Part C in MARS?
- Not all students with disabilities or infants and toddlers need 72 hours/yr.
- Retain FTE = Foundation
- Why is Michigan Part C State Plan and nowhere else does it mention Part B state plan?
- Not less than 72 clock hours over a year (we may have children who need special education who do not need 72 hours or parents may not want 72 hours) – this is problematic – where did 72 hours come from this does not fit? This creates an all or none scenario and this needs to be reviewed – needs to be addressed here because 1832 is most likely going to be revised
- Additional clarification is needed on how services are calculated, ancillary services only, etc
- Submit:
- The Department continues to see 1862 (4) are instructional services and therefore continue to be allowable costs for foundation allowance.
- 1862 (2) and (3) are in conflict with each other, if (3) were to stand without further clarification special education numbers would greatly increase funding would need to follow if this were to stand or eligibility criteria for Part C would need to be amended.
- Items from Last Meeting
- Information sharing from the field
- Birth to Three Topics
- Count Issues
- Discussion on METS
- Foundation Funding
- Are local administrators signing IFSPs as they did the IEPS?