HSA Finfish Slaughter Award 2018

Concept Note Form

HSA grants are aimed at improving or better understandingfood animal welfare during transport; marketing; slaughter; and killing for disease control and welfare reasons. Laudable as we think they may be, research and projects which fall outside of this remit are not eligible for grants from the HSA.When completing this application form, the case for the animal welfare benefits of the research or project must be made very clearly.

Please read the notes on HSAgrants and the conditions under which they are given before completing the application form.

This Form Includes

  • Concept note form (Pages 1–10)
  • Consent to receive ongoing information about HSA activities and support (pages 11-13)
  • Award notes and conditions (Pages 14-17)

Name of corresponding applicant / Project leader:
Host Institution:
Project title:


To consider your application we must receive this completed CONCEPT NOTE and your current CV(s). You must submit these documents to .

Deadline for receipt of completed applications:Thursday 31 May 2018.

Humane Slaughter Association • The Old School • Brewhouse Hill
Wheathampstead • Hertfordshire • AL4 8AN • UK
Tel: +44(0)1582 831919 • Fax: +44(0)1582 831414 • Email: •

Registered in England, Charity No 1159690. Charitable Incorporated Organisation

HSA Finfish Slaughter Award 2018


The Humane Slaughter Association (HSA) is seeking applications for research which will lead to the development and/or validation of humane stunning methods for farmed finfish species for which there are no current validated stunning parameters.

The project(s) should identify and/or validate a method for stunning of farmed finfish undergoing a typical commercial-scale harvest, which is humane (causes the minimum pain, suffering or distress); commercially viable; and practical, so that the method is likely to be adopted by industry.

Welfare of farmed finfish during slaughter (total funds available: £750,000).

Farmed finfish are slaughtered in very large numbers, and many of these fish are not humanely stunned before slaughter. Whilst humane stunning methods have been developed for some commonly farmed species, for other species which are farmed in large numbers, there are, as yet, no validated methods of humane stunning[1]. The HSA believes that finfish should be humanely stunned before slaughter to preclude the possibility of pain and suffering. To support this aim, the HSA wishes to support scientific research which will lead to a significant increase in the number of farmed finfish which are humanely stunned.

This award, or awards, will support scientific research to identify humane stunning methods and parameters for commercial large-scale slaughter of farmed finfish species for which satisfactory stunning parameters or methods have not been determined and/or validated.

Before submitting concept notes, potential applicants may wish to consider (but should not be limited by) information within the HSA report on Humane Slaughter of Finfish Farmed Around the World, available at:

Projects should include:

  • a comprehensive assessment of the welfare impact of the proposed stunning method using behavioural, physiological and neurophysiological/neurological measures of welfare (eg pain and/or distress), as appropriate.
  • measurements of time to loss of consciousness, the time between loss of consciousness and death or the duration of loss of consciousness if the stun is recoverable. Behavioural indicators of consciousness need to be validated against other (eg neurological) measures.
  • for methods intended to induce an immediate stun and which when used for routine commercial slaughter involve application of the intended stunning treatment for multiple seconds (eg conventional electrical stunning)applications must describe how the immediacy of stunning (iecessation of consciousness) will be objectively measuredto confirm that the chosen parameters can generate unconsciousness as rapidly as possible to minimise the possibility of suffering during initial stun application.
  • an assessment of the effect of the chosen stunning method/parameters on product/meat quality under routine commercial harvesting/slaughter conditions. This is essential to demonstrate that the proposed method will produce meat of acceptable commercial quality,
  • an analysis of the feasibility of large-scale commercial use of the method. This shouldinclude estimates of the cost of installation and operating the equipment and the impact on the quality or value of the product. (The recent European Commission report “Welfare of farmed fish: Common practices during transport and at slaughter”[2] contains some examples demonstrating the economic impact of adoption of high-welfare practices during transport and slaughter of farmed fish.)
  • a brief explanation of how the project will (as a minimum) meet the eligibility, reporting quality and methodological criteria set out by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for studies evaluating the effectiveness of stunning interventions, are technically applicable/feasible for the proposedspecies and stunning method[3].

All proposals must pay due regard to the principles of the 3Rs, including providing a clear justification for the number of animals used in experiments (including the appropriate power calculations). Applicants may wish to use the NC3Rs Experimental Design Assistant ( or a similar tool to help with the design of studies and include output from such tools with their application.

Proposed projects should also incorporate a dissemination plan to ensure that stunning parameters, techniques and equipment which are identified as humane are publicised as widely as possible, maximising the likelihood of their adoption by industry globally.

Total funding of up to £750,000 is available. Applicants may apply for some or all of the funding and applications can address one or more finfish species. The HSA may divide the award/funds between multiple proposals, eg between a number of proposals addressing a single species or to a single proposal which addresses multiple species. Funding will be allocated on the basis of the scientific quality of the applications; the number of animals affected (eg number of individuals of that species which are slaughtered each year); the practicality and likelihood of widespread adoption of the method by industry; and the value for money of the proposals.

Once awarded, funds may be expended over a maximum of six years.


Application is by a two-stage process. Initially, applicants should submit a concept note,that briefly summarises the proposed project, using this form. Following review, selected applicants will be asked to submit a full proposal. Invitation to submit a fullproposal is not a guarantee that the project will be funded.

We hope to notify shortlisted applicants by late June 2018 and announce the eventual winning applicant during December 2018.

Along with the completed Concept Note, all applicants and named research staff or students must enclose their CV.

Applications must be made using this application form and submitted by email to

Deadline for receipt of completed applications – Thursday 31 May 2018.

Eligibility for awards

Applications can be from commercial companies, academic institutions or any other organisation suitably qualified to carry out the research. We welcome applications from consortia where, for instance, academic and industrial partners collaborate on a project.

Funds can be spent on research costs (eg equipment, animals, travel, open-access publication of the research), staff salaries, student stipends or any other direct cost of the proposed project. The HSA does not normally support university overheads or other indirect costs.

Due to the source of funding for these projects, all grant funds awarded as part of this award must be used exclusively for activities conducted outside the United States of America.

Funds may only be used for scientific research. Funds must not be used for propaganda, campaigning or to attempt to influence legislation.

Further information

For further information, or to download this application form, please visit the grants and awards section of the HSA website, available at: Alternatively, to contact the HSA directly, email: or telephone: +44 (0) 1582 831919.

Application Checklist

I have enclosed the following (tick as appropriate)

1) Signed application form ☐

2) CV(s) for all applicants/students/named personnel: ☐
Application Form

SECTION 1: Summary

1.1Proposed project:

Project title:
Brief summary of project: (100 words)
Project duration: / Start date: End date:
Project to be carried out at:
Total amount requested:
(in Pound Sterling) / £
Name of Institution that would administer the award: Please note awards cannot be made to institutions in the USA.
How did you hear about this award? / Print Advert☐ HSA Website ☐ HSA Email ☐UFAW Email ☐
Social Media (Twitter/Linkedin etc)☐ Other (Please Specify)

1.2Details of corresponding applicant/ Project leader:

If this is a joint application then please include, on a separate page, the names, qualifications and addresses of other persons to be involved in the project and provide details of their responsibilities within the project.

Name: / Title: (eg Dr, Mr, Ms)
Position / Job description:
Contact address:


I shall be responsible for the direction and progress of this project. I have read the conditions under which HSAgrants are given and, if this application is successful, I agree to abide by them.

(Typed signatures accepted) / Date:

1.4Co-Applicants (Insert here the names of other persons who are to be named co-applicants on the application). If the project involves other named persons (collaborators, PhD students etc.) please attach their CVs with the application.

Name: / Title: (eg Dr, Mr, Ms)
Position / Job description:
Contact address:
Name: / Title: (eg Dr, Mr, Ms)
Position / Job description:
Contact address:
Name: / Title: (eg Dr, Mr, Ms)
Position / Job description:
Contact address:
Name: / Title: (eg Dr, Mr, Ms)
Position / Job description:
Contact address:
Name: / Title: (eg Dr, Mr, Ms)
Position / Job description:
Contact address:
Name: / Title: (eg Dr, Mr, Ms)
Position / Job description:
Contact address:

SECTION 2: Project details

2.1Proposals should be confined to the space provided.

(i)The rationale for selection of the proposed stunning or killing method and species;

(ii)aim and objectives;

(iii)experimental design and methods, including details of any animals to be studied or used and proposed procedures.

(iv)key references;

(v)the likely output of the project (eg prototypes, publications, advisory literature) and plans for dissemination of this;

(vi)any possible problems that might prevent the satisfactory completion of the project, and

(vii)assessment of the likely benefit to animal welfare.

Brief outline of project:
Outline of project:

2.2Ethical Issues

Please detail any ethical issues, especially those concerning animals used in the study and any procedures likely to impact the welfare of animals in the study.

2.3Ethical Approvals

Ethical Approval – Provide details of any ethical approvals needed (local ethics committee, IACUC/AWERB/animal welfare body etc).
In each case please specify whether the ethical approval has been granted.

2.4Financial summary:

Please provide a breakdown of projectcosts in GB pound Sterling. VAT costs should be made apparent where applicable.

Please note that the HSA does not usually fund university overheads.

Research costs:
(eg capital equipment, animals, travel, accommodation, consumables) / £
Other costs:
please specify: / £
Staff Salaries (including pension, national insurance etc) / £
PhD/Student stipend (if applicable): / £
Tuition fees (if applicable): / £
Student’s training costs:
(eg courses, training etc) / £
TOTAL: / £

Consent to receive ongoing information about HSA activities and support

Dear Applicant(s),

You have sought funds to support your work on animal welfare, the HSA would like to send you information about our work, including future funding opportunities. Legislation regarding personal information requires us to seek your consent to receive information about HSA’s activities, grants and support. If you wish to receive this information please complete and return the brief attached consent form on the following page. Whether or not you consent to receive information from the HSA will have no bearing on the success of your funding application.

Once we have your consent, you will continue to receive information from HSA in the way that you have specified, unless and until you tell us otherwise. Without your consent, we cannot continue to keep in touch.

There are two consent forms on the following pages, please complete a form for each applicant who wishes to receive information, please contact us if you require more forms or visit to complete a form online.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the office on 01582 831919 or by email at .

The HSA is an independent registered charity, founded in 1911. It is the only UK charity concerned exclusively in the promotion of the humane treatment of all food animals worldwide in markets, during transport, at slaughter, and killing for welfare reasons and disease control.

Humane Slaughter Association

The Old School,Brewhouse Hill,Wheathampstead,

Herts,AL4 8AN, UK

Tel +44 (0) 1582 831919

Fax +44 (0) 1582 831414

Web site:


Registered in England Charity No 1159690

Charitable Incorporated Organisation


To Receive Information about HSA’s Activities and Support



Post Code Email


Please check the appropriate boxes below;

Information about HSA’s technical, scientific and educational activities

I consent to HSA sending me information about HSA’s technical and scientific activities

via electronic means, eg email. YES

Via post YES

Information about supporting HSA

I consent to HSA sending me information about supporting HSA

via electronic means, eg email. YES

Via post YES

Using and sharing your information

The data collected above will be held and processed by HSA for the purposes of informing you of HSA’s technical, research and educational activities including grant funding opportunities, scientific symposia and meetings and regarding membership and support of the charity. Consent to receive mailings will be renewed after 7 years, however, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

Your information will be stored and processed in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. We will respect your privacy and never share your details with a third party or organisation for marketing purposes. You have the right to request, rectify and erase your data, and to make a complaint to the supervisory authority (Information Commissioner’s Office). For more detailed information, please see our Privacy Statement

Humane Slaughter Association

The Old School,Brewhouse Hill,Wheathampstead,

Herts,AL4 8AN, UK

Tel +44 (0) 1582 831919

Fax +44 (0) 1582 831414

Web site:


Registered in England Charity No 1159690

Charitable Incorporated Organisation


To Receive Information about HSA’s Activities and Support



Post Code Email


Please check the appropriate boxes below;

Information about HSA’s technical, scientific and educational activities

I consent to HSA sending me information about HSA’s technical and scientific activities

via electronic means, eg email. YES

Via post YES

Information about supporting HSA

I consent to HSA sending me information about supporting HSA

via electronic means,eg email. YES

Via post YES

Using and sharing your information

The data collected above will be held and processed by HSA for the purposes of informing you of HSA’s technical, research and educational activities including grant funding opportunities, scientific symposia and meetings and regarding membership and support of the charity. Consent to receive mailings will be renewed after 7 years, however, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

Your information will be stored and processed in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. We will respect your privacy and never share your details with a third party or organisation for marketing purposes. You have the right to request, rectify and erase your data, and to make a complaint to the supervisory authority (Information Commissioner’s Office). For more detailed information, please see our Privacy Statement

Humane Slaughter Association

The Old School,Brewhouse Hill,Wheathampstead,

Herts,AL4 8AN, UK

Tel +44 (0) 1582 831919

Fax +44 (0) 1582 831414

Web site:


Registered in England Charity No 1159690

Charitable Incorporated Organisation

Notes and Conditions

Use of funds

1.Projects and procedures funded by HSA grants may not be altered from those specified on the application form and in the grant authorisation from the HSA without prior written permission of the HSA, and no additional funds will be provided unless the HSA so decides in its absolute discretion.

2.Where funds are granted to an institution for the employment of staff at that institution or for work to be carried out by a private individual, the HSA is not the employer. It is the responsibility of the host institution to issue a contract of employment in accordance with the Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978 or equivalent legislation in other countries and with any other employment legislation. Full details of all employment costs should be provided in the application. Where the HSA provides funds for the employment of staff to undertake research, the employer is expected to protect these staff from the burdens of undertaking administrative and teaching responsibilities unless agreed otherwise by the HSA.

3.The period of the grant is strictly limited and the tenure of appointment of any persons employed by the host institution for the work must be confined strictly to the period of the grant. If staff are retained beyond this it is for the host institution’s own purposes and at their own expense.

4.The host institution is entirely responsible for increments in salaries or stipends during the term of the grant and these should be budgeted for in the application. The HSA may consider applications for additional sums following national pay increments. Applications should be made promptly after these occur and full details of the circumstances explained.