year book

Government OF PAKISTAN

Ministry OF OVERSEAS PakistanIS AND




Table of Contents

Sl. No. / Contents / Page No.
Message from the Federal Minister for Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resource Development / …………v
Foreword / ……….vii
Executive Summary / ………viii
1 / INTRODUCTION / …………1
1.1 Vision of the Ministry / …………1
1.2 Overview of Activities / …………1
1.3 Organogram of the Ministry / …………3
1.4 Administrative set up of the Ministry / …………4
1.5 Functions of the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resource Development under Rules of Business
1973 / …………4
2.1 National Industrial Relations Commission (NIRC) / …………5
3.1 Number of Overseas Pakistanis / …………8
3.2 Workers Remittances / …………8
3.3 Redressal of Grievances of OPs / …………9
3.4 Nitaqat Program (Saudization) / …………9
3.5 Presentation on Pakistan Vision 2025 / …………11
4 / EMIGRATION /OP WING / …………12
4.1 Posting of Community Welfare Attaches (CWAs) abroad / …………12
4.2 Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment (BE & OE) / …………13
4.3 Overseas Employment Corporation (OEC) / …………18
5.1 Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI) / …………20
5.2 Workers’ Welfare Fund (WWF) / …………21
5.3 Overseas Pakistanis Foundation (OPF) / …………22



Table 1 / Statement Showing Number of Overseas Pakistanis Living/Working Studying in Different Regions/Countries of the World as on 31-12-2013 / ……….27
Table 2 / The year-wise foreign exchange sent by the workers during the last five years / ……….32
Table 3 / List of CWAs alongwith Stations, 2014 / ……….33
Table 4 / Job description of Community Welfare Attaches / ……….34
Table 5 / Statement showing the number of workers proceeded Abroad for employment registered by Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment during the Financial Year 2013-14 (Country-wise) / ……….35
Table 6 / Statement showing number of Pakistani workers
Registered for overseas employment through Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment during the period 1971-2014, upto January, 2014 (Country-wise) / ……….37
Table 7 / Workers registered for overseas employment by Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment during the period 1971-2014, upto June, 2014 (Category-wise) / ……….38
Table 8 / Workers registered for overseas employment by Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment during the period 1981-2014, upto June, 2014 (Province-wise) / ……….39
Table 9 / Workers registered for overseas employment by Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment during the period 1981-2014, upto June, 2014 (District-wise) / ………..41
Table 10 / Statement showing the number of Pakistanis proceeded abroad for Employment registered by bureau of emigration and overseas employment during The financial year 2013-14
(Protectorate-Wise) / ……….44
Table 11 / Statement showing the number of Pakistanis proceeded abroad for Employment registered by Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment During the period 1971-2014 (Upto June) / ………..45
Table 12 / Month wise comparative statement of the Pakistanis Proceeded Abroad for employment registered by bureau of emigration and overseas Employment during the period 2012-13 and 2013-14. / ……….46
Table 13 / Comparative Statement of the Pakistanis Proceeded Abroad for Employment registered by Bureau of Emigration and Oversea Employment during the financial year 2012-13 & 2013-14. / ……….47
Table 14 / Comparative Statement of the Pakistanis Proceeded
abroad for Employment registered by Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment during the financial year 2012-13 & 2013-14 (Country Wise) / ………..48
Table 15 / Comparative Statement of the Pakistanis Proceeded
abroad for Employment registered by Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment during the financial year 2012-13 & 2013-14 (Occupation-Wise) / ……….49
Table 16 / Comparative Statement of the Pakistanis Proceeded
abroad for Employment registered by Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment during the financial year 2012-13 & 2013-14 (Province-Wise) / ..…….50


Graph 1 / The graphical presentation of number of workers
proceeded to major countries for employment registered by Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment during the Financial Year 2013-14 / ..…….36
Graph 2 / The graphical presentation of country-wise number
of workers registered for overseas employment by Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment during the period 1981-2014, (Province-wise) / ..…….40




AITF / Inter Agency Task Force
AJK / Azad Jammu Kashmir
APS / Assistant Private Secretary
ATM / Automated Teller Machine
BE&OE / Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment
CBA / Collective Bargaining Agent
CVs / Curriculum Vitae
CWA / Community Welfare Attaché
EOB / Employees’ Old-Age Benefits
EOBI / Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution
EPS / Employment Permit System
FBR / Federal Board of Revenue
FERC / Foreign Exchange Remittance Card
FIA / Federal Investigation Agency
FICF / Financial Innovation Challenge Fund
FWO / Frontier Work Organization
ICMA / Institute of Cost and Management Accountants
ICT / Islamabad Capital Territory
IESCO / Islamabad Electric Supply Company
ILO / International Labour Organization
ILS / International Labour Standards
IRA / Industrial Relation Act
LLC / Limited Liability Company
MoU / Memorandum of Understanding
NADRA / National Database & Registration Authority
NICOP / National Identity Card of Overseas Pakistanis
NIRC / National Industrial Relation Commission
OEC / Overseas Employment Corporation
OEP / Overseas Employment Promoters
OP / Overseas Pakistanis
OP&HRD / Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development
OPAC / Overseas Pakistanis Advisory Council
OPF / Overseas Pakistanis Foundation
OPPT / Overseas Pakistanis Pension Trust
OSS / One Stop Shop
PESSI / Punjab Employees Social Security Institution
POC / Pakistan Origin Card
PPU / Policy Planning Unit
PRAL / Pakistan Revenue Automation Pvt. Limited
SECP / Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan
SLEIF / State Life Emigrant Insurance Fund
SOP / Standard Operating Procedure
WWF / Worker Welfare Fund


Message from the Federal Minister

History of mankind is replete with the examples of people migrating from one country to another either for permanent settlement or for a short duration in search of better social and economic conditions. This is different than historical migration in the remote past when there were few checks on the movements of the people leaving one region for another. But the present migration between the countries is not open-ended. There are strong state interventions usually in the form of statutory and regulatory measures both in the country of origin as well as in the country of destination.

There are about 7.6 million Overseas Pakistanis working/living around the globe. The main concentration of overseas Pakistanis is in Middle East, Europe and America. They are contributing in the development of economy of Pakistan by sending remittances which is the second largest source of foreign exchange after exports of the country, increased from US$ 13.920 billion in 2012-13 to US$ 15.832 billion in 2013-14.

With a view to ensure the welfare of Pakistani expatriates and their dependents in Pakistan; the Ministry has established 19 offices of Community Welfare Attaches (CWAs,) in 16 Pakistan Missions in 14 countries. To implement the policy of austerity, the Government decided to close down seven offices of CWAs where the concentration of OPs is less. Similarly, keeping in view the security situation in Libya and increased job opportunities for Pakistani labour force in Iraq, the Community Welfare Wing in Tripoli was transferred to Baghdad (Iraq).

Pakistanis Workers who are working in Saudi Arabia on Azad Visas or working with employers other than their own sponsors/Kafeels, declared illegal by Saudi’s Government. The Saudi Government had introduced a program called “Nitaqat Program” (Saudization) aiming at arresting and deporting illegal foreign workers. The Government had given a grace period upto 3rd November, 2013 to correct their legal status. Under this program, about 950,000 Pakistani workers corrected their legal status. Pakistan had been able to regularize the highest number of foreign workers of any single foreign community.

Moreover, the Ministry is engaged in promotion of welfare of industrial and commercial workers, by providing them social security benefits like old-age pension with ease and dignity, housing facility, shelter to registered workers, free secondary education and scholarships for higher studies to the children of workers as well as other welfare measures like marriage/death grants. The Ministry is also responsible for strengthening of employee-employer relation as well as coordination with the Provincial Governments, International Labour Organization and other relevant international agencies. The Ministry formulates policies, development strategies and reviews existing policies.

The Ministry’s Departments/Organizations will continue to play their role in discharging the assigned tasks.

Pir Syed Sadaruddin Shah Rashidi

Federal Minister for

Overseas Pakistanis &

Human Resource Development

December, 2014



The Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development was established on 7th June, 2013 after merging of Ministry of Human Resource Development with Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis as a result of re-organization of Federal Secretariat in terms of rule 3 of the Rules of Business, 1973.

The Year Book of the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development is an official hand book published in pursuance of sub rule (2) of Rule 25 of the Rules of Business, 1973. The Year Book reviews the activities and achievements of the Ministry during the financial year 2013-14.

The Ministry works in a tripartite manner; that is Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resource Development - on behalf of the Government of Pakistan, the Workers (Pakistan Workers’ Federation) and the Employers. (Employers’ Federation of Pakistan)

The vision of the Ministry is to provide better services to Overseas Pakistanis, (OPs) rehabilitation of returning OPs, taking measures for protection of their investment, to secure emigration of right worker for right job, to promote workers welfare by adopting workers friendly policies and to ensure provision of social protection and decent working condition.

For speedy and proper disposal of complaints/grievances of Overseas Pakistanis, the Police & Revenue Departments of all the Provincial Governments including AJK & Gilgit-Baltistan have nominated their designated desks at district level to redress all complaints being received from Overseas Pakistanis.

I hope that this book will be useful for all concerned. Suggestions/comments (if any) will be appreciated as it will be helpful to the Ministry in formulating future policies.

Sikander Ismail Khan

Federal Secretary

December, 2014



The vision of the Ministry is to provide better services to the Overseas Pakistanis (OPs) through updating their database, enhancing foreign exchange remittances by offering them incentives/facilities, better facilities at airports, setting up suitable schemes in housing, education, health, facilitating the rehabilitation of returning OPs, taking measures for protection of their investment, besides ensuring that Community Welfare Attaches (CWAs) posted in various Pakistani Missions abroad maintain a close liaison with major concentration of their community, to promote welfare of OPs, to resolve their problems, to secure emigration of right workers for right job, to promote workers welfare by adopting workers friendly policies and to ensure their social security.

There are about 7.6 million OPs living/working/studying in different countries. OPs are contributing in the development of economy of Pakistan by sending remittances which is the second largest source of foreign exchange after exports of the country, increased form US$ 13.920 billion in 2012-13 to US$ 15.832 billion in 2013-14.

Pakistanis Workers who are working in Saudi Arabia on Azad Visas[1] or working with employers other than their own sponsors/Kafeels, declared illegal by Saudi’s Government. The Saudi Government had introduced a program called “Nitaqat Program” (Saudization) aiming at arresting and deporting illegal foreign workers. The Government had given a grace period upto 3rd November, 2013 to correct their legal status. Under this program, about 950,000 Pakistani workers corrected their legal status. Pakistan had been able to regularize the highest number of foreign workers of any single foreign community. Approximately 56,000 Pakistanis travel back from the Kingdom during amnesty period. Pak Mission at Riyadh had registered 2,100 such Pakistanis who could not correct their legal status in the Kingdom.

The Planning, Development and Reforms Division was in process of preparing plans for Big Fast Results 2013-2015, Five Year Plan 2013-2018 and Pakistan Vision 2025. The Ministry and its Departments/ Organizations have sent their goals and targets to them to be included in the above mentioned plans.

With a view to ensure the welfare of Pakistanis expatriates and their dependents in Pakistan; the Ministry has established 19 offices of Community Welfare Attaches (CWAs,) in 16 Pakistan Missions in 14 countries. To implement the policy of austerity, the Government decided to close down seven CWA’s Offices abroad. Similarly, keeping in view the increased job opportunities for Pakistani labour force in Iraq, the Community Welfare Wing in Tripoli was transferred to Baghdad (Iraq). The CWA Wing has been established and the officials have started performing their duties.

To address the grievances of Overseas Pakistanis, Police & Revenue Departments of all the Provincial Governments including AJK & Gilgit Baltistan have nominated their designated desks at district level for prompt disposal of the complaints.

The Ministry is making continuous efforts to enhance the export of Pakistani Workers aboard, a Memorandum of Understanding in the areas of Labour and Occupational Training between the Government of Kingdom of Bahrain and Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan was signed on 19th March, 2014.


During the period under report, 269 new licenses to Overseas Employment Promoters (OEPs) were issued / renewed /transferred and 02 licenses of OEPs were cancelled.

So far approximately 7.4 million persons have proceeded for employment abroad duly registered by the Bureau/Protector of Emigrants from the years 1971 to 2014 (Upto June). Owing to the endeavors made by the Government and licensed Overseas Employment Promoters, 66,8719 persons were registered with the regional offices namely Protector of Emigrants of Bureau Of Emigration and Overseas Employment during the financial year 2013-14 with an increase of about 2.72% over the previous year.

Overseas Employment Corporation (OEC), since its establishment has provided employment to more than 137,955 persons in 55 different countries. During the year 2013-14, the Corporation has employed 1,615 persons in different foreign countries.

National Industrial Relation Commission (NIRC) has made registrations of 47 trade unions/federations at the national level during the year 2013-2014 and 27 secret ballot held to determine collective bargaining agents during the year 2013-2014