Public Notice
The Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization (HRTPO), the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for the Hampton Roads metropolitan planning area, is amending the HRTPO 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The amendment process includes an opportunity for public review and comment.
Hampton Roads Crossing Study – Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
The current 2040 LRTP, adopted in July 2016, includes $4.8 billion for Phase 1 of the Locally-Preferred Alternative of the Hampton Roads Crossing Study Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (HRCS SEIS). On October 20, 2016, the HRTPO Board unanimously approved Alternative A, which widens I-64 to six lanes from I-64/I-664 at the Hampton Coliseum to I-64/I-564 and includes improvements to the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel (HRBT), as the Locally Preferred Alternative. Alternative A is estimated to cost approximately $4.031 in year-of-expenditure dollars, leaving $769 million in regional planning funds to fiscally-constrain additional regionally-significant projects. In addition to Alternative A, the HRTPO Board unanimously approved the inclusion of the Bowers Hill Interchange and a study to further evaluate the remaining segments of Alternative D. The Commonwealth Transportation Board is scheduled to take formal action on the Locally Preferred Alternative on December 7, 2016.
Virginia Beach Light Rail Extension to Town Center
With the removal of $155 million in state funds on the Virginia Beach LRT transit extension to the Virginia Beach Town Center, this project is no longer fiscally-constrained for construction.
Project / Amendment Action / Estimated Project Cost (Year-of-Expenditure) / Funding SourceHRCS SEIS Alternative A - HRBT / Include (construction) / $4.031 Billion (2025 YOE) / HRTAC
(already included in current 2040 LRTP financial plan)
Bowers Hill / Include (construction) / $568 Million (2032 YOE) / HRTAC
(already included in current 2040 LRTP financial plan)
Study Remaining Segments of HRCS SEIS Alternative D:
- I-664 from Hampton Coliseum to Bowers Hill
- I-664 Connector/I-564 Connector
- VA 164 Connector
- VA 164 widening to six lanes from VA 164 Connector to I-664
(already included in current 2040 LRTP financial plan)
Virginia Beach Transit Extension / Remove / N/A / N/A
The current 2040 LRTP in its entirety can be viewed via the link below.
2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan
All interested parties are encouraged to review the revisions and send comments to Dale Stith, Principal Transportation Planner, at or by mail to 723 Woodlake by December 9, 2016.
The public participation and notification processes of the HRTPO satisfy the individual public participation policies of HRTPO planning partners in accordance with Federal regulations and guidelines.
The HRTPO will strive to provide reasonable accommodations and services for persons who require special assistance to participate in this public involvement opportunity. Contact Kendall Miller, Public Involvement / Community Outreach Administrator at (757) 420-8300 for more information.