Chapter 10

·  Hrothgar leaves with his royal guard, because he knew Heorot was safe since God (“King of Glory”) sent Beowulf there to protect it from Grendel

·  in turn, Beowulf puts all of his faith in God and his own strength to protect Heorot (shown by Beowulf handing all of his actual armor and weaponry to his servant, instead of keeping it with himself as protection from Grendel)

·  “Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I could kill him with my own sword; I shall not, easy as it should be.... I will meet him with my hands empty” (lines 675-683)

·  Let God in His wisdom extend His hand where He wills, reward whom He chooses” (line 685-688), God will decide the victor, basically God will always rule over man

·  also note: men left their fate to God even though they were already well aware of how many Danish soldiers had been killed

Chapter 12 - Kayla Stein

·  Beowulf fights Grendel, in Herot, and rips off Grendel’s arm.

·  Grendel escapes only to die from the wound in his home in the marsh.

·  Beowulf hung Grendel’s arm from the rafters for all to see as proof that Grendel was defeated.

·  Talks about Grendel’s feud with “Almighty God”(line 811).

Chapter 14 –

·  Hrothgar makes a speech

·  Hrothgar believes god is responsible for Grendel’s death.

·  He believes god sent Beowulf.

·  Hrothgar believes god helped Beowulf kill Grendel.

·  Hrothgar makes Beowulf his son

·  Beowulf says he wishes Grendel laid on the floor of Herot but that was against God’s will.

·  Unferth now grows quiet, for now he knows Beowulf is the better man.

Chapter 16

·  Harathgar has given treasures to all the men who have sailed with beowulf

·  he gave them money for the loss of the man Grendel killed.

·  The monster could have and would have killed more if it wasn’t stopped by Beowulfs courage and Gods will.

·  There was singing and harp playing, they sang of a legendary ruler Finn and his sons.

·  Hnaf was killed during the battle with Frisian warriors.

·  There was a truce that meant Finn had to give Hengest the same treasures he gave his people.

·  They insisted the body oh Hnat and her son be burned on the same heap, she wept and the fire consumed their bodies.

-Remi Neklason

Chapter 17 - Maddy Millett

·  -Danes lived with the Frisians throughout the winter in peace as promised.

·  -The spring awoke the need for revenge and Hengest, a Danish hero, killed Finn.

·  -The Danes took their plunder and Queen Welthow.

·  -The Queen congratulates the Geats and Beowulf, telling the king that the kingdom would be same in his assistants hands if he died.

·  -Unferth is revealed as having a stain on his name but still being respected.

·  -Beowulf sits between the Queen’s two sons.

·  ESSAY: The idea of revenge is prevalent and foreshadows Grendel’s Mother’s actions in future chapters. The story depicts the death of family and the need for revenge for their deaths. Grendel’s Mother too needs to avenge his death and so she comes after Beowulf in her grief. Her actions when looked at from her point of view are explainable and expected for a grieving mother.

Chapter 18 - Michael Mangels

·  Beowulf is given a mail shirt, golden armbands, and the most beautiful necklace known to man.

·  Tells story of how a person named Hama carried the brosings necklace home to his glorious city.

·  Higlac has the necklace next. Swerting’s grandson had won it for him. Unfortunately he lost the necklace and fate decides where it goes next. (to Beowulf)

·  They celebrate Beowulf’s victory.

·  Wealhtheow says to enjoy these gifts and she asked Beowulf to be a guide for her sons. (to give them good wisdom)

·  Hrothgar leaves Herot as it would be housing soldiers. The soldiers rested with swords and shields by their side always to be ready for war wherever they rested.

·  Soldiers must always be prepared when their lord calls because that’s how soldiers must live.

Beowulf Chapter 19

·  It is the middle of the night and all the warriors (Danes and Geats) are asleep.

·  Beowulf and his men aren't sleeping in the great hall because they were given better beds.

·  Grendel's mother enters the hall where the warriors, (NOT where Beowulf is) are sleeping.

·  They wake in time to ward off the attack with their swords, she managed to take Hrothgar’s closest friend.

·  After she escapes, the warriors realize that she also managed to steal back Grendel's claw from where beowulf left it hanging.

·  Then Beowulf was summoned by the King, when Beowulf arrives he knows there is something wrong in the main hall.

Chapter 20 – Lauren Maes

·  Hrothgar’s friend Esher has died because of Grendel’s mother.

·  Hrothgar says Esher was wise and brave and all soldiers should be like him.

·  Hrothgar is pleading with Beowulf to kill Grendel’s mother like he killed Grendel.

·  Grendel’s mother is determined to avenge Grendel’s death and that she will bring them more sorrow.

·  Men have said that they have seen Grendel and his mother in the marshes.

·  Hrothgar promised Beowulf ancient riches if he succeeded in slaying Grendel’s mother.

Olivia Li

Chapter 21

·  Beowulf said that it’s better to avenge your friends than to mourn over them. That we’re all going to die someday, so we might as well make it worth while and do something with the life you’ve been given. He also says that they will go after Grendel’s mother, if she tries to run, Beowulf will find her whether she hides or not. He dares her to run and hide from him even though he knows he can catch her.

·  Hrothgar and Beowulf follow Grendel’s mother’s tracks, They find themselves standing in front of cliffs looking over a sea of monsters and waves of blood. Hrothgar went to check it out with a few of his best trackers and found Aeschere’s head washed up on shore. The men blew through their battle horns that scared the monsters away into the shallows, where they were ducking for cover. One of the monsters rose up and the leader of the Geats shot an arrow at it, it moved around the shallows, where the men speared it to death and dragged it to shore. What a night.

Chapter 23 Sarah L.

·  Grendel's mother drags Beowulf to her court while Beowulf is being clawed at by a mass of sea monsters

·  Beowulf gets the blade from Unferth

·  Beowulf uses the blade to try to kill Grendel's mother but the blade isn't strong enough to pierce her skin

·  as Beowulf fights Grendel's Mother with his hands he sees a sword on the wall big enough for giants

·  Beowulf uses the sword and cleanly slices through Grendel's mothers neck and she falls dead

·  Beowulf sees Grendel's corpse and cuts his head off too

·  The Danes lose hope when they see blood thinking it is Beowulf's and they return to Herot

·  in the monsters court the giants sword began to melt, burned by Grendel's fiery blood

·  Beowulf grabs the sword in one hand and Grendel's head in the other and swims to the surface where he finds that the water is no longer infested since the demon has been destroyed

·  the group of Geats and Beowulf return to Herot in triumph

·  Beowulf presents the head of Grendel to Hrothgar to assure him of his future security

·  Beowulf has united the Geats and the Danes in ties of friendship and loyalty

Chapter 24

·  1 - Beowulf tells Hrogthar he has brought him back a treasure (golden hilt) from the sea


·  2 - Beowulf was protected by God - showed him a sword - and Beowulf uses it to kill the beast


·  3 - Beowulf claims he avenged the death of the Danes


·  4 - Hroghtar tells Beowulf his name is known everywhere and promises his friendship to Beowulf


·  5 - Hroghtar tells Beowulf he must be better than their former king, Heremod


Chapter 27 Amanda Howery

·  The Geats load the ship with treasure (Beowulfs reward from fighting Grendel and his mother) and horses

·  Beowulf gives the boat watchman a sword with hammered gold on the handel

·  The ship leaves Denmark

·  They dock the ship when they arrive in Geatland

·  The Geats take the rewards to Higlacs home

·  Higlac is the king and his wife is Higd

·  A story is told about a princess named Thirth who would abuse her power by having men killed if they looked at her. She then became kind hearted when her father (the king) married her to Offa

Beowulf Chapter 28:

·  Beowulf and his men rushed to the hall where Higlac, their king, was waiting to welcome them. When Beowulf bowed to Higlac, they sat down together and filled mead cups, beginning to talk about Beowulf’s adventures.

·  Higlac asked many questions, including; “Were you successful? DId you help Hrothgar?” Beowulf replied with “I fought Grendel in the hall where many have suffered and avenged their death. First, I greeted Hrothgar and told him why I came. He asked me to sit next to his son at the table.

·  Beowulf Chapter 29 - Mark Gorman

·  Beowulf tells his king about his adventure in Denmark in helping the Danish kill Grendel and about how Ingeld will eventually incite a war between the Hathobards and the Danish despite Ingeld being married to Hrothgar’s daughter, Freaw.

·  “Hondshew, sleeping in his armor, was the first Geat he reached: Grendel seized him, tore him apart, swallowed him down, feet and all, as fate had decreed--a glorious young soldier, killed in his prime.”

Chapter 31– Giuliana Giardino

·  Beowulf asks his men to bring forward the weapons and armor they got from Hrothgar

·  Beowulf have four armored horses to his king and then gave Hygd a necklace along with three horses

·  This action of giving shows that he is not only brave, but honorable because Geats looked down on him

·  The king, in return, gave Beowulf a sword, and a huge patch of land with a grand house

·  In later years, Beowulf became king because Hygelac was killed on a battle

·  Everything was going well for fifty years untill a dragon came

·  The dragon had vast treasures in its lair on the mountains

·  A man then went to its lair and stole a goblet and now the others will suffer


Chapter 32 – Reilly Donahoo

·  An escaped slave finds the dragons cave.

·  Beaten by his masters, ran away seeking a place to hide.

·  Found a hidden path that led him into the dragons lair.

·  He did not want to wake the beast. He ran for his life, grabbing a jeweled cup as he fled.

·  The tower was filled with treasure left their by the last survivor of a noble race (A flashback to how the treasure got there).

·  After all his people died, he took the treasure and placed it in the tower .

·  A tower built next to the sea, rocks behind it, waves in front of it.

·  Left the treasures there because there were no more of his people left to enjoy them.

·  The dragon later discovered these treasures unguarded in a tower built next to the sea.

·  The dragon was seeking “caves an stone-split ruins.” Found only gold instead.

·  It stayed, burying itself with “heathen silver and jewels it could neither use nor ever abandon.”

·  Slept in the tower for hundreds of years.

·  After the dragon discovered the stolen cup, it went on to track the slave.

·  The slave had taken the cup to his master in hopes he could gain his forgiveness.

·  The dragon tracked the slave, and found where he had come and gone from the tower.

·  The slaves quick feet allowed him to escape the dragon. The dragon then returned to his tower planning revenge against the people of the land.

·  The dragon waited until the sun had set before wreaking havoc across the land.

·  Killing and destroying with its breath until morning came.

·  Everyone lived in terror. When Beowulf learned of the creature “his fate was worse, and came quickly.”

Chapter 33- Claire Donahoo

·  The dragon is burning down houses and the mead-hall.

·  Beowulf plans revenge against the dragon

·  The chapter reflects back on when Beowulf killed Grendel and his mother. Then it reflects back on Higlac’s war with the Frisians. Higlac died and Beowulf was one of the only survivors of the war. Higlac’s widow brought Beowulf the crown of the kingdom because she doesn’t trust Herdred, her son, to beat off foreign invaders. Beowulf declines the offer of the crown but supported Herdred as protector and guardian. Swedish exiles came and killed Herdred, so Beowulf ascended the throne. The feuding with Sweden eventually ceased as Beowulf ruled.

Josiah Deguara

Chapter 35

·  Hrethel loses his mind because he can not bear his sons death. He also can no longer enjoy anything because he is unable to take revenge on his son's killer.


·  Hrethel dies


·  After Hrethel’s death many wars were fought between the Swedes and the Geats.


·  Beowulf and his family take part in these battles.


·  Haethcyn is killed and Hygelac went to war against his brothers killer.