HRCI credit is pending

KY/TN CUPA-HR 2014 Spring Conference Registration Form
March 5-7, 2014
DoubleTree Hotel, Chattanooga, TN
Name: / Title:
Institution: / Phone:
Address: / Fax:
Registration Fee - Check a box (Make checks payable to TN CUPA-HR. Sorry, credit cards not accepted):
Early bird registration by Feb. 14, 2014: $110.00
(registration fee enclosed, and will be mailed by Feb. 14, 2014 )
General registration: $125.00 (registration fee will be mailed PRIOR TO Feb. 21, 2014)
Mark if applicable:
I will join other KY/TN CUPA-HR conference participants on Thursday, March 6 for the Vaudeville Café Mystery Dinner excursion. This event is included in the price of registration.
This is my first KY or TN CUPA-HR conference.
Breakout Sessions: Indicate the sessions you plan to attend (check one per row).
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Opening Keynote:
Motivating People to Change/Creating a Culture of Health
Dr. Pam Popper, Executive Director, The Wellness Forum / Session 1B:
You can’t BUY Wellness: A Practical Guide to Achieving Culture Change / Chapter Meetings
Session 1A:
Social Media and Employee Communication / Session 2B:
Retiree Healthcare Trends in a Post ACA Environment
Session 2A:
Motivation and Engagement: Driving Organization Success from the Inside Out / Table Topics:
Emerging Trends in HR
Friday, March 7, 2014
General Session:
Transforming HR by Any Means Necessary
Nikki Jackson, Nikki Jackson Consulting / Keynote Speaker: Moving from getting the work done to providing strategy and leadership
Andy Brantley, President, National CUPA-HR
Meals/Activities: I will attend the following (included in registration fee) meals/activities (mark all that apply).
3/5 Reception / 3/6 Breakfast / 3/6 Dinner / 3/7 Breakfast
I plan to bring a guest. Include a personal check payable to TN CUPA-HR for your total below.
3/5 Reception / 3/6 Lunch $18 / 3/6 Dinner $22 / 3/7 Breakfast $16
Submit completed registration forms to:
Robynn Hopkins
HR Associate
University of Memphis
171 Administration Bldg.
Memphis, TN 38152 / *If faxing, please confirm receipt of fax
Make Checks payable to: TN CUPA-HR
Phone: (901) 678-2867
Fax: (901) 678-1518

HOTEL INFORMATION: If you have any questions relating to registration, contact Robynn Hopkins at her information above.

Note: Room reservations may be made via the following methods:

  • Call the hotel directly: 423-756-5150, give the front desk your date of arrival and indicate– TN Assc. For HR
  • Book online at When entering your dates on the website, there is an option to add a group code (this option is found in the drop down menu under the red arrow). The group code is THR. The correct rates will pull up and you can continue the reservation process. (The rate for the room is $95.00).

Deadline for reservations is February 21, after which rooms are not guaranteed, although the rate remains the same. All reservations require a credit card to hold room. Cancellations must occur 24 or more hours prior to arrival.