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TD 74 (IPTV-GSI) | TSR Doc. 30

STUDY PERIOD 2013-2016 / TD 74 (IPTV-GSI)
(TSR Document 30)
English only
Original: English
Question(s): / 13, 14, 26, 28/16 / Geneva, 24-28 February 2014
Source: / IPTV-GSI TSR Coordinator
Title: / IPTV-TSR event agenda during the IPTV-GSI Event (Geneva, 24-28 February 2014)
  1. Introduction

In accordance with the schedule of ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector meetings for 2014(see and confirmed by the management of the concerned study groups, the18th ITU-T IPTV-GSI event takes place in Geneva, Switzerland, 2428February 2014.

  1. Objective

The objective of the TSR process is to ensure technical coherence within the ongoing studies of ITU-T to provide strategic and technical co-ordination of the IPTV work across the Questions, Working Parties and Study Groups of the ITU-T that form the IPTV-Global Standardization Initiative (GSI). The TSR is expected to reinforce the role of the IPTV-Joint Coordination Activity (JCA) by ensuring the visibility and technical coherence of the studies, during IPTV-GSI events. More information on the role of IPTV-GSI can be found at:

  1. Documentation

The documents relevant to this meeting can be primarily found at:

The Liaison Statements are primarily found in the Study Group websites, especially Study Group 16,the parent group of IPTV Joint Coordination Activity. The informal FTP for exchanging documents for this meetingis at

Incoming Liaison Statements relevant to all Questions in the current IPTV-GSI event.

–[ TD176-GEN ] ITU-T SG 11 LS/i on living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects [from ITU-T SG11] QALL/16

–[ TD174-GEN ] JCA-Cloud LS/i on Invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population [from JCA-Cloud] QALL/16

–[ TD175-GEN ] ITU-T SG 11 LS/i on Correspondence Group on collaboration between ITU-T and testing laboratories for ITU C&I programme [from ITU-T SG11] QALL/16

–[ TD201-GEN ] IMTC LS/i/r on request to all Study Groups to update the reference table of ITU-T Recommendations to be tested for conformity/interoperability, parameters and available test suites (COM16-LS-57) [from IMTC] QALL/16

Documents related to Q13/16

(Available at IPTV-GSI and SG16 Websites)

Incoming Liaisons

[ TD195-GEN ] ITU-T SG13, LS/i/r on Mobile IPTV requirements (ref.: COM16-LS 62) [from ITU-T SG13]

[ TD189-GEN ]ITU-T SG 9, LS/i on revision of digital program insertion Recommendations [from ITU-T SG 9]

[ TD187-GEN ]ITU-T SG 9, LS/i on draft New Recommendation ITU-T P.913 (ex P.av-dist) "Methods for subjectively assessing audiovisual quality of internet video and distribution quality television, including separate assessment of video quality and audio quality, and including multiple environments" [from ITU-T SG9] (also to Q14/16)

[ TD188-GEN ]ITU-T SG 9, LS/i on recent progress on draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.acf-spec "Specification for Integrated Broadcast and Broadband DTV application control framework" [from ITU-T SG9]

[ TD178-GEN ]ITU-R WP6B LS/i/r on recent progress of recommendations and report on Integrated Broadcast-Broadband systems (COM16 LS 60) [from ITU-R WP6B]


[IPTV-GSI C.121] ETRI H.IPTV-UVS: Proposal on use-cases using video sensor information

[IPTV-GSI C.120] OKI H.IPTV-UVS: Proposed additions of texts of functional requirements

[IPTV-GSI C.119] OKI H.721: Proposed modifications on video coding specifications

[IPTV-GSI C.114] ETRI H.DS-META : Proposed type modification on string type element

[IPTV-GSI C.107] ETRI H.IPTV-EUIF: Proposed modifications on the introductory part of the UI framework (clauses 1 to 6)

[IPTV-GSI C.106] ETRI H.IPTV-EUIF: Proposal on touchscreen requirements for TV services (clause 7.1)

[IPTV-GSI C.105] ETRI HSTP.IPTV-Gloss: Proposal for new texts of clause 7.3.2

[IPTV-GSI C.104] ETRI HSTP.IPTV-ISCD: Proposal for requirements of integrated semantic content discovery service

[IPTV-GSI C.101] ETRI H.IPTV-EUIF: Proposal on gesture requirements for TV services

[IPTV-GSI C.100] ETRI H.IPTV-TDES.4: Proposed update for alignment with ITU-T Y.1903 and other updates

[IPTV-GSI C.99] ZTE H.IPTV-TDD: proposed broadcast-based terminal discovery mechanism

[IPTV-GSI C.98] ZTE H.IPTV-TDD: proposed registration-based terminal discovery mechanism

[IPTV-GSI C.97] ZTE H.IPTV-TDD: proposed overview of terminal discovery procedures

[IPTV-GSI C.96] Brazil H.761: Modifications to Appendices I and II and Bibliography

[IPTV-GSI C.95] Brazil H.761: Modifications to Annex A on NCL 3.1 module schemas in EDTV Profile

[IPTV-GSI C.94] Brazil H.761: New Clause 11 on Security API

[IPTV-GSI C.93] Brazil H.761: New UDP Class in Lua event module (Clause 10.3.2)

[IPTV-GSI C.92] Brazil H.761: Modifications to Clause 10 on Lua objects in NCL presentations

[IPTV-GSI C.91] Brazil H.761: Modifications to Clause 9 on NCL Editing Commands

[IPTV-GSI C.90] Brazil H.761: New text on expected behaviour of media players (Clause 8)

[IPTV-GSI C.89] Brazil H.761: New Clause 8.1 on Media Player API

[IPTV-GSI C.88]Brazil H.761: Modifications to Clause 8 on Expected behaviour of media players

[IPTV-GSI C.75]China Unicom H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to supplement information to tables of metadata

[IPTV-GSI C.74] China Unicom H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to add reference source of elements and attributes

[IPTV-GSI C.73] China Unicom H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to update clause 8.1 "AV content metadata structure"

[IPTV-GSI C.72] China Unicom H.IPTV-CPI: Proposal to update clause 8.6 "Data structure for shared AV content elements"

[IPTV-GSI C.71] China Unicom H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to add clause 8.9 "payment details metadata"

[IPTV-GSI C.66]ETRI H.IPTV-MAFR.13: Proposal to add the explanations of HTML Elements in clause 6

[IPTV-GSI C.65]China Telecom H.IPTV-TDD: Proposal on introduction

[IPTV-GSI C.64] China Telecom H.IPTV-MAFR.10: Proposal on scope and document structure

[IPTV-GSI C.63] China Telecom H.IPTV-MAFR10: Proposed modifications to Reference, Introduction and Bibliography clauses

Documents related to Q14/16

(Available at IPTV-GSI and SG16 Websites)

Incoming Liaisons

[ TD187-GEN ]ITU-T SG 9, LS/i on draft New Recommendation ITU-T P.913 (ex P.av-dist) "Methods for subjectively assessing audiovisual quality of internet video and distribution quality television, including separate assessment of video quality and audio quality, and including multiple environments" [from ITU-T SG9]


[IPTV-GSI C.118]ETRI H.DS-META: Proposal to add figure to describing relations among metadata

[IPTV-GSI C.117]ETRI HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposed clarification in clause 7.4

[IPTV-GSI C.116]ETRI H.DS-ARCH: Proposed texts for reference points for digital signage service architecture

[IPTV-GSI C.115]ETRI H.DS-ARCH: Proposed functional entities for content delivery in digital signage systems

[IPTV-GSI C.113]ETRI H.DS-CASF: Proposed text of detailed functions for common alerting service framework (clauses 6.2 and 6.3)

[IPTV-GSI C.112]ETRI HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposed modification on description of use cases

[IPTV-GSI C.111]ETRI H.DS-META: Proposed terminology and metadata structure

[IPTV-GSI C.110]ETRI HTSP.DS-Gloss: Proposed modification and work method

[IPTV-GSI C.109]ETRI HTSP.DS-Gloss: Proposal modifications on the introductory part of the DS glossary and definitions

[IPTV-GSI C.108]ETRI HTSP.DS-Gloss: Proposal on terms related to DS systems and services (clause 7)

[IPTV-GSI C.103]ETRI HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal to add description of collaboration service

[IPTV-GSI C.102]ETRI HSTP.DS-WDS: Proposal to create a new work item on "Web-based Digital Signage" (technical paper)

[IPTV-GSI C.83] NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI H.DS-DISR: Proposed modifications on accessibility

[IPTV-GSI C.82] NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI H.DS-DISR: Proposed changes of subjects of requirements

[IPTV-GSI C.80] NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI H.DS-DISR: Proposed editorial modifications on abbreviations

[IPTV-GSI C.79] NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI H.DS-DISR: Proposed modifications of sub-clause 6.4

[IPTV-GSI C.78] NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI H.DS-DISR: Proposed changes of Appendices

[IPTV-GSI C.77] NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI H.DS-DISR: Proposed additions of new requirements

[IPTV-GSI C.76] NEC , Mitsubishi Electric , NTT , OKI H.DS-DISR: Proposed additions of explanatory texts of disaster information

[IPTV-GSI C.70] NTT , Mitsubishi Electric , NEC , OKI HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal to revise use-case descriptions

[IPTV-GSI C.69] NTT , Mitsubishi Electric , NEC , OKI HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal to restructure clause 6

[IPTV-GSI C.68] ETRI HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal for a digital signage use-case of content adaptation

[IPTV-GSI C.67] ETRI H.DS-DISR: proposal of additional terminal device requirements

Documents related to Q26/16

(Available at IPTV-GSI and SG16 Websites)

Incoming Liaisons

[ TD191-GEN ]ITU-T SG 9, LS/i/r on Inter sector Rapporteur's Group (IRG) on the topic of audiovisual quality assessment (IRG-AVQA) (reply to JCA-AHF - LS17) [from ITU-T SG 9]

[ TD206-GEN ]FG Innovation, LS/i on MMSSign standardization [from FG Innovation]

[ TD181-GEN ] ITU-R SG6, LS/i/r on Proposal for an Intersector rapporteur group on audio visual media accessibility (IRG-AVA) (COM16-LS-64) [from ITU-R SG6]

[ TD192-GEN ]ITU-T SG 9, LS/i/r on creation of an Intersector Rapporteur Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (IRG-AVA) (reply to SG16 - LS64 and ITU-R SG6 - Document 6/TEMP/2 -E) [from ITU-T SG 9 to ITU-T SG16, ITU-R SG6]


[IPTV-GSI C.87] G3ict Changes needed to the text from FG AVA WGA Report on Captioning for future reuse in an a future ITU-T Recommendation

[IPTV-GSI C.86] G3ict HSTP.ACC-TERM: Proposal to progress work item as a new Recommendation and Consent at this meeting

[IPTV-GSI C.84] NTRA (Egypt) Proposed new technical paper on use cases for assisting people with disabilities using mobile applications

Documents related to Q28/16

(Available at IPTV-GSI and SG16 Websites)

Incoming Liaisons

[ TD204-GEN ]ITU-T SG17, LS/i on use of ASN.1 in ITU-T H.MEDX [from ITU-T SG17]

[ TD203-GEN ] ITU-T SG17, LS/i on collaboration for e-health security standardization activity [from ITU-T SG17]


[IPTV-GSI C.122 ] Continua Health Alliance H.810: High level overview and Continua test suites

[IPTV-GSI C.85] Platform Health H.MEDX: Proposed updated draft for Consent

Temporary Document

[ TD181-WP2 ]Rapporteur Q28/16 Notes from Q28/16 e-meetings (December 2013 - February 2014)

  1. Co-located and joint meetings
  2. The first meeting of ITU IntersectorRapporteurGroupon Audiovisual Media Accessibility (IRG-AVA)
  1. Showcasing and presentations
  2. Mobile Accessibility (Egypt)

Egypt’s National Telecommunication Regulatory Agency (NTRA)is showcasing an accessibility technology. Dr. Shakweer Abeer, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of Egypt, is presenting on the background of the technology and Egypt’s strategy for helping persons with disabilities.

5.2Me-de-KikuTerebi (“Listen with your Eyes” TV)

Mr. Yuzo Oshima, the Executive Director of Japan’s Organization of Broadcasting for People with Disability, is presenting their work on assistive broadcasting for persons with disabilities, which has just celebrated its 15th anniversary of its service.

  1. AOB

There is a WP2/16 plenary meeting planned on 28 February 2014.
