Hinton Ringette Association Box 5017, Hinton, AB T7V 1X3

HRA Executive Meeting Minutes forTuesday October 6, 2015

Time: 6:30 pm

Place: Meeting Room, Hinton Rec Centre

  2. President Rushfeldt called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm.


1.2.1 Present: Kim Rushfeldt, LIndi Hills, Amber Kapatch, Carol DeMong, LoralieDammann, Jason Sweet, Sherry French, Aliccia Hollingsworth, Jenn Wright, Bruce Voelker, Sherri Muyres, Dawn Dufresne, Tammy Shaw.

1.2.2 Regrets: Sherry Melynchuk


S. Muyres moved to approve the agenda, as amended. All in favor. Carried.

Strike11. Tournament Update (already recorded as #9)

Additions:11. Registrations update

12. Equipment

13. Picture Day

14. Future agenda items

15. Adjournment


L. Dammann moved to accept the HRA General Meeting minutes of June 11, 2015. All in favor. Carried.

4.BGL Update – Sherry French, Jason Sweet

-attended BGL Zone 5 Sept 2015 mtng.

-Hinton declared three U16 overage players

-BGL Zone 5 next meeting date of Nov 17th

-All BGL teams declared

-U10 tiering occurs with bigger associations

-Suggestion for BGL to put more of a restriction on U10. Grey area.

-BGL Scheduler will make effort to put Ft Mac and Hinton in separate pools

-HRA $150 cheque to BGL submitted

-Re: Winter games - kids born 1999-2002 can try out. $50 fee. Athletes who make the team are fully equipped with all apparel for games

-Ft. Mac…tournament is looking good. Looking for U10 step two

-Red Deer…chose not to be a league team. Asking for games however.

-Association tournament dates are confirmed on website

-St Albert October tournament is full

-NEW!! Beaumont U16-U19 Ring In The Dark night tournament

-Although not RAB mandatory, BGL voted that shoulder pads will be mandatory for this 2015/16 season

-132 teams registered in BGL. See BGL website for teams

5. REFEREE UPDATE – Tammy Shaw

-Hinton hosted referee level one and two course last weekend

-Tammy Shaw is a level one ref and HRA ref coordinator – thank you

-8 refs were registered

-HRA has four level two refs and four level one refs

-HRA could advertise a ‘call out’ for refs for HRA 2016 January tournament

MOTIONK. Rushfeldt moved the motion, “HRA will pay Hinton Level Two referees $50 each/U16 game”. Sherry French second. All in favor. Carried.

MOTIONK. Rushfeldt moved the motion, “To help compensate childcare fees, HRA will pay each HIntonLevel Two referees J. Wotton and T. Bradley$50 per HRA game.” Sherry French second. All in favor. Carried.

MOTIONK. Rushfeldt moved the motion, “HRA will pay HIntonLevel Two referees R. Aitcheson and Chelsea $45 each per U10 to U14 game .” S. French second. All in favor. Carried.

MOTIONK. Rushfeldt moved the motion, “HRA will pay Hinton Level One referees $30 each per U10 game”. Sherry French second. All in favor. Carried.

MOTIONK. Rushfeldt moved the motion, “HRA will pay Hinton Level One referees $40 each per U12 and U14 game”. Sherry French second. All in favor. Carried.

-J. Wotton is an certified Level Two EVALUATOR

-Level one refs: Tracy St Jean, Shelby Bambrick, Jamie Fofonoff and Tammy Shaw

-Level two refs: Jennifer Wotton, Tara Bradley, Chelsea ?, Rebecca Aitcheson

-To be eligible to ref, RAB has minimum 14 years of age on day of referee course

-2016 Tournament referee fee TBD

6. APPAREL UPDATE – LoralieDammann, Kim Rushfeldt

6.1Pants, hoodies, warm up shirts

  • Last March we talked about the appearance of teams representing Hinton Ringette when out in the public and how we wanted to take a more uniform approach to team apparel. All Executive agree that HRA Apparel will make Hinton Ringette more recognizable and create a more local branding for the Association.

MOTIONK. Rushfeldt moved the motion, “HRA to support the purchase of new game pants”. 8 in favor of new pants. 3 not in favor. 1 undecided. Carried.

PANTS – Discussion:

-some feedback about putting out money for another pair of pants if families hae already purchased for the season

-Could use reserve money to the cut the cost of pants

-Discussion of bringing it to the teams to decide

-What happens if player ever lost/forgot league pants for a game?

-Step 1 jerseys are a slightly different shade of red

-Affiliate players having same pants as team affiliating to

-Why are we changing the black pants to patterned new pants?

-Do sizes fit ALL shapes and sizes?

-BP Cycle is vendor

-Discussion on association pants or individual player pants?

-Discussion on design of mountains…does it match mountain logo on jersey?

6.2HRA Apparel- (optional)

-Clothing is Optional to purchase (not mandatory) but no other options of Apparel will be permitted with HRA’s logo as we are trying to brand “Hinton Ringette” and create unity among the teams.

-$12 - $20 range of variety of t-shirts

-LogoIdeans: ‘Property of Hinton Ringette’, ‘Life is better in skates’

-Female cut style t-shirt

-Create two options for hoodies , polyester, two styles, adult and youth, $40 logo - $43 with logo, name and number on sleeve; 6 oz and 8 oz weights of hoodies; hoodies with inside red hoodie. The more information displayed, the more cost

-discussion of colors. Red and black colors to represent HRA. L. Dammann will finalize options and will send out an email vote next week to confirm style and color to be warn as the new Association Wide Apparel.

6.3TOQUES - $15 – optional

J. Sweet joined the meeting at 7:47 pm.

7. FUNDRAISING – Sherry Morrow

7.1Purdy’s chocolate bar fundraiser– to sell three boxes

7.2Ford test drive fundraiser. Potential to earn a profit of $6,000. Idea: Test drive a FORD around the block. HRA would earn $20/test driver.

MOTIONS. Muyres moved the motion that, “$3,000.00 of these fundraisers will go towards the partial purchase of game pants”. S. French second. All in favor. Carried.


K. Rushfeldt will have Friday Night Ice Schedule out next week.

ACTION - Nov 7th cancel ice.

7:57pm J. Wright left meeting.


MOTIONS. French moved the motion that the HRA will spend $5/player for 2016 HRA tournament for the purchase of player cups w/straw. C. DeMong second. All in favor. Carried.

Discussion: $4.71/cup plus shipping. $4.50/player was spent in 2014/15.

Triple Flip sponsorship – emailed in August but Triple Flip will probably go to Calgary tournament which shares same dates as HRA Friends On Ice tournament.

FT SK, SGV have applied for HNT tournament.

December 1st is deadline for registrations. After Nov 30th no refunds.


10.1NEW process in reporting. Take photo and email it in. See BGL website for more information.

10.2Rescheduled games – Dawne Dufresne. It is busy with rescheduling of games.

11. REGISTRATION UPDATE – LoralieDammann

9 kids in active start (active start and step share the ice)

18 kids in step one

14 kids in step two

13 kids in each of U14 & U16

Possibly two more registrations in active start

12. EQUIPMENT – Aliccia Hollingsworth

MOTIONL. Dammann moved the motion to purchase a goalie stick up to a maximum of $100.00/stick. A. Hollingsworth second. All in favor. Carried.

MOTION L. Dammann moved motion to purchase 50 blue rings. A. Hollingsworth second. All in favor. Carried.

ACTION – A. Kapatch to check where and amount and cost of rings purchased last year.

13. PICTURE DAY- SherriMuyres

13.1Thursday Oct 29th, - times have not yet been determined. Would like some help for 2-3 hours. HRA will have the Peoples Centre to self.

13.2Families can order ahead on-line with Lifetouch Inc.



15.1S. Muyres - U16 leadership opportunities – what can be developed? U16 players want to help with Active Start. 35 kids are on the ice. Presently, there are too many people on ice at this time to have U16 help.

15.2What is required of U16 commitment to HRA tournament if no other U16 teams apply? Can U16 apply elsewhere to play during HRA tourney if this happens? U16 requests that is HRA doesn’t approve a two team U16 pool please.


K.Rushfeldt moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:18pm.

DRAFT Submitted by C. DeMong October 19, 2015DRAFT resubmitted April 7th 2016

Minutes approved April 10, 2016:


HRA PresidentDateHRA Vice PresidentDate

HRA Minutes of Tues Oct 6, 2015page 1 of four