Academic Coordinators Meeting

July 25, 2013


Roll Call:

Attendees: Vice Dean Jonathan Hiatt, Assistant Dean Richard Gold, Assistant Dean Elizabeth Neufeld, Stephanie Shaw, Arlene Feliciano, Cynthia Brooks, Jocelyn Tieman, Dinora Duarte, Arlene Bieschke, Albert Haro, Aimee Gumera, Marilynn Vanderhule, Bernadette Omote, Glen Fukui, Lorinda Murdock-Lane, Kyna Williams, Melissa Mok, Diane Klee, Marcus Avery, Mark Lucas, Debra Moorhead, Lynnette Hand, Miguel Ramirez, Brian Phan, Sue Shapses, Andrew Scott, Patti Heyl, Peter Lopez, Trashon Fearington, Lori Lindstrom

I.  2013-2014 Deadlines

·  Posted on the Academic Affairs – Dean’ Office website

·  Beginning AY 14-15, the Researcher actions will align with the deadlines of those in the professorial series.

·  Follow the SOM deadlines and not the APO deadlines

·  Although the SOM deadline says NO LATE actions will be accepted, please do contact the Academic Affairs’ Office if late dossiers are coming in from your department

·  Give the Dean’s Office a generous amount of advance notice for any upcoming Accelerated Actions

·  Let the Dean’s Office know of any deferred actions.

II.  Eligibility List

·  Eligibility list in ADB is updated. Check the list against your departmental list and let the Dean’s Office know of any discrepancies.

·  8yr limit clock and 8yr limit dates for the Research series will be added as actions come through.

III.  UC Recruit

·  The UC Recruit manual can be found on the APO website

·  Contact John Abbot if your department needs training and access to the program

·  Must be used for all appointments effective 7/1/14. However the Dean’s Office highly encourages the departments use it for any new searches.

·  Paper recruitment forms are still required to be used for appointments that require Waiver of Search or No Search (Ladder Faculty Selection and Compliance Form or Non-Ladder Recruitment Form)

IV.  Project Scientist Series

·  Snapshot of Appendix 36 from The Call is distributed and briefly explained.

·  Required Appointment documentation: Coversheet, Chair’s Letter, CV, Job Description, Recruitment Form

·  Dr. Neufeld emphasized the importance of writing the Project Scientist candidate’s duties and actual research responsibilities on the appointment letter from the Chair.

·  Visiting Project Scientist Series appointments only require a Chair’s Letter and CV

·  VGR appointments can also hold an academic appointment in the Project Scientist series up to 50%. The Graduate Division’s website will be updated soon to reflect that change.

·  Renewal of appointment must be done in writing on an annual basis. Provide a copy to the Dean’s Office

V.  Researcher Series

·  Definition of Series

o  Per APM 310 guidelines effective in 2003, appointees in this series must be engaged in research equivalent to that required for the Professional Research series and provide service.

·  Visiting Assistant Researcher

o  Dr. Neufeld stressed that the Visiting Assistant Researcher title be used rarely.

o  The appointment letter must be clear and state from which institution they are coming from and if they have a visa tied-in with the proposed appointment.

o  Criteria

a)  Individuals who are visiting from another institution who holds an actual professorial or researcher appointment

b)  Individuals who are appointed on an interim basis pending approval of actual appointment in the Research Series

c)  When the Visa requirement stipulates that they need to be appointed in the Visiting Researcher Series – make that clear in the department letter

·  Mandatory Reviews

o  8 Year Limit for Assistant Researchers: Clock starts on 7/1/13 for current Assistant Researchers who have not advanced for a very long time; Visiting appointments also counts on the clock

o  5 Year Reviews: mandatory for all ranks who have not been reviewed for standard/normal advancement

·  Transition Plan

o  Assistant Researchers have to decide if they want to remain in the Research Series or switch to the Project Scientist Series at the time of their next advancement.

o  Associate and Full Researchers have a 5-year grace period starting 7/1/13 to make a decision.

·  Renewal of appointment must be done in writing on an annual basis with a June 30 end date and provide a copy to the Dean’s Office

VI.  Dossier Reminders

·  UCLA SOM Departments are responsible for the accuracy of information on every single dossier submitted by their affiliates.

·  No more paper clips per APO mandate.

·  Cover Sheet – amounts should reflect the new 7/1/13 scales

·  Departments are reminded that all actions require double-sided copies except for 8 Year Limit and Promotion actions from Assistant to Associate Rank (all series) which are single-sided.

·  Single sided vs. Double sided – Cover Sheets are also only single sided/stand alone. The rest of the academic actions are double sided in different sets (data summary pages, CVs, Peer Evals, Student Evals).

·  CVs can be stapled. No picture, family information, birthdate, home address, SS# due to identity theft issues. Title on CV must be their payroll title.

·  Peer Evaluators must have an actual appointment at UCLA.

·  History Record Sheet needs to reflect other UC campus information if the faculty member came from a different UC.

·  Comp Plan members cannot be paid by other educational or hospital entities.

·  Non-Ladder Rank Recruitment Form must always have an end date of 6/30 and add in parentheses “with renewal option.”

·  Review Waivers

o  Submit copies with completed signatures; ask Dean’s Office if you need a copy to insert for dossier submission

o  Joint Appointments must include a note if a waiver will be forthcoming or not since APO wants to know before it gets approved by the VC

·  Mentoring Forms must have at the absolute minimum 2 reviews each AY.

·  LOU’s are required to be submitted with an appointment dossier. If the candidate is at an affiliate, please state the % of time he/she is appointed at the affiliate for Eligibility purposes.

·  Above Scale Action dossiers only need to be since merit to Step 6.

VII.  Recall Appointments

·  Use the updated form from the APO website which now has a field for the Employee ID#

·  Dept proposal letter must include effective date of recall, duties must be specific, % of effort, and salary breakdown, including scale. Also, include if appointee retired at an affiliate and is therefore WOS.

·  UBEN 1039 Form must be completed and original sent to Benefits Office and copy attached to Recall Form.

VIII.  Research Professor Appointments

·  Only applicable to professorial titles in the Senate Series

·  Retired faculty must satisfy the eligibility criteria outlined on Appendix 38

·  Good for 3 years or for the entire duration of the grant whichever is longer

·  The retired senate faculty member initiates the request by writing a letter to his/her Dept. Chair or ORU Director as to why s/he is qualified for the Research Professor title.

·  The Research Professor title is a Dean’s Final. Only a proposal letter and updated CV are required.

·  The criteria for Research Professor is on Appendix 38 of The Call.