HR Policy Synopsis.


Policy Name Ref. No

Annual Leave / ENH 17
Appraisal and Performance Review Framework / ENH 05
Bullying and Harassment / ENH 02
Capability Management / ENH 15
Disciplinary / ENH 14
Disclosure and Barring Service / ENH 07
Dress Code, Appearance and Personal Presentation / ENH 11
Grievance / ENH 10
Induction, Development and Probationary / ENH 18
Maternity, Adoption and Paternity Leave / ENH 03
Professional Registration Guidelines / ENH 09
Protection of Pay and Conditions of Service / ENH 16
Raising Concerns At Work (Whistleblowing) / ENH 12
Recruitment and Selection / ENH 01
Terms and Conditions on Appointment and Promotion / ENH 08
Work Life Balance / ENH 04


ENH 01 Recruitment and Selection

It supports Managers in ensuring the CCG recruits and selects employees in a fair and consistent approach. It details all stages of recruitment from identifying a vacancy, advertising, shortlisting, interviewing and appointment. All checks required are given and also the process for temporary staffing.


ENH 02 Bullying and Harassment

It outlines the process to be followed when a complaint of harassment or bullying is made, including definitions and examples of harassment and bullying. It details the informal and formal stages which may lead to a disciplinary process should an investigation reveal potential wrongdoing.


ENH 03 Maternity, Adoption and Paternity Leave

It details the entitlements to statutory and occupational maternity/paternity and adoption leave, the use of Keep in Touch (KIT) days and the process for applying for maternity/paternity and adoption leave.


ENH 04 Work Life Balance

It details the various types of options available, including Parental Leave, Carers Leave, Special Leave and the statutory right of parentsto apply for flexible working. It outlines the procedure to be followed by both the organisation and the employee when an application is made and lists the reasons a request may be denied.


ENH 05 Appraisal and Performance Review Framework

It sets out the CCG’s approach to appraisals and performance reviews, including a copy of the CCG’s appraisal form. It guides managers and employees of the yearly appraisal process, what happens prior to and during the appraisal meeting and provides guidance on objective setting.


ENH 07 Disclosure and Barring Service

It details guidance to ensure the CCG complies with the DBS code of practice. It provides recruiting managers with guidance for identifying which job roles require a DBS and the appropriate level in accordance with the legislation and the procedure to follow if a conviction/warning is identified. It also provides details on the new introduction of portable DBS checks.


ENH 08 Terms and Conditions on Appointment & Promotion

It details terms and conditions that apply to all current employees who receive a promotion or change job roles and also details the terms and conditions that would apply to new recruits to the CCG. Employees can also look within the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook for further information.


ENH 10 Grievance

It details the process to be followed if an employee (or group of employees) becomes dissatisfied (or aggrieved) regarding an aspect of their employment or terms and conditions of employment. It details the informal and informal stages including an appealprocess. The procedure also describes a mediation process. Employees have the right to be accompanied to any formal meetings.


ENH 11 Dress Code, Appearance and Personal Presentation

It details guidance for employees on dress code to ensure health and safety of employees, to respect cultural beliefs and values of employees and visitors and to promote a positive and professional image of the CCG.


ENH 12 Raising Concerns At Work (Whistleblowing)

It aims to encourage employees to feel confident in raising serious concerns regarding the practice of the organisation and outlines the reporting and investigation process. It gives details of who to contact internally and externally and reassures employees of protection from possible reprisals, subsequent discrimination, victimisation or disadvantage if they have made any disclosure in good faith.

ENH 14 Disciplinary

It details the process which takes place when employees fail to meet standards of conduct within the work place. It explains the informal and formal stages and the types of warnings that maybe given, the duration and the possibility of dismissal. It details how a disciplinary hearing is undertaken and how an appeal hearing is carried out. The policy explains the circumstances when suspension may be appropriate and that employees have a right to be accompanied to any formal meetings.


ENH 15 Capability Management

It describes the process to be followed should an employee’s performance fall below an agreed standard. There are informal and formal stages – formal stages potentially falling under the Disciplinary Policy. Employees have the right to be accompanied to any formal meeting.


ENH 17 Annual leave

It details the annual leave period – 1 April to 31 March each year – and the annual leave and public holiday entitlements for full and part time staff under Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions. It includes the calculation for staff starting part way through the year or on changing their hours.
