Please complete this form in Black or Blue Ink / Form DB01
Title / Initials / Surname
First Name / Former Surname
Preferred Name / Date of Birth
(dd mm yy)
Note: Please include academic qualifications and professional memberships (i.e. MBE, BSc, MIET)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
County / Post Code
(if not UK)
Email Address
Telephone Number / Mobile Number
Service Number / Rank on Leaving
Date of Joining
(dd mm yy) / Date of Leaving
(dd mmyy)
Commission Type / RSA membership Number (if known)
The HQ Royal Signals database holds personal information in order for the Royal Signals Trustees Limited (RSTL) and HQ Royal Signals to provide support for its serving and retired members. We use the information to contact you about the Charity and Corps events, process requests for Benevolence and other related Corps activity. The RSTL comprises of the Royal Signals Institution (RSI), Royal Signals Benevolent Fund (RSBF) and The Royal Signals Association (RSA), and so data is shared between these related organisations in order to conduct its business. HQ Royal Signals and the RSTL are legally bound by the General Data Protection Regulations to ensure that any data it holds on individuals is relevant, accurate and not excessive. Additionally it must be fairly and lawfully processed, held for defined purposes, be accurate and up to date, not kept for longer than necessary, processed in line with your rights and must be secure. We will ensure that all data held on our database is treated in accordance with these principles.
Please rest assured that we will not be selling or misusing any personal data and we do not intend to contact you too often; we merely need your formal agreement for us to use your data to establish routine correspondence. To opt out at any time, please email or call 01258 482161 with your request.
Consent Statements
By signing this form I am giving HQ Royal Signals and RSTL explicit consent to process my information for the purposes I have agreed to on this form and I confirm that the details I have provided are correct.
I agree/disagree to the following statements / Yes/No
HQ R SIGNALS and the RSTL may hold my personal data and process it in order to advise me of news updates and Corps and RSTL events
HQ R SIGNALS and the RSTL may hold my personal data and process it in order to process my RSTL memberships and subscriptions
HQ R SIGNALS and the RSTL may hold my personal data and process itfor any benevolence applications
Signature / Date
Royal Signals Subscriptions, HQ Royal Signals, Griffin House,
Blandford Camp, BLANDFORD FORUM, Dorset DT11 8RH
HQ R SIGNALS RETIRED OFFICER SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST FORMPlease complete this form in Black or Blue Ink / Form DB02
Please choose either OPTION 1 (for the fullpackage)orOPTION 2 (to select individual items)
Description / Cost / Tick as appropriate / Amount Payable
Option 1 / The Wire, RSI Membership, Retired Officers’ Newsletter, RSA Membership, Virtual Retired Officers’ List and Retired Officers’ Club Membership / £40
Option 2 / The Wire (6 copies per annum) / £20
RSI Membership (including 2 copies of RSI Journal per annum) / £15
Retired Officers’ Club Membership / £5
Retired Officers’ Newsletter (annual) / Free
Virtual Retired Officers’ List / Free
Additional annualdonation to the Royal Signals Benevolent Fund
Annual Total
Options / Tick as appropriate
Direct Debit / I wish to pay by direct debit; a new mandate has been completed and is enclosed.
Cheque / I will send a cheque, made payable to RSBF, to HQ Royal Signals by 31 Jan annually.
Standing Order / I wish to continue to pay by Standing Order and will amend the instruction to my bank to reflect the amount stated above.
I have / have not* made an additional donation to the Royal Signals Benevolent Fund (RSBF) and do / do not* agree to my donation being published in The Wire; this authority does / does not* cover any future donations to RSBF.
I have instructed my bank to cancel any previous RSBF Standing Orders.
If you have chosen this membership you understand that it entitles you to be able to request the contact details of anyone else that is part of this list and you understand that your contact details can also be released to anyone else who is part of this list.
As a charity, the RSBF not only benefits from donations, but is able to claim a refund of tax from HMRC if the donation has been made from an individual’s income that has been subject to Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax.
I would / would not* like the RSBF to reclaim Gift Aid on my current and future donation(s).
I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the RSBF will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008.
I will notify the RSBF if I want to cancel this declaration, change my name or home address, or no longer pay sufficient tax on my income and/or capital gains.
I understand that if I pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to me, then I must include all my Gift Aid donations on my Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust my tax code.
(* delete as applicable)
Signature / Date
Royal Signals Benevolent Fund /
Instruction to your
Bank or Building Society
to pay by Direct DebitPlease fill in the whole form and send it to:
HQ Royal Signals
Griffin House
Blandford Camp
Blandford Forum
DT11 8RH / 8 / 3 / 0 / 4 / 0 / 7
Reference Number (Official Use ONLY)
Name of Account Holder(s) / Instruction to pay your Bank or Building Society
Please pay The Royal Signals Benevolent Fund Direct Debits from the account detailed in this Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction remains with The Royal Signals Benevolent Fund and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank/ Building Society.
Bank/Building Society Account No
Branch Sort Code
Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society / Signature(s):
Postcode / Date:
Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions for some types of account
This guarantee should be detached and retained by the Payer.[03/17]