Robert Scarsbrook (Chair), Linda Smith (Vice Chair), Christine Scarsbrook, Jackie Mackenzie, Bill David (Secretary), Norma David, Margie Stewart and Nick Walker.
Cllrs. Tracey McGee, John Hood, John Caldwell, Sarah Killens, Lorna Poole, Vincent Carlton, Arvind Salman, Neeras Salman, Graham Wylie and Scott Allan
Douglas J Paxton, Dawn Michael, Grace Weir, and Cllr. Ian McMillan
With the following changes adoption of the minutes were proposed by N Walker and seconded by J Mackenzie.
· Item 6 should have stated Pharmacy actually applied for again.
· No Police Officers in attendance.
· V Carlton introduced Arvind Salmon and Neeras Salman. N Salman has submitted an application for new pharmacy in Howwood Village Store and A Salman is assisting with marketing.
· A and N Salman then gave summary of their proposals and requested support from CC. They advised that it could take 6-9 months to get pharmacy in place.
· C Scarsbrook raised previous survey undertaken by CC re use of new ‘shop’ building and suggested that MSP Bill Wilson’s survey might be worth reviewing. CS also asked for details from A Salman to be included in CC newsletter survey. Suggested that DM to provide details in next local paper column and that it be again included on website.
· N Walker advised that CC had written 3 times supporting and gave details of MSP Bill Wilson’s surgery on Friday PM.
· It was agreed formal letter of support to be provided by CC, with further suggestion that they ask our 4 councillors for same.
· Lynsey Brown from JESS gave JESS’s views and short presentation on closure of pools
· There followed a general discussion around the information presented.
· C Scarsbrook asked for summary of their case and verifiable actual figures and information to allow CC to put to villagers to gauge opinion as it was agreed that presentation did not provide full details or all options that might be available.
· R Scarsbrook then asked for JESS to prepare a survey to allow us to determine whether villagers required us to take action as we have not had any specific requests to date. Timeline given as 1 week as our next newsletter due to go to printers at that point.
Scott Allan introduced his colleague Graham Wylie from Renfrewshire Council (R C) roads department. He then opened by discussing the winter weather and R C’s strategy for coping. He clarified that R C was low on salt but had not actually ran out. He advised that due to the effort involved in keeping main routes open by gritting morning and night, side streets had suffered. He also confirmed that R C had managed to keep all main roads open and safe. The situation had also been exacerbated by fact it occurred in major holiday period. Main issue now is state of roads. They are trying to recover these by making temporary repairs and have 4 private contractors ready to help from end of February. Permafrost has also caused a lot of damage to footways. Councillors then asked if council had any comeback on utility companies who perhaps have not completed road jobs properly. S Allan advised most likely no.. S Allan then advised that potholes are priority at present and that he would request urgent repairs to Bowfield Road, to be undertaken the day following this meeting. R C’s 2010/2011 road budget to be used to make permanent repairs to rural road potholes and S Allan hopes we should all see an improvement in general condition of our roads. S Allan is also keen that R C Contract Services improve standard of own work. He then proceeded to address the issues we had raised in agenda.
· Flooding / icing at bottom of Bowfield Road & junction Midton Road – investigation regarding cause of this is on next year’s programme.
· Bowfield Road & junction Midton Road – covered above and also S Allan advised that generally works have stopped at present whilst priorities are reassessed following bad weather and its affect on budget. Cllr T McGee expressed concern about state of footpath on this corner highlighting that it is a major pedestrian route leading to primary school.
· Pavement from station to lay-by over Garthland bridge – There are budget limitations as only £300K walking and cycling budget available from Scottish Government but existing footpaths will require a lot of this to effect repairs so again priorities to be reassessed.
· Extend pavement out towards Elliston – costs are possibly going to be prohibitive due to the verge fall-away on this route.
· Bowfield Road Pavement – G Wylie will arrange inspection to see what can be done.
· Defective footpaths (P.O. and Beith Road Cottages) – no plans at present
· Grit Bins – locations can be viewed on R C website. R C moving to medium size grit bins and appreciate that there is a problem keeping grit bins filled and are reviewing. S Allan highlighted that in some areas individuals were using grit to clear private property instead of public roads.
· BT Manhole beyond Parish Church – actually Scottish Water manhole that has blockage that Scottish Water is not treating as priority at present. It is recommended anyone troubled by this complains directly to Scottish Water and obtains reference number.
· A737 traffic issues on first snow day 22/12/09 – we were advised that Transport Scotland and Amey were out but couldn’t get to the affected areas due to volume of traffic. B David has interim R C report on this period.
· Potholes in general and Point of interest re gritting and pot holes covered above.
· Bill David then asked about R C priorities for gritting sheltered housing areas. S Allan indicated that a severe weather policy to be put in place. B David also suggested community would be happy to help with gritting if proper tools provided.
· T McGee raised white line issue in Carsewood.
· Waste bin – B David has emailed John Caldwell requesting bin is moved from private fence to a lamppost in path down to Mayfield.
· Amey will talk to Elliston Grill about possible repositioning of rear door light and its effect on traffic.
· John McLean, Broadband Survey around lack of speed delivered in Howwood. BT has advised that they have no plans to help. J McLean and C Scarsbrook will look into this further and put some pressure on Douglas Alexander for help.
· Contact details at end of our CC minutes need to be updated. R Scarsbrook confirmed he would send this for inclusion in these minutes.
· Scottish evening 27/02/10 – C Scarsbrook advised organisation in hand and has requested help in hall from any available CC members at 11:30 to decorate and set up. We then need to reconvene in hall at 17:00 for final set up.
· C Scarsbrook then gave update on fete. Alien from Outer Space theme was agreed with a children’s alien fancy dress competition on the day and also an Alien model competition out of fruit and vegetables.
Village Hall – no issues
Councillors highlighted change in budget for school buses. There is now a requirement to be 3 miles instead of 2 from school for school bus transport to be provided. Howwood not affected as considered unsafe route.
10. A.O.C.B.
11. Next Newsletter has deadline date for articles of 20th February.
· 9th March 2010 @ 7.30pm in Howwood Village Hall
· Thereafter: Tuesday 13th April, 11th May and 8th June at 7.30pm.
Contact DetailsAircraft Noise Telephone line / 0141 848 4644
(answer machine)
Antisocial Behaviour Help Line / 0800 169 1283
Dog Warden, Michelle Knox / 0141 840 3164
Glasgow Wind Band,
R & C Scarsbrook / 01505 704083
Fly Tipping / 0845 230 4090
Minicoach Tours /
Police / 01505 404000
Renfrewshire Council / 0141 842 5000
R.C. Roads email address /
Roads & Lighting Faults / 0141 842 4466 (M-F)
0141 889 2314
Scottish Water Contact / 0141 355 5187
Secretary, Bill David / 01505 703500
Village Web Site /
Youth Nuisance Help Line / 01505 325030
Howwood Community Council Minutes 09/02/10 Page 3 of 3