Halling Primary School
Howlsmere Close, Halling, Rochester,
Kent. ME2 1ER
01634 240258
Friday 12th May 2017
Dear Parents/Carers,
You will be aware that the government wishes all schools to become academies in order to move control “to the front line” and as a way of improving standards:
It gives the best schools and leaders the ability, money and power to innovate in order to build on their success and spread their reach further for the benefit of a greater number of pupils. (DFE 2016)
The Governing Body has been in consultation with staff and with a local primary school with the intention of converting to academy status by the end of 2017. Attached is a Frequently Asked Questions sheet that I hope will answer any questions that you may have.
Please be assured that the school is not being forced into this move. As a GOOD school with OUTSTANDING features, we are in a position to choose whether or not to convert and to choose which Multi Academy Trust to join as equal partners.
Once you have read the FAQS, please complete the consultation sheet and return it to the school office by Friday 19th May.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs W. Donnelly Mr M. Tickner
Head Teacher Chair of Governors
Why are you thinking of converting to become an academy?
The government hopes and expects that all schools will want to become academies if they are not already. (DFE December 2016). In October 2016, the leaders of Children’s Services at Medway Council reinforced the council’s support for academies emphasising the importance of schools giving careful consideration to which trust would provide the best opportunities for their pupils. As a GOOD school with some outstanding judgements, Halling Primary is in a position to choose which multi-academy trust (MAT) to join and when to complete the conversion. The school’s leadership (including the Governing Body) believe that, having looked carefully at all options, we are ready to make the move now.
How will this affect my child?
The conversion to academy status will not have a direct or immediate impact on your child. However, the opportunities for professional collaboration, training and professional development open to staff within the MAT will have a positive effect on the quality of teaching and learning in each of the individual academies, therefore it can only have a positive effect on all of our children.
Will the day-to-day running of the school change?
The main changes to the running of the school will be within the finance department. Funding comes to the MAT directly from the government, not through the local authority. The school will have more financial freedom. Belonging to a MAT enables the cost efficient commissioning and purchasing of goods and services and the possibility of developing in-house services across the MAT. The school already has to buy-in many services that previously would have been provided free through the local authority e.g. Attendance Advisory Service; Early Years Support; Speech and Language Assessment and support; Educational Psychology Support. We believe that we can achieve better value-for-money as part of a MAT.
Who will we be partnered with and why?
The head teacher and members of the governing body have looked at different models of MATS and considered the kind of partnership that will suit our school. We have also had a presentation from a secondary-led MAT. It became clear that we were seeking an equal partnership with a primary school that shared the same vision and values. We wish to retain our own leadership and make our own strategic and policy decisions.
We intend to become part of the Cliffe Woods Academy Trust. Cliffe Woods is an outstanding primary school and we already have an informal partnership regarding sharing good practice and staff development. In April 2015, OFSTED judged the school as OUTSTANDING; this judgement was maintained after a re-inspection in 2016. Cliffe Woods and Halling are both essentially village schools “at the heart of the community.” We have shared values, a similar catchment and both schools are in the process of expanding to two-form entry. Initially, the Cliffe Woods Academy Trust will include just Cliffe Woods Primary and Halling Primary.
How will these schools work together?
As stated, we will be able to make financial savings as part of a MAT. We will commission training and development for members of staff as well as planning collaborative working to improve standards of teaching and learning. We will be able to offer career development across the MAT so that recruitment and retention of staff will be easier.
Who will be in charge?
Mrs Donnelly will continue to be the head teacher of Halling School and we will retain our own governing body. However, the Chair of Governors will also sit on Academy Trust Board of Directors.
Will the name of the school change?
No, we will still be Halling Primary School.
Will the uniform change?
Yes, there will be some changes for September 2017 but these are in response to requests from the children, not because of the academy conversion. More details on this will follow shortly.
Will the curriculum change?
No, we will still arrange our curriculum to suit the needs of our children.
Will the term dates change?
There may be greater freedom around term dates but we will still take account of what is going on in other local schools.
Will this affect the planned expansion of the school?
No, the local authority has a duty to provide the number of school places required within each community. Plans for the expansion have been drawn up and are under consideration. We have assurance that academy conversion will not affect the expansion.
Could we end up losing the head teacher or other teachers to other schools within the academy trust?
The head teacher and the teachers will continue to work at Halling School. At some time in the future, it is likely that the Cliffe Woods Academy Trust will be asked to support a school that requires improvement. As part of the Trust, Halling School’s leadership will be involved in that support. However, we will put the needs of Halling School first, ensuring that we have the capacity to support another school if required to do so.
Please complete the questions below and return this page to the school office. Thank you.
NAME: / PARENT/S OF:I/we support the school’s decision to join the Cliffe Woods Academy Trust:
COMMENTS (including any further questions that you would like to ask):