Name: ______Date: ______Class Pd: ______
Comparative Anatomy : Final Semester Exam REVIEW
1. How many permanent upper incisor teeth do cattle have?
2. Which blood type can give to anyone but only receive their own?
3. Which valve is located between the left ventricle and aorta?
4. Which is considered to be an acidic environment in the digestive tract:
5. Within the body, what is the hardest substance?
6. In which types of animals are the cecums largest within?
7. Which part of digestion is controlled by a voluntary and involuntary sphincter?
8. What is the term used to describe low red blood cell counts?
9. What type of muscle can be found on the stomach?
10. Which part of the ruminant stomach is known for containing over 100 folds used for absorption?
11. The function of the cerebellum is to aid in what?
12. The lungs are found in which body cavity?
13. Which mineral is found in our blood which gives our blood the red color we all know?
14. The small intestine is approximately how many times larger than the large intestine.
15. In the ruminant, what percentage of food is broken down by microbes before getting to gastrin?
16. List three monogastric animals and three ruminant animals.
17. What is the first section of the small intestine and is connected to the stomach.
18. In the ruminant, which portion of the stomach is most similar to that of a monogastric?
19. Which anatomical part is responsible for keeping the trachea from collapsing in the body?
20. What are the small fingerlike projections that line the intestines which aid in absorption?
21. Within the blood, ______work to aid in clotting the blood and are produced in ______.
22. Fetal pigs do not use their lungs because gas exchange occurs in the ______.
23. The initial set of teeth we all have are referred to as what?
24. What are two animals with simple stomach, extensive intestines and enlarged cecums.
25. During digestion, what is the name of the food when pushed down by the tongue?
26. The three types of blood cells are white, ______, and ______.
27. When food leaves the stomach is now in the form of a soupy partial digested material called what?
28. In the nervous system, the ______are protective membranes covering the brain.
29. Within the heart, which layer has a smooth inner surface allowing blood to flow easier.
30. The entire digestive system from start to end in a human is approximately how many feet long.
31. What is the medical term meaning “without oxygen”
32. A molecule of hemoglobin can carry up to how many molecules of oxygen?
33. During respiration, describe the way in which the diaphragm moves
34. Explain the difference between veins and arteries in our bodies and how they move material.
35. Plasma is made up of approximately ______percent water.
36. What is the function of the Circulatory System?
37. In an emergency, what blood type would you use in an emergency blood transfusion and why?
38. Define rumination.
39. Describe an appropriate number for the pH in our stomach and why it must be that.
40. Explain what a heart murmur is, and how it can be deadly.
41. List the three parts of the small intestine in sequential order.
42. Name the range for an acceptable blood pressure number.
43. List three of the enzymes found in the pancreas and what they break down.
44. List the steps of digestion for a cat.
45. Within the heart, what chamber does the superior and posterior vena cava open into?
46. Describe the function of the epiglottis and what might happen if it faults?
47. Why is it important for our bodies to have white blood cells; what can you tell by examining their levels?
48. List the steps of digestion for a sheep.
49. Describe the two major accessory organs used during digestion and their functions.
50. What was your favorite lesson from class this year? J
Vet Skills for 2nd Semester:
-Suturing -Injections -Anatomical Identification -Blood Pressure -Heart Rate