How to write a position paper for Model UN

A good position paperwill include:

1)a brief introduction to your country and itshistoryconcerning the topic;

2)yourcountry'spolicies with respect to the issue and yourcountry'sjustification for thesepolicies;

3)whatyour country believesshould be donenextto address the issue.

Position PaperTips

a)Giveeach separate idea or proposalitsownparagraph. Makesureeachparagraphstarts with a topicsentence (= central idea in the paragraph).

b)Keepitsimple. To communicatestrongly and effectively, stick to uncomplicatedlanguage and sentencestructure.

c)Makeitofficial. Try to use the seal of your country or create an "official" letterhead for your position paper.

d)Citeyoursources. Use footnotes or endnotes to show whereyoufoundyourfacts and statistics.


  • Leave time to edityour position paper.
  • Double-checkyour spelling and grammar.
  • A good position papercan be turnedintoa greatopening speech. Duringdebate, a good position paperwillalso help you to stick to yourcountry'spolicies.


Committee: International Labor Organization

Topic: Globalization and Development

Country: Romania

In the pasttwodecades the rapidlygrowing world trend hasbeentowardglobalization. With the emergence of the internet as a means of communication and the increasingaccessibility of internationaltradephysicalbarriers are not the onlybarrierswitheringaway. Protectivetariffs are plummeting and free tradeagreements are becoming more prevalent. Romania appreciatesthatglobalizationcreatesfavorablesituations for expansion of commercial aswellaseconomicassets. In the pastyear Romania hasseen a foreigndirectinvestment (FDI) increase of 199%. Inward FDI increased from EURO 234 million in 2005 to EURO 699 million in 2006. However, Romania realizesthatincreasedglobalizationdoesnotautomatically produce more equality.

Globalization and Development can contribute to the advancement of the overallinternational human condition; however, the delegation of Romania recognizesthatwithoutproperregulation the potential for advancementwillremainlimited to an elitefewindividuals, businesses, and nations. Unlesschecked and aimedtoward the common good, globalizationcannoteffectively serve the global community. Crucial in dealing with the complexities of globalization, goodgovernance must act with solidarity and responsibility. Romania believesthat in involvingpeople in globalizationwe must promote moral values, democraticprincipals, inclusive global political culture, institutionsthatsafeguardbothindividualcivilrights and inherentfreedoms, and the common good. In addition, coping with the influx of information from globalizationgovernments must act with solidarity and insight. Access to digitaleducationwillundoubtedlyresult in the confidence of citizens in theirrespectiveadministrations and allow for a greaterdegree of transparency, and therefore a lesserdegree of corruption.

Romania believes the multinational business community has the ability and the obligation to supportpertinentvalues in human rights, laborstandards, and environmentalpreservation. Asstated by the president, Mr. TraionBasescu, Romania feels a "heartfelt attachment to multilateralism, as an effectiveinstrumentdesigned to identify the adequateanswers to the challengesbrought by globalization."


Commission= Security Council

Topic= The ways to combatinternationalterrorism

Country = [Name of your country]

1)Brief introduction to your country and itshistoryconcerning the topic =

2)yourcountry'spolicies with respect to the issue and yourcountry'sjustification for thesepolicies =

3)whatyour country believesshould be donenextto address the issue =