For the Win

Series Overview

Week One –

How to Win Before the Battle Begins

Philippians 3:10

The same power that brought Jesus back from the dead works in you when you decide to become his follower. You get to live every day in this resurrection power.

Week Two –

Open Your Eyes to the Unseen World

Ephesians 6:10

There is a spiritual dimension to our world that interfaces seamlessly with our own, but can’t be detected by our human senses. Where angels and demons reside is where the real battle happens.

Week Three –

Getting Dressed for the Battlefield

Ephesians 6:11-17

God has given you every single resource you need for the battle. He equips you with his armor for protection and his weaponry for conquering. But it’s up to you to wear it and use it daily.

Week Four –

Your Mind is the Battlefield

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

The daily battles are won and lost in the mind. What we think and believe determines how we behave, which creates either a lifestyle of victory or a lifestyle of defeat.

Week Five –

The Real Victory Comes Through Prayer

Ephesians 6:18

Prayer is warfare. God has chosen to step into the battle on our behalf in response to prayer, which is like our war-time walkie-talkie. We can learn to pray victoriously over everything that threatens us.

Week Six –

Claiming the Authority of Jesus’ Name

Various Scriptures

There is no other name so precious and so powerful as the name of Jesus. He invites us to face the enemy in the authority that comes with his name rather than our own.

Week Seven –

Trusting the Authority of God’s Word

Various Scriptures

The Bible is our sword of truth – the offensive weapon we use to take down lies and strongholds. It is the truth that sets us free from the deceptions of the enemy.

Week Eight –

Walking in the Authority of the Spirit

Ephesians 5:18 & Others

Walking in victory every day in the middle of a war zone requires that we be filled with the God who has already, decisively won and who is our only real source of spiritual power.

Week Nine –

Why You Should Never Fight Alone

Ephesians 4:11-16 & Others

God never intended you to fight alone. He invited you into his spiritual family so that you could link arms with other believers and stand strong as part of a redeemed community.

Week Ten –

When the Battle is Over

2 Timothy 4:6-8

Someday, we won’t fight anymore. We’ll get to go home and wear a crown and be in Jesus’ presence forever. The question at the end of our life will be, did we fight a good fight?