How to Use Google Calendar for NMR Scheduling

1.  Add the NMR calendar in your calendar system.

NMR instruments / Calendar Name
300MHz@Dabney (silver shell) /
300MHz@Dabney (white shell) /
400MHz@Dabney /
300MHz@Partners III /
400MHz@Partners III /
NMR Event /

1)  Go to your NCSU email account, and click Calendar.

2)  Click Other calendars and Add a friend’s calendar (at submenu).

3)  Type the NMR Calendar Name as listed in above table, then click Add.

4)  Type in the following information in “Request Access.”

For NCSU Users:

Your Name:

Your PI's Name:

Lab No/Building:

Status: Student /Staff /Postdoc

Attended NMR training: Yes or No

For External/Industrial Users:

Your Name:

Your Company’s Name:

Your NMR Account Name:

NMR Instruments you use:

Attended NMR training: Yes or No

Note: Requests with no information or a lack of information will be denied access to the calendar.

5)  Click “Send Request.”

2.  After your information has been reviewed, you will receive an email from the NMR calendar regarding access to the calendar.

You need to repeat all the steps above for each of the NMR instruments that you need access to.

3.  View the NMR calendar.

After you receive the permission to access the NMR calendar, you will see under the “other calendars” that there is an NMR calendar shown as “”. You can customize the color for each of the NMR calendars.

4.  Schedule an NMR time.

Go to your calendar.

Click a time frame that has not been booked and that you would like to book.

Click “edit event.”

In the “Untitled Event” field (highlighted as red), write your last and first name and experiment name.

Choose the time zone (highlighted as green) (10 min. per section; max of 3 consecutive sections in prime time; for details of NMR usage rules please refer to the NMR usage policy documents).

In “add guest” (highlighted as yellow), please type the NMR calendar name which you desire.

Click “Save” and “Sent” invitation to guest. (After this step your NMR time is booked, and it will show up on both your calendar and the NMR calendar.)

NOTE: In cases where there is no information or a lack of information in the “untitled event” field, your NMR time request will be denied. Also, if you violate the NMR usage rules, such as booking NMR time for more than 3 consecutive sections (10 min. per section) in the prime time, the following NMR violation policy will be applied.

NMR Violation Policy

In the interest of all NMR users and the protection of the NMR instruments, the following actions will be taken when NMR lab policies are violated:
1st incident: Written warning with copy to advisor
2nd incident: Suspension from running samples for a time to be determined by the NMR Lab Manager
3rd incident: Permanent removal of NMR lab account and privileges

5.  You can click on your booked time section to cancel or update it.