How to Make a Profile Document
Table of Contents:
1)Make a Web Form
2)Determine Changing Data
3)Make a Profile Document Form
4)Add the Action to the EditorsForm
5)Populate the Profile Document
6)Pull Profile Data into the Web Form
7)Preview the Web Form on the Web
1)Make a Web Form
Make a form in Designer that will be used on the web:
2)Determine Changing Data
Determine if any of the data on the form may change weekly, monthly, each semester or yearly.
(Eg. Dates, radio button data, items in listboxes or combo boxes, text or rich text messages, etc.)
3)Make a Profile Document Form
Make a new form in Designer that will allow Editors to change the selected data from Lotus Notes.
This is the Profile Document Form.
Call it PDocArea or ProfileDocArea so you know that this is the Profile Document Form relating to a specificWeb Form.
When saving this form, remove the two checkboxes from the Form Properties box:
‘Include in menu’ and ‘Include in Search Builder’:
Set-up the fields from top to bottom on your Profile Document Form so they relate to the data they will replace on the Web Form.
The fields that will show on the Web as checkboxes, listboxes, combo boxes or radio buttons should be of Type ‘Text’ and ‘Editable’and set to ‘Allow multiple values’:
The 3rd tab for these multiple data fields should be set so values are separated when a ‘Semicolon’ and / or a ‘Newline’ are typed. The data should be displayed separated by ‘Newline’:
Eg. The values ‘Student; Faculty; Staff; Administration’ will show as:
The ‘Save & Close’ and ‘Close Without Saving’ actions on the Profile Document Form are ‘Shared Actions’.
While editing the Profile Document Form, choose ‘Create – Action – Insert Shared Action…’ from the pull down menus in Designer:
From the pop-up box, choose the Actions that you need, click ‘Insert’ and click ‘Done’:
4)Add the Action to the EditorsForm
There must be a way for Editors to populate the Profile Document with data, from Lotus Notes. To do this, an Action needs to be added to the ‘EditorsForm’.
Use ‘Create – Action – Action…’ from the ‘EditorsForm’ in Designer:
The Action should be given a name, related to what it will do ‘AreaFormAction’.
It could also be given a separate label. The label is seen in Notes by the client:
It should also have the ‘EditProfileDocument’ command attached to it:
@Command( [EditProfileDocument] ; "nameOfPDocForm";"uniqueKeyForPDoc")
The nameOfPDocFormcomes from step #3 above.
It is the name that you gave to your Profile Document Form.
The uniqueKeyForPDocor unique key is used to identify thisProfile Document.
It is possible to create multiple documents using one Profile DocumentForm.
You could use multiple documents if each person who logged in wanted to see different data, depending on their userID. The unique field would then be ‘@UserName’:
@Command( [EditProfileDocument]; “PDocArea”; @UserName )
If only one copy of the Profile Document data is required, a static value should be used as the uniqueKeyForPDoc, as shown in the image below.
Below, the ‘EditorsForm’ is showing an Action that contains the Edit Profile Document formula:
5)Populate the Profile Document
Once the formulas are in place to edit the Profile Document, open the ‘EditorsForm’ from Lotus Notes and fill in some data.
Click your new Action button, located at the top of the ‘EditorsForm’:
Populate the fields of the Profile Document from Lotus Notes, just as Editors of the database will do in the future:
Click the ‘Save & Close’ button to save the document when you have finished.
6)Pull Profile Data into Web Form
Lastly, the fields on the AreaForm(back in step #1) need to be changed to pull the data that is now collected on the ProfileDocument.
This example shows four different types of fields to pull data into.
i) Pull the Title:
Open the WebForm and replace the title of the form with a Computed Value.
Set the font face and font size of the Computed Value.
Use the following formula:
The nameOfProfileDocumentFormis from step #3 above.
The nameOfTitleFieldis the field that you want to pull data from.
The uniqueKeyForPDoc is the static value I chose to use as a unique key.
ii) Pull the Rich Text Message:
Replace the typed rich text messagewith a field of Type‘Rich Text’ and ‘Computed’.
Use pass thru HTML around (but not including) the field to set the font face and font size.
Use the following formula:
iii) Pull the Checkbox Data:
Next, ensure the Checkbox field is set to ‘Editable’:
On the 2nd Field Property box tab, change the drop down to ‘Use formula for choices’.
Delete your previous Choices and use this formula instead:
iv) Pull the Combobox Data:
Next, ensure the Combobox field is set to ‘Editable’:
On the 2nd Field Property box tab, change the drop down to ‘Use formula for choices’.
Delete your previous Choices and use this formula instead:
7)Preview the Form on the Web
Once you’ve saved the Web Form, which is now pulling data from the Profile Document, test it out. Preview it on the web and look for your new data.
Be aware that your Profile Document is cached. If you do not see the most up to date changes right away, you may need to close all of your Internet Browsers and try testing it again. On rare occasions, you may also need to close Lotus Notes and Designer to force the re-cache. This is why Profile Documents are best used with data that changes on a weekly or longer basis. Changes made daily or more frequently to a Profile Document may have caching issues.
How to Make a Profile Document (Page 1 of 11)