Please complete all sections before submitting. Unfortunately, we do not accept CVs.
Application FormVacancy Title
Where did you hear about this vacancy?
Section A - Personal Details
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Name
Home address
Home Tel No
Mobile No
Email address
Do you hold a full driving licence valid in the UK? / Yes No
If Yes, do you hold any additional endorsements on your licence? If yes, please specify.
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or received a police caution in the U.K. or any other country? / Yes No
If Yes, please provide details on a separate sheet and include with your application.
Previous Employment HistoryEmployer / Job Title / Main duties / From / To
Establishment / Subject / Qualification/Level/Grade / Date Obtained
Other relevant qualifications (obtained or ongoing)
Course and Organising Body / Qualification / Date Obtained
Section B – Person Specification
Knowledge and experience
Leisure Interests/Hobbies
Please state briefly what your main leisure interests are, particularly where these are relevant to the role for which you are applying, and how these will help you within the role at Swim Safety.
Please share with us any additional, relevant information in support of your application.
Section C – References and Declaration
Please give the details of two references – see guidance notes for further information. Referees will not be contacted without your prior permission.
Referee 1
Referee Name
Relationship to you
Company/Organisation Name
Telephone No
Email address
Referee 2
Referee Name
Relationship to you
Company/Organisation Name
Telephone No
Email address
I certify that the information given above and overleaf is correct to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that an offer of appointment will be subject to satisfactory references, proof of identity, right to live and work in UK, medical checks and relevant qualifications.
I give consent for personal information provided as part of this application to be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988.
I accept that if any of the enclosed information is found to be untrue or misleading after my appointment, I may be liable for dismissal without notice.
Full Name
Application Guidance Notes
Completing the application form is the first step of the recruitment process which may lead to an interview and possible job offer. It is, therefore, important that you complete the form as fully and as clearly possible. Please do not submit a Curriculum Vitae along with your application; but do attempt to include all relevant information within the application form.
Your application can be submitted online by emailing or posting to us at the address above.
You will receive an automated response to acknowledge receipt of your application if sent via email. We will contact you via e-mail to either organise an interview or to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful after the closing date.
Section A: Personal details
Please enter your personal details so that we may contact you about your application.
Previous employment – provide full details in chronological order starting with you current or most recent employer.
Education details - start with the most recent first and include ongoing courses that you are currently undertaking.
Relevant qualifications – this may include any qualification detailed in the desired qualification list on the role specification or equivalent training or qualifications you feel are relevant.
Leisure hobbies / interests – this allows us to get a better understanding of you as an individual and how you will fit into our company.
Section B: Person Specification
Here we want to know why you will be a great candidate for the role. Remember just telling us you can do the job is not enough, we would like you to back this up with evidence and examples. These can be from work, school, college, a voluntary role or daily life.
Please also be clear where you don’t currently meet the person specification – this helps us identify areas where you may need further development should we offer you a role.
Section C: Referees
Please give the names and addresses (postal and email) of two referees. At least one should be your current or most recent employer. Please do not include a family member or close friend as a referee.
Please note that we will NOT contact your referees without your prior permission.
Please read and sign the declaration at the end of the application. If submitting your application via email and electronic signature is acceptable.