Name: ______Date: ______Block: ______
How to Make a Paper Plate Atom
- Procure a notecard with an element written on it from your teacher. Write your element here:
- Find your element on the periodic table and determine the following:
- Number of protons ______
- Number of neutrons ______
- Number of electrons ______
- Fold your paper plate in half.
- Hold the cutting-pattern firmly to your paper plate and cut along the solid lines on the pattern.
- Keep all “rings”/trash all “trash”
- You will have one solid circle for the nucleus
- You will have 2 to 3 rings to use as electron shells
- Using the information above, determine the number of orbitals you will need to complete your element’s atom
- You can use your notes regarding the number of electrons allowed in each shell
- Nucleus:
- Use markers to draw the correct number of protons and neutrons—use a different color for each and label which is which.
- On the other side, write the atomic symbol for the element, your name, and your block
- Rings:
- Use a third color to draw the appropriate number of electrons on each shell (or orbit) of your atom. Do this on both sides of the orbits
- Label one of the shells “electrons”
- Use a hole punch to punch a hole in the top of your nucleus and all orbits
- Use a piece of yarn to attach all the pieces
- Tie the yarn to the nucleus to start and work your way out, tying a knot at each orbit to hold it in place.
Paper Plate Atom Rubric
Skill/Proficiency / 5 / 3 / 1Element Name / Element name is clearly written within the nucleus / Element name is written but not per instructions / Element name not written on project
Protons / Number of protons is correct & labeled / Number of protons is correct but not labeled / Number of protons is incorrect
Neutrons / Number of neutrons is correct & labeled / Number of neutrons is correctbut not labeled / Number of neutrons is incorrect
Electrons / Number of electrons is correct & labeled / Number of electrons is correctbut not labeled / Number of electrons is incorrect
All other directions have been followed as per the instruction sheet / Cutting, hole punching, and yarn instructions followed correctly and atoms looks tidy. / Cutting, hole punching,oryarn instructions followed correctly and atoms looks sub par. / Your atom is one big ole mess!