20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
'A light on the hill -
Transforming our community,
one person at a time.'
Life Group Leaders notes
February - April, 2017
Study 1 – Why Vision?
OBJECTIVE: To introduce people to the vision statement of the Bridge Church and to break it down into various segments for personal understanding and application.
CREATIVE: Using Handout 1, match the vision statements with the organisation you think they best represent.
READING: Proverbs 29:18 -
- King James (KJV) 'Where there is no vision, the people perish.'
- Message (MSG) 'If people can’t see what God is doing,they stumble all over themselves;
But when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed.'
Part 1 - Vision.
- What did you want to be or what job did you want to have when you were a young child?
- What about when you went to university, completed an apprenticeship or studied for some degree?How many of you are still working in that field that you started off in?
To some extent we all have 'vision' - a vision to become someone or do something .... and so we pour our energies, time, resources, into achieving that.
Vision is inspired by a sense of PURPOSE - You know the difference you will make!
Vision is driven by a sense of PASSION - You know the cost you are willing to invest!
Vision is focused by a sense of PERSPECTIVE - You know what is important - and what is not!
Vision is carried by people in PARTNERSHIP - You knowwho stands and fights beside you!
- Can you think of any unique people who had the four P's?
- e.g. Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Bill Gates, Billy Graham.
- What about your own personal experience? Have you seen a dream, ambition, vision fulfilled? Give an example of how any one of the four P's attributed to your success?
- Relating the above thoughts to Proverbs 29:18, why do you think people perish (two more P's for you ) when they don't have ‘vision’?
An example from the Apostle Paul.
Paul had a wonderful job ... it was to preach the Gospel. Please read Romans 15:15-16a [p. 1142]. But God also gave Paul a unique and specific vision. Please read Romans 15:20-21.
- What was Pauls ‘vision’ for his life and ministry?
- to preach the gospel where Christ was not known
- those not told about Him will see/those who have not heard will understand.
- How do you think this vision motivated, drove, inspired Paul? Relate to the 4 P's!
- Was Paul successful in seeing this vision achieved?
A vision statement - A 'vision statement' is simply a short phrase that seeks to express the ambition or end goal of an organisation (or an individual) and what they want to see achieved. It is the utopian dream / the ideal scenario if the outcome of all their effort and investment is to be seen as successful.
- Consider again the opening exercise. Which company do you sense is matching its vision statement the best? Which statement might encourage you to work for that company?
Creative: Ask people to use their smart phones or i-pads and look up the vision statements of other churches they know of, e.g. Audacious Church, Hillsong church.
Please pass out Vision Postcards to everyone. This is the new Vision Statement of the Bridge
** Perhaps read this 2 or 3 times and get the LG to say it out loud 2 or 3 times.
- As you consider the statement – what are your initial thoughts?
- How do you think it matches up with the four P’s – does it express something that can inspire and excite you?
Over the next few weeks we want to dissect this vision statement and seek to understand what God is calling the Bridge Church to do and to be. And in doing so we hope that it will fill you with fresh passion, fresh perspective, fresh purpose as a member of this part of His church.
Part 2 - A light …
The first part of our Vision Statement is the call for the Bridge Church to be ‘a light’.
Please read Matthew 5:14-16 [p. 969]
- Why do you think that Jesus uses the image of 'light' to describe Christians and the Church? What 'qualities/attributes' of light help us understand what Jesus was talking about here?
Jesus challenges us not to 'hide our light'.
- Describe the state of this world should the sun stop shining for a month? What catastrophic events might this cause?
- With this thought in mind, why do you think Jesus tells us not to 'hide' but to 'shine'?
- Explain some of the ways that we can be tempted to hide our light.
Read vs. 16 again.
- What is the ultimate purpose in seeking to be 'light' in a dark world?
- Give some examples of how WE ARE lights that bring Him all the glory:
- a. individually, b. as a life group, c. corporately as a church
a. A WITNESS to the Light!
Read John 1:1-14 [p. 1063]
- How many times do you read the word 'light' in this passage?
This 'light' of course refers to Jesus. He came to be THE light of the world.
- How did the world respond to His coming as the light (see verses 9-11)?
- Do we see evidence of this same occurrence today? Explain.
In this passage verses 6-8 refer to John the Baptist.
- How is John the Baptist described in these three verses?
- Discuss the implications these verses might have for you and I today? How do they relate to Matthew 5:14-16.
Jesus was the light of the world. He calls us individually and corporately to be this too!!
b. WALKING in Light
Let’s turn to the last passage of our study tonight. Read 1 John 1:5-7 [p. 1225]
John has identified Jesus as the Light. He encourages us to be witnesses of the Light just as John the Baptist was. But here John also gives us a charge ... in vs. 7 .... and that is we must 'walk in the light'.
- What do you think John is getting at with this passage? What is our personal responsibility?
- What two benefits are bestowed on those who ‘walk in the light of the Lord’?
Take a moment to now consider the reverse of that statement. How might you rephrase that statement so that it is a negative (for example ... stumbling in darkness)?
- Who do you know that is 'stumbling in darkness'?
- What one thing could you do for that person this week that demonstrates the light of Christ in you?
It would be a great challenge over the next two weeks to seek to memorise the Vision Statement. Can you give that a go and see if you can say it unaided next week. Use the ‘Postcard’ to be of help!
Also, Matthew 5:14-16 is a crucial passage in the biblical understanding of who and what God calls us to be as a church. Over the coming weeks, visit this passage on a few occasions and spend time meditating on it and memorising it. It goes to the heart of what God is calling the Bridge to be!!
Prayer Challenge:
- Thank God for vision. Thank Him for the opportunity to live with purpose and passion.
- Pray for one another - that just as Paul had a vision for his life - we too might have that sense of vision and calling to do what God requires of us.
Study 1 - Handout
As a fun exercise to start tonight's session, can you match up the Vision Statement with the company that you think it best represents. The answers are at the bottom, so please fold the bottom part of the page over until you have finished. No Internet use permitted!!!!
Vision Statement / Company1 / Our vision is to put joy in kids hearts and a smile on parents faces. / a / Disneyland
2 / Our vision is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. / b / Starbucks
3 / Our vision is to make people happy. / c / Heinz
4 / Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. / d / Toys-R-Us
5 / Our vision is to be the most recognised and respected brand in the world. / e / Adidas
6 / Our vision is to be the best quick service restaurant experience. / f / Google
7 / Our vision is to is to build a place where people can find and discover anything they may want to buy online. / g / Nike
8 / Our vision is to enhance social and environmental performance in the company and the supply chain, thereby improving the lives of the people making our products. / h / Amazon
9 / Our vision is to organise all of the data in the world and make it accessible for everyone in a useful way. / i / McDonalds
10 / Our vision is to be the world's premiere food company, offering nutritious, superior tasting foods to people everywhere. / j / Ikea
Study 2 – '... On A Hill'
OBJECTIVE: Tonight we continue to look at the Bridge vision statement, specifically the phrase '... on a hill' and explore how Jesus used three hillside stories to inspire us.
CREATIVE: What is the most picturesque hill/mountain you have ever climbed? Tell us where it was and why it left an indelible impressionon you.
Today we carry on dissecting our vision statement which is ...... ?
- Has anyone memorised it yet?
- What about Matthew 5:14-16? Anyone take the time to memorise those verses??
God has placed the Bridge Church at a very strategic point in Bolton:
- we sit on a gentle hill.
- we sit at the junction of a major intersection
- we sit on a major transportation route
Story 1:
Read Matthew 5:14-16 again. Ten years ago a guest speaker,Nick Resce, used this text in a prophetic prayer that the Bridge will be like a 'light' set on a hill. Read the passage again but this time put yourself in the shoes of those who were listening to Jesus speak those specific words. Imagine being sat on the hillside hearing this challenge. Imagine as He speaks Jesus extending both arms, directing your gaze to the vast expanse of land with its towns, villages, crops, forests, farms and people below - or perhaps a sea with its boats and fishermen busy at work.
- Describe images/pictures that come to your mind as you 'sit' on that mountainside.
Now imagine yourself up on this hillside, listening to the words of Jesus - and all around you are people you sit next to Sunday by Sunday.
- With this mental picture, explore why you think Jesus uses this word picture of His Church - the Bridge Church - being like ‘a city built on a hilltop.'
- What was Jesus seeking to say? to describe? to express?
- What responsibilities/challenges does this prophetic word mean for us as a church in this town of Bolton / Greater Manchester? What do you sense God is calling us to?
- What feelings/expectations arise in you knowing that you are part of a congregation/ a church with a prophetic call to be highly visible in the town and community?
Story 2:
Let's visit another story of Jesus on a hillside. Read Luke 19:28-44 [p. 1054].
Jesus is coming towards the end of His time on earth. Again, put yourself in the scene. You've heard the crowds herald Jesus as the Messiah and King. You've seen them wave palm branches and lay cloaks on the ground. But now He travels down the Mount of Olives towards the Kidron Valley to enter Jerusalem. You watch as He slowly descends. Not far from you, He stops. He slowly gazes over His beloved city. As His head rotates, you notice tears streaming down his face. You watch as He dries drop after drop on the sleeve of his robe. You listen as His voice, all of a quiver, prophecies the destruction of this ancient city .... because they did not recognise Him as God, because they did not seek to follow the path of God, because they rejected the One sent to reconcile them to God.
- Express in your own words the feelings you think Jesus was going through at that moment?
Imagine Jesus, stood today on Scout Road, overlooking Bolton and into the distance of Greater Manchester.
- Would Jesus be feeling those same feelings today over our town, our city? What words do you think Jesus would say over our town/our city today? Discuss.
This next question is a bit of an emotional one, but one well worth asking! Cookie often quotes the phrase, 'God, break my heart for what breaks Yours!'
- Do we weep over our town, our city, as Jesus wept over Jerusalem?
- Is our heart grieved by the depth of rejection shown to God, to Biblical values, to Gospel truth as Jesus' heart was grieved?
- If Jesus is grieved by the state of our town and city, what do you sense He would have you do? Me do? Us do?
Story 3:
Let's go to a third hill. This hill (mountain) is found in Matthew 28:16-20 [p. 1000]. Please read.
Again, picture yourself in the scene. You're stood on Winter Hill - there with your Life Group - a few of you waiting together expecting another visit and a conversation with Jesus. All of a sudden Jesus appears out of nowhere. At first you can't believe it’s' Him. But then you see his nail-pierced feet and hands. He's here. You don't realise it just yet, but reflecting back on this moment you realise your are listening to the final command of your Lord and Master. With His last words He both comforts you and commissions you.
- With what words does Jesus comfort you? (see vs. 18b and 20b)
- As Jesus - standing with you on Winter Hill and looking out over Horwich, Blackrod, Belmont, Bolton, Chorley, Manchester .... ok... Bury and Blackburn too - with what words does Jesus commission you? (see vs. 19-20a)
Strategy and Intentionality [ If there is time remaining - you may like to close out with this ]
Recently we were challenged by John Andrews with the fact that in order to be a light that influences we need to be placed intentionally. God does not work by coincidences. God always has a plan, a purpose and a strategy. Existing as a church '... on a hill' could be said to be a part of God’s overall strategy, Gods overall intention for us.
The Bridge Church has the benefit of having its history published in a book by Stephen Ward. It provides brilliant insight to how God has protected, provided, and positioned the church over the past 90+ years. Take some time to read through snippets of the Bridge Church history(see the Handout 'A Light on the Hill – Timeline/History of the Bridge Church’) and how God has taken it from one man preaching on the town hall steps to hundreds of people meeting on a hill positioned in a fork in the road.
- As you read through this short history, what things strike you?
- What are some of the major differences between where we started and where we are today?
- What might be some of the strategic/intentional benefits to being 'a church on the hill?
- Share some ways can you position yourself intentionally to be that ‘light on the hill’.
Creative - You may like to listen and reflect on the song 'City on a Hill' by Third Day before going into a time of prayer. The U-Tube link is listed below.
- Pray for each member of the group to fully realise and appreciate that they are not ‘living by chance or accident’ but that there is purpose and intentionality in being where they are.
- Pray that we might find ways this week of positioning ourselves intentionally to be that light on the hill
- Pray that our hearts may always be broken for what which breaks the heart of God.
Study 2 – Handout - 'A Light on the Hill' – Timeline/History of the Bridge Church
The Bridge Church (known historically as Bolton Assembly, then Bolton Pentecostal Church) was started in Bolton in the 1920's and has been situated on various sites during its journey to where it is stands today. The following is a timeline of key markers in the Bridge Church history andhopefully an encouragement to sensing how God has placed us strategically and intentionally.
1924 - A pastor at a Blackpool church has a burden placed on him by God to start a work in the town of Bolton. Willie Hacking preached his first gospel sermon from the steps of Bolton town hall on January2, 1925 and Bolton Assembly was started. The first meeting place was 17 Blackhorse Street, near the town hall. Bolton Assembly moved to a variety of different sites over the next few years, namely Weston Street (off Manchester Rd),Carlton Street (Farnworth) and Bank Street (Bolton).
1942 - Bolton Assembly was recorded as being closed in June 6 1942. That could have been the end of the story, but God was not finished with Bolton. The denomination of Assemblies of God decided that Bolton would be the first town to benefit from their vision to plant assemblies for the glory of God and so Bolton Assembly was resurrected. The church continued to bounce around a variety of venues until securing rental facilities at Glad Tidings Hall on Rishton Lane. Glad Tiding Hall was home for the next 20 years.
1963 –Bolton Assembly moved from Glad Tidings Hall on Rishton Lane to a property bought on Back Bradford Street in Bolton. A series of ministers and elders continued to lead the church through these years.