Billion Dollar Marketing System

How To Give A Home Comfort Equipment Audit

An Equipment Audit is a simple procedure. You go in and analyze someone's equipment. Here's exactly what to do:

1. First, cover all the problems your client’s equipment has. Check it all out. Tell her whether or not they can be fixed and how.

2. Calculate the “wear age” of your client’s equipment. Her equipment may be 10 years old but only have a wear age of two years. However, her equipment may be two years old but have a wear age of 10 years. Explain how long it will be before she will need to get new equipment and give her a 'prescription' to make her equipment last as long as possible.

This is not as hard as it sounds. You know equipment. You can tell how the equipment gets treated by looking at it and by the information she fills out. Give her your best guestimate as to how long it will last if she takes care of it the same way she has always been taking care of it.

3. Determine if your client’s equipment is in good health.

Healthy equipment is great for healthy wallets and for healthy people.

Explain that her equipment’s health can affect her and her family's health. Just like she tracks in dirt from the outside, she also tracks in car exhaust, cigarette smoke, asphalt, chemicals, dust, germs, pollens, tar, soot and many others. These pollutants get circulated in the air.

Clean and Efficient Equipment Reduces Indoor Air Pollution

You've heard the hype about indoor air being more polluted than outdoor air. Well, it's true. The main reason is because indoor air is trapped. Rarely does it get completely replaced. Outdoor air, on the other hand, gets blown away and new cleaner air replaces it.

Trapped indoor air gets pollutants in it. She drags them in; they get lodged in her carpet and elsewhere. Then when someone walks over them, they get re-dispersed into her air and she and her family breathe them. Over and over. That's why indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air.

There is a way out of this vicious cycle. Getting her equipment serviced thoroughly and regularly gets rid of these pollutants in her home.

(Of course you knew that but explain it to your client!)

4. After analyzing the equipment, give your client a complete written report of the condition of her equipment. Tell her what her equipment needs are. If her equipment needs any of the services you provide, present her with an Options Sheet complete with prices before you leave the home. If complete equipment replacement is recommended, provide an options sheet with quotes for each option or refer to your comfort consultant (depending upon your company’s procedure).

Remember all of this is free and there is NO OBLIGATION.

That's why people are willing to get it.

When someone calls up and asks me for an estimate, I say: “We don't give estimates, we give Free Equipment Audits.” Then I explain exactly what a Free Equipment Audit entails.

This works beautifully. Clients become much more interested and place much more value on an Equipment Audit than they do on an 'estimate'.

I personally don't like the word 'estimate'. Estimate implies that you aren't exactly sure how much it is going to be. It may be higher; it may be lower. A 'quote,' however, is precise. This is exactly how much it will be for these services.

Of course, a quote to service the equipment comes with the Free Equipment Audit, but the client gets a lot more.

Clients that you give Free Audits to are much more likely to become repeat clients. After the audit, they understand the importance of servicing their equipment on a regular basis.

You will find these letters in the Members area of our website. Log in to your membership page and click on Successful Contractor Marketing Kit/Quick Start Guide.

Following this section is the form to fill out when doing a Free Home Comfort Equipment Audit.

©Piranha Marketing, Inc. Used under license by The Blue Collar Success Group

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