How to Full Tension Fish! (Guide)

To full tension fish you need a healthy arm/wrist and good posture. I usually sit with my knees close to me almost like you can hug them. Then put my device ontop of my knees, and arms against the sides of my legs. Not keeping it flat as if you put it on a table, but angled downwards so its away from your eyes, but its enough to get an idea of what's happening. It's also good to make sure you're sitting up straight and adjust the height of your knees, so it won't cause as much strain on your arms/wrist. Lower usually works better for me. You can also sit at a table and FTF, but make sure the table is the right height.
*Use the motion from your wrist rather than your arm to FTF or else you can really tire out or strain your arm. Your wrist should be angled slightly left and flick or swipe upwards with your index finger to FTF. Also adding a touch of oil from your face or vegetable, olive, or other types of oil (make sure it doesn't damage your phone) to slightly lubricate the area where the reel is can greatly improve FTF performance. It's much easier to FTF with a little less friction, but just a little so your fingers aren't dancing all over the screen!
You can hold the device with your left hand (all fingers except index). Three fingers at the top, thumb at the bottom for support and index finger used for countering blue status, or swiping the moment the skill bar (green) fills up. Lastly your right hand should be prepped as if its ready to pounce on your prey. Keep it slightly above your device in the air with right index finger extended and all other fingers curled in except your thumb. Extending them outward works too to stretch them out or whatever you're okay with.
Find a position to FTF that's comfortable for you, and make sure it doesn't hurt your posture!
Then its reeling time! Quickly swipe your right index finger from 6 ~ 12 o' clock. Sometimes you can go from 5 ~ 1 o'clock or beyond, but the main swipe is from 6 ~ 12 o' clock using extremely rapid movement of your right index finger upwards then easing off near the 12 ~ 1 o' clock mark on the left side of the reel. Maybe even curving it to the circular reel slightly for optimal reeling potential that fills the skill bar like lightning!
For catching giant barbs or any difficult fish cast right away at 0% power so your line goes out to about 10~19m. Below 19m it's less likely for a fish to go into berserk blue status. Hopefully you hit a low rank because anything higher without the right equipment may break the line instantly before you even begin to reel. To catch an higher rank you need a decent FTF rod like Vermillion Bird, Double Lighting, Twilight, or any star fishing rod above Hurricane Storm. You can use gold fishing rods too such as Black Tortoise, but its FTF capabilities are a lot less forgiving than star rods.
If you're looking for a better chance to catch bigger or rarer fish it's better to aim for ripples and get a perfect hit (as soon as the fish starts biting hit cast). This will take it down to 80% stamina and you'll have a big advantage. Then use the reeling method above and reel as fast as you can as if your life depended on it making sure you carefully handle when the fish goes into blue status.
How to Counter Blue (Berserk) Status:

Upgrading and combining your rod to gain higher Critical Hit, Serenity, No Dive, and other special abilities especially Critical will help greatly in catching a big and strong fish. If you reel in fast enough with FTF the fish will won't even have a chance to fight back, and with big critical hits and special abilities there's a chance you'll be able to catch any fish with 10-40%+ stamina remaining!
Most useful to least useful special abilities! (imo)
Critical Hit = Higher critical means you'll inflict even higher big hit damage to fish.
Skill Gauge = Skill gauge is filled up faster to burst down the fishes stamina.
*If you time your skill right and use it as soon as the fish goes into berserk (blue) status it will inflict 200% damage!
Serenity = Reduce the chance fish will go into berserk (blue) status. Makes FTF a lot easier!
No Dive = Fish will go underwater (purple status) less frequently. Less worrying about the fish restoring HP or interrupting your FTF rhythm to hold the rod!
Elasticity = Increases the amount of tension your rod can handle. Your tension will rise slower so you won't go into red hook status as quickly allowing you to fight longer battles and catch bigger/stronger fish!
*Abilities such as braking, consecutive hits, holding damage, etc. are more unique special abilities obtained from catching ancient boss fish (and placing them in your tank) or purchasing/combining costumes that make catching powerful fish a lot easier as well.
For Purple status personally I just keep reeling because it's too troublesome to break your FTF rhythm, but it does weaken your line if you choose to do this. The most important thing IMO is to keep the FTF rhythm going even if your arm is extremely tired and about to fall off.
Another very important tip is carefully managing your skill. At the beginning of a fish bite of a strong fish your reel will usually be golden which means that the fish is resisting strongly and you have to reel fast, but carefully as the tension in your line will rise a lot faster than usual. Once you get the fish below 40% stamina your reel will return to its regular state and the fish will be weakened. The timing of when you choose to launch your skill is crucial. If the fish goes into blue status below 15m more than likely it will go into an unstoppable rage and snap your line after zooming across the screen left & right. Usually if the fish is weakened enough it's better to hold your skill for the slight chance it may go into its furious blue state below 15m and you'll have your skill ready to show it who's boss.
Never give up and reel as fast as you possibly can when its below 15m as that's when the real battle begins and your decisions will directly impact whether or not you're going to catch that fish and/or obtain an egg if you're lucky.
Also remember to equip a Master Bait when fishing in friends tanks for a big stat boost and luck (which affects egg droprate too).
*There's also a method of FTF using both hands and index fingers! You can reel in fish much more efficiently, but you need good
co-ordination and it may take a while to get used to. Here's some helpful videos below to demonstrate the FTF technique.

*You can FTF on the right side while the reel is golden, but some say its faster to reel on the left side after the reel returns to normal, but it might be difficult to switch from right to left and may not make a big difference.
Hope this guide helped & good luck mastering the FTF technique!